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October 27, 2022

Horizontal Sound of Alarm: Undemocratic Portrayal

of Women in Defensive, Cybersecurity, and Human Society

Professor Joseph O. Esin

Department of Computer Science/Cybersecurity

University of Calabar, Nigeria



Despite the challenges against women in cybersecurity professions, women are ready,

willing, and able to work independently and professionally with prime limited supervision to

complete assigned duties exactly as their male counterparts. Women face imminent challenges

when it comes to cyber-education to prepare and inspire the new generation to master cyber-

education. They are sidelined and undercut when it comes to personal and professional rewards

reducing them to undersold communities. However, today when most work areas are virtual,

women have a greater chance of proving their worth working form the comfort of the home and

with their fingers on computers. The panacea to this discrepancy resides in corporate

collaboration through the cyber-education of the beset segment of the society to defend and

protect vulnerable citizens against cyber-threats and cyber-attacks.


The world community cannot effectively defend and protect vast defenseless citizens

while still glued to deep disproportionate approaches against women, who are the vital

contributing members of industrial global team. Cybersecurity professionals are strongly urged

to form an amalgamated front to include women in all facets of cyber-education, intellectual

stimulation, and professional opportunity. The foundation of the existing undemocratic,

unbalanced, lopsided approach, and unequal treatment of women is a narrow-minded

discrimination based on the gender penchant on male chauvinism. Fortunately, this male

chauvinism is often compromised by the plethora of women who have become trailblazers in

cyber-technology, scientific education, and inventions. The dynamic efforts, growth, and

advancement of women reflect the existence of an inexhaustible repository of untapped resources

that could inevitably provide and complement the diminishing supplies of cyber experts. These

women are ready and willing to confront massive numbers of cyber-criminals and cybercrime

perpetrators with manipulative mindset who are poised to and fight hard to inflict pains on

vulnerable innocent citizens.


Sirimavo Bandaranaike - Sri Lanka

Indira Gandhi - India

Golda Meir - Israel

Margaret Thatcher - United Kingdom

Vigdís Finnbogadóttir - Iceland

Angela Merkel - Germany

Ellen Johnson Sirleaf – Liberia

Mette Frederiksen - Denmark

Professor Florence B. Obi

First Female Vice-Chancellor, Unical - Nigeria


Nigeria is a highly registered, densely inhabited nation in African continent. However, the

country is cultured and divided across various human dimensions, exceedingly engrained with

gender inequality which places Nigerian women in a vastly outmoded and societal disadvantage.

Nigeria’s paternalistic disposition, like in most African countries, engenders the prevalence of

inequality in almost all segments of society. Indeed, the gender bias against women or prism of

gender inequality and discrimination spreads across social-cultural and traditional practices

against women in favor of their male counterparts. The well-noted gender-centric and

uncompromising approach to the role of women in all facades of life often encourages

subjugating, stereotyping, designating, delegating women to secondary or subservient roles,

especially in politics and public life. Women are particularly marginalized and sometimes

excluded from running and qualifying for the office of the state governors and presidents of the

nations. However, experience Has revealed that Nigerian women, like women in other nations in

the world, if given the opportunity and the necessary political support, can be better state

governors and head of states than their male counterparts.


It should be noted that Nigerian women are highly educated, highly talented, very decent,

brilliant, dedicated and committed. However, they have not been able to enjoy some of the

privileges that women in other industrial nations such as Sri Lanka, India, Israel, United

Kingdom, Iceland, Germany, Liberia, and Denmark have had. They have never been considered

and allowed to contest as candidates in any party platform for the national president in Nigeria.

We, as a nation of law and dignity, continue to fawn on and to sound an alarm against women

intellectuals. Instead, we insist on dropping egocentric and valiant male chauvinistic approach to

politics that, I am sure, is demoralizing the nation, leading from one failure to another, one

military coup to another. Our current leadership are inspiring zero alternative, and zero

sustainable point of reference for the current and future generation. Today, circumstances are

changing drastically and methodically, and women are making stable innovative advancement

and strides toward national and global economy, defense, cyber-breach, cyber-attack, digital

forensic investigation, and cybersecurity profession. Indeed, women today continue to contribute

a very significant role to societal development originating from family responsibilities in the

home to the world economy compared to women of ancient times (Esin, 2013). Unfortunately,

men have always downplay such roles and quantified some as mere marital responsibilities

gender roles.

Synopsis of Cybersecurity Profession

The life-wire of cybersecurity operation is undergirded by the ability to defend and

protect private and public organizations, higher education’s asserts, vital data, and intellectual

property against cyber-attacks, cyber-breach, hacking and cracking. Males are naturally elevated

as sturdy shelters and fore fronters in the battle against cyber-attacks and cybercrime while

women are inevitably and unnecessarily considered as incompetent, unqualified, lacking tenacity

and skill sets to become contributing members in the battle of cyber-threat, and cyber-attacks. 

An undemocratic attempt to overlook the unbalanced representation and the reluctance to also

elevate women to the forefront will continue to signal a lopsided approach to the cybersecurity

profession. It is about time we eradicated the existing disproportionate approach against

straightforward partnership with women in order to create an enduring and acceptable

professional alliance. As Shumba (2013), and Esin (2021) noted, the culture of professional skill

and knowledge transformation is imperative and must contain skilled transition that requires the

combined expertise and talents of men and women equally yoked on the pilgrimage to set the

global community free from cyber-attacks and cyber-crime. According to Elan (2012), diversity

engrained with collaborative urbanity is one of the valuable recipes to disengage from

undemocratic representation that I am sure is wrenching nation against nations, and Nigeria is no

exemption. The tenacious, and uncompromising male penchant of our community view women

as a beset segment of the community without credibly, and accurate measures to defend and

protect vulnerable global citizens. As Esin (2019) signaled, to dispel the existing undemocratic,

and disproportionate culture toward women, private and public organizations are urged to create

a repository of men and women in the digital marketplace to inspire equal opportunity. Women

are a necessary and ineluctable variable in multigenerational and multicultural, intra community

approach and an integral part of veritable diversity policy and commitment to maintain a

balanced approach to a thoroughgoing battle against inequality.

Without hesitation, Elan (2012) and Dallaway (2013) noted that the zenith and looming

challenges against women originated from deprived equal treatment and the bankruptcy of

failure to embrace and inspire women to understand the challenges and acquire cybersecurity

skills and proficiency. Such a comprehensive approach that includes women will liberate and

free the world community from anytime, everywhere, and any minute cyber-attack, and cyber-

crime on the vulnerable citizens .


The world community cannot effectively defend and protect vast defenseless citizens

such as women amid a deeply unbalanced and lopsided assault against women, a segment of the

community who are willing and ready to become an integral part of the solution against

cybercrimes. Per Chabrow (2011), cybersecurity professionals are strongly urged to rope in

women in all facets of cyber-education, intellectual stimulation, and professional opportunities.

The foundation of undemocratic precept, and unequal treatment of women is a narrow-minded

and discriminatory mentality which is directly related to the gender penchant for male

chauvinism and the traditional notion of the superiority of the male gender in science and



The global community is a comfort zone for a variety of professions, skills, and expertise;

therefore, women are eligible for equal professional opportunities regardless of gender, national

origin, religion, and ethnic affiliations.  According to Poster (2012), the undemocratic and

unstable approach often inspires the credence that males are superior, and women are naturally

second-rate citizens.  In the past, women and black in the United States were classified as

minorities, treated as second-class citizens, and not given the right to vote. However, the 1920

passage of the Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution provided all citizens in

the United States the right to vote regardless of their gender (Weiss, 2016 & Wirth 1945).

​Women as Protagonists in Human Society Per Wirth (1945) and Shumba (2013), women are active

members of the past and modern community who, because of physical and cultural restrictions,

are singled out, challenged with differential and unequal treatment, and faced with professional

pre-judgement of inability to function as contributive members of human society.


The terminology “woman” often denotes subordinate groups or lesser beings with very little and

no legislative authority to function compared to the dominant team who claim to have been born

with natural and judicial authorization to operate in any functional human capacity. This image

goes as far back as to the creation story when myth has it that the man was created first and the

woman later to be a helpmate to man. The Genesis story in the Bible, which also includes the origin

of sin which came through woman, has influenced a lot of literate and religious practitioners who

believe that this myth automatically placed woman in a secondary of subsidiary position to man. In

further in the New Testament, Paul was to instruct women to submit themselves to their husbands

(Ephesians 5:22-23) thereby encouraging this lopsided approach to equality, especially when we

consider the influence of the Bible on the lives of church-goers all of the world.

As Wirth (1945) and Poster (2012) noted, in the pre-history periods, elderly citizens were

marginalized due to their diminishing physical status. During apartheid in South Africa, a

majority of black inhabitants were exploited and oppressed by the white community who

considered mental orientation and classified black citizens as almost nonexistence, and where

they existed; they were considered to be imbued with a shortage of natural and mental ability to

function as normal human beings. Blacks, according to the apartheid South African regime, had

no intellectual capability and authority to govern the nation, and no skills to understand the

difference between the cold boot and warm boot of the functional personal computer.

Fortunately, this projection of blacks and women in South Africa and all over the world has

changed. Professor Esin in his studies, captures this revolutionary picture of modern-day South

Africa vividly:


Today, citizens of South Africa, men, are capable of governing their nation, and women are active

members of South African’s stable innovative delegates of defense, cyber-breach, cyber-attack, digital

forensic investigators, contributing to larger defensive operations and the world economy compared to

ancient times.” (Esin, 2013).


Men and women in South African are equally engage in the war against cyber security and in the

fight against cybercrimes. Cybersecurity is a globally recognized and highly esteemed defensive

undertaking ringing at the door of every nation in the world. Any attempts to preclude women

from gaining a foothold into the cybersecurity profession is synonymous to scampering against

personal and professional efforts to defend and protect the vulnerable global communities against

the alarming rate of cyber-attacks and cyber-crime.  Nowadays, men are operating on a fixed

hero mentality supporting and encouraging the undemocratic approach against women and,

subsequently, suppressing women’s determined efforts to reach upper echelons in cybersecurity

careers. As LeClair and Keeley (2015) and Shumba (2013) assert, the approach to mitigate and

eradicate the looming, unstable, and undemocratic engagement of all citizens in cyber-education

education must include transparency and unguarded line of communication involving and

encompassing cyber-education for all citizens-women and men.

The absence of managerial and judicial authority and control for women is a predominant

characteristic of a marginal status which is distinguished by classifications of groups faced with

undemocratic status, and unequal treatment based on physical and cultural traits. However,

women relegation is the vilest undemocratic tactic related to the detrimental image of global

citizens of the free world. Today, circumstances have changed drastically and methodically to

the extent where women are now making stable innovative advancement toward national

defense, cyber-breach, cyber-attack, digital forensic investigation and cybersecurity profession,

and contributing to and playing a bigger role in the world economy compared to ancient times.

Cybersecurity skills are broadly required in a violent digital technology era to forestall

and battle the mounting cyber-attacks, cybercrimes, cyber-forensics, cyberterrorism,

cyberextortion, cybertheft, and cyber-fraud that is whizzing almost all segments of the global

community. During the unprecedented situation of the COVID-19 pandemic, the international

communities encountered an unparalleled increase in the usage of internet through teleworking,

online shopping, zoom instruction, virtual learning, conferences, healthcare services for public

and private organizations, and individuals to the mercy of cyber criminals. The demand for

cyber-technology and skilled from male and female has been on the rise and escorted by

sprouting shortage of skilled and competing with diverse professionals to combat the

immeasurable global technology risks and challenges.


The gender disparity in cybersecurity profession postulates uncompromising cyber-

threats, which are demanding urgent and instantaneous defensive and protective operative

measures. The unsettled debate is that individuals, private and public organizations in Nigeria

and all other nations share the same internet, and information superhighway. Hence,

collaborative partnership will go a long way to mitigate gender disparity by providing gender

equity in cyber-technology education. This education will heighten equal career opportunities for

all citizens and should surely contribute to the global socioeconomic and professional

empowerment of both men and women.


The foundation of the undemocratic, unbalanced, lopsided, and disproportionate, unequal

treatment of women is a narrow-minded discrimination encourage and propagated by the gender

penchant for male chauvinism. Auspiciously, the soon-to-end male chauvinism is compromised

by the plethora of women who have been trailblazers in cyber-technology, science education,

and scientific inventions. But, for how long can the world community operate on a female

vacuum on matters related to disparity? Elan (2012), Dallaway (2013), and Esin (2019) posited

that in the midst of decades of lack of decorum on disparity, the records of present-day women

reflect the existence of an inexhaustible repository of untapped resources that can inevitably

provide and balance the diminishing sources of cyber experts. These women are ready and

willing to battle cyber-criminals and bring the perpetrators to justice in our functional civilized

society just like their male counterparts.


Overview of Cybersecurity Profession

From 2016 through 2019, cybersecurity unemployment rate has dropped to zero-percent; however,

the global benchmark relative to talented cybersecurity experts is not close to curb the growing

epidemic of cyber-attack, cyber-breach, and cybercrime. As such, comprehensive, mitigating

measures must be implemented to curb the existing disproportionate assault against women in

order to sustain the global economy (Esin, 2018).


Diversification in cybersecurity professions is a collective and an innovative means to

counteract spiteful attacks against vulnerable innocent communities. According to the National

Center of Women Information Technology (NCWIT), cybersecurity careers lack professional

participation and contribution from women. As a result the profession is pummeling for not

allowing the integration of women into the system. The 2018 (ISC) 2  Cyber security registered a

significant increase of 11% of women in the cybersecurity profession (LeClair and Keeley

(2015), & Esin, 2019).

The proliferation of a workplace with personnel from all walks of life by itself does not

represent equality or diversity. In fact, diversity entails the fostering of the spirit of acceptance,

homogeneity, standardization, and integration which comes with complete assimilation where

workers do not see and feel any difference in the working environment and this includes

proportionate pay rates, benefits, responsibilities, and equivalent cybersecurity training

opportunities. Hu (2014), Ngwang (2019), and Esin, (2020), further noted that, the

demographics in cybersecurity workforce reflects the imbalance found in most organizations and

efforts to mitigate this pronounced imbalance must focus on increased involvement of women in

cybersecurity operative processes. To advance all components of a balanced and democratic

mechanism for the current and new generations, there must be a deliberate increase in projected

initiatives to transform the open-ended unbalanced gender and ethnic representation in

cybersecurity profession to one that is gender neutral and gender comprehensive. Per Wirth

(1945) and Shumba (2013), Elan (2012) and Dallaway (2013), women are active and

contributive members of human society but due to differentiation in physical and cultural

characteristics, these women are often singled out and challenged with differential, unequal,

undemocratic treatment. As a result, women face professional pre-judgements about their

inability to function as contributive members of the society. The age-old lexicon often denotes

women as subordinate groups of lesser beings with very little or no legislative authority to

function in mentally challenging positions such as in the field of sciences compared to the male

dominant team.


Lesson Learned

Women are equally productive and stable in large proportions in high-technology, cybersecurity,

cyber-crime, and cyber-attack professions exactly as male counterparts. Unlike in the past

decades, the Millennium has inspired remarkable innovative advancement in women’s

endeavors, placing them now on the threshold of closing the gap against gender isolation and

declining percentage of women on the work force. Today, in the 21st Century, women are

ascending and matching the success ladders, and are no longer sidelined for the ostensible reason

of being labelled the weaker gender.

Women’s talents are often diluted, prohibited, and dominated by emerging distinction of

male dominating approach to cyber-jobs.  There are no longer distinct assertions associated

with the decreasing role of women in high profile jobs, cyber-security, and education. Men

and women of today’s new world must eschew and history of the past to grow with change.

Some countries such as Sri Lanka, India, Israel, United Kingdom, Iceland, Germany, Liberia,

and Denmark, and the United States of America, excluding Nigeria, have set the pace by

allowing women to contest as candidates in any party platform in regional and national elections.

Some of the women were elected as national presidents. Nowadays, women are making great

strides and competing with their male counterparts in winning elections and gaining seats as

congressional representatives, senators, national presidents, university presidents, and university

professors, academic administrators and, educators in the mist of existing undemocratic hurdles.

Women are equally productive and stable in large proportions, and in all areas related to high-

technology, cyber-attack, and cyber-crime, exactly as their male counterparts, but the

advancement is asymmetrical and thriving at a slow pace. Unlike in the past decades, the

Millennium brought remarkable innovative advancement in women’s willpower, and put women

on the verge to close the gap against gender isolation and declining percentage and

representation of women in cybersecurity professions.



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Future Pathway: Overcoming the Sustained
Challenges in Digital Forensic Investigation Process.


Joseph O. Esin
Department of Computer Science, University of Calabar, Nigeria
Lead Professor of Computer Information Systems/Cybersecurity
Jarvis Christian College, Hawkins, Texas USA

Forensic investigation is an organic profession whose success depends
heavily on a continuous, vibrant, and deliberate effort to design new gadgets,
devices, and techniques of investigation. Criminals and law breakers are ready and
determined to circumvent the existing technologies in order to stay ahead of
detection and arrest in their self-generated craft. As a result, the proliferation and
use of electronic devices, encryption machines, protective tools, stationary and
mobile devices, and internet technologies is expanding at alarming rates. Today,
mobile devices, computers, and internet technologies are the nucleus of
communications, economic potentials, and continued human existence.
However, these devices are dynamic sources of grave concern against criminal
activities and cyber criminals who are out to disrupt, access, steal data and
information, and engage in unlawful activities that undermine personal, national,
and global security. Inter alia, the operative and active use of electronic devices
by digital forensic investigators is playing an important role in the prosecution of
criminals and the blocking of unauthorized access to data and information stored on
secured digital storage systems.


The use of computers, mobile devices, email logs, and internet technologies
in forensics investigations is a self-motivated measure set forth to recover the
much-needed digital records from immobile and mobile devices within
organizations to produce irrefutable, convincing, and up-front evidence to the
public and in court. Naturally, when a regular crime occurs, digital forensic
investigators and law enforcement officers are invited to conduct, examine,
analyze, and produce comprehensive and conclusive evidence gathered on the
crime scene for presentation in court. Despite the attempts by forensic investigators
to dissect and present reliable evidence to the public and the court, law offenders,
code-named criminals, are urbane and equipped with available diplomacies to
circumvent new activities to evade being detected and/or arrested and detained.
Framework of Digital Forensic Investigation

Forensic investigators’ approach to gathering evidence on the crime scene,
arresting, and prosecuting criminals is not a panacea to digital crimes. Indeed, the
digital domain provides an opportunity, a haven, for killers, pornographers, and sex
officers to roam the streets and terrorize citizens of the peaceful community. The
zenith of forensic investigation is to recover data stored in victims’ and the
criminals’ wired and wireless systems, and email log activities which are
considered as integral parts of crime evidence in the court of law. As Shaaban
and Sapronov (2016) and Casey (2011) hinted, digital forensic investigation is an
enduring long-term investment and an unwavering measure to cripple criminals’
motives and intents to threaten the vulnerable innocent human community. These
investigators create innovative and projected measures to battle and eradicate
computer intruders and sex offenders’ intent to petrify innocent adults and
children. To overcome the impending challenges, the same combating procedures
must be stretched to apprehend, forestall crackers, and hackers who attempt to


break into organizations’ web sites, launch DDoS attacks, secure access and
engage in cyber-stalking, cyberbullying, and child pornography schemes. As
Shaaban and Sapronov (2016) noted, forensic investigators often overlook the
standard evaluation criteria to identify security-related lapses on the crime scene
while searching for perpetrators, suspicious witnesses, and human intruders. The
society is highly in need of inclusive channels to champion the production and
collection of reliable, balanced, and dispassionate, decisive evidence to disengage
and discourage aggressive criminals, victims, witnesses, and attorneys from
lighthearted and off-balance dialogue in court.

By design, criminals do not want to be caught and exposed to the public, but
are willing to spend twenty-four hours, seven days per week on computers, wired
and wireless devices, and the internet to camouflage all-inclusive outlawed motives
and intents. Per Ashish (2015), criminals claim to understand the law, knows right
and wrong, and are inclined to make a quick reference to the violation of their
Fourth Amendment rights to distract forensic investigators from performing their
duties as they search for evidence. Modern forensic investigators face sustained
challenges in the areas of unlimited access to wired and wireless communication
devices and internet technologies by criminals, culprits, sex offenders, child
pornographers, and disgruntled personnel. Unfortunately, these challenges are
growing exponentially leading to the snarled and unceasing threat to the security of
vulnerable innocent citizens across the globe. Criminals are cultured and stylish in
their ability to remotely destroy evidence on computers, wired and wireless
devices, secured network systems, and the acceleration of uncompromising modus
operandi to outperform forensic investigators and law enforcement officers
(Hayes, 2015; Shaaban & Sapronov, 2016).
Measures to Mitigation Challenges to Digital Forensic Investigation


Amid multiple and sophisticated challenges from the underworld of cyber
criminals, modern forensic investigators are actively using wireless electronic
devices to identify fraudulent activities and enforce compliance in the crime scene.
Unfortunately, these investigators continue to encounter almost insurmountable
handicaps among which are lapses in strategic planning and compliance measures
to monitor and protect digitally secured storage centers. These arrays of measures
to mitigate crime are undercut by the lack of stratagems of enforcement of
compliance against criminals who engage in an art of destabilization of innocent

To overcome the far-reaching challenges, modern forensic investigators
must step out of the narrow scope of operation and work diligently to decrease
mistakes and increase consistency and accuracy across the entire investigation
process. All-embracing attempts are a precondition to retain, store, and preserve
digital log files and records collected from the crime scene in a digitally encrypted
system, PDF, and on read-only media format (Hayes, 2015; Ashish, 2015; &
Casey, 2018).

Per Ayers, Brothers & Jansen (2014), a balanced approach to overcoming
sustained challenges must include unbiased examination of records and the
adoption of equitable techniques to identify and extract data from the crime scene.
The slant also calls for a dispassionate approach to analyzing and using preceding
records and resources to produce nonpartizan evidence in the court. Traditional
forensic investigation of yesteryears was engrained with deficiencies, and non-
functional method of operation. According to Hayes (2015) and Ashish (2015),
the culture of modern forensic investigation will not escape similar challenges
without a comprehensive, independent, and unprejudiced process relative to
compiling, producing, reporting, and presenting reliable evidence in court.


To abate the disturbing rate of challenges in forensic investigation, restore
trust and confidence in the society and in the court system, the future pathway must
involve the eradication of redundant indecorum and the sloppy method of
operation on the crime scene. The old-fashioned traditional or lay process must be
abolished in favor of the new methods and Best Practices that will redirect the
production of conclusive document pregnant with transparency and authenticity.
Forensic investigation is an organic profession; hence, its success depends squarely
on unremitting, vibrant, well-adjusted, and unbiased effort to design new methods
and techniques of operation. However, it is always in the interest of criminals to
persistently try to overpower and outsmart investigators by circumventing the
investigative system in order to stay ahead of being detected, captured, and brought
to justice.

As Ayers, Brothers & Jansen (2014), hinted the world of criminal
investigation must engage in a deliberate attempt to stay relevant and abreast
with the technicalities and logistics of communications devices. According to
these researchers, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST),

smartphone, Nokia, Huawei, and Apple, the standard communication devices
today, must constantly be monitored and upgraded with modern technological
developments at a faster rate to withstand the challenges and rigors of digital
forensic investigations. These operations must be a step ahead of criminal
operations and be able to use the entrenched development to detect and apprehend
digital criminals. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
operative must concentrate its energy on its ability to gather reliable and
dependable manual and digital records from wired and mobile devices in all major
operations (Zoltanszabodfw, 2018).


Similarly, the NIST often uses mobile devices to provide a forum to gather
and compile data and information during forensic investigation. The system
strongly requires enduring professional and rigorous training for forensic
investigators to enhance effective operation that will produce authentic, reliable,
and acceptable conclusive evidence in court. Until recently, mobile devices, email
logs and files, and the internet were isolated objects and domains in all facets of
forensic investigation. Such a myopic approach often ignored digital evidence
often stored in the hard disk, flash drive, emails, and related locations and
resources. The modern-day forensic investigators must come up with proactive
methods for acquiring adequate knowledge, skills, and understanding of how to use
most operating systems (OS), network operating systems (NOS), Linus, Unix,
Apple OS, vertical and application software, and more (Hayes, 2015; Shaaban &
Sapronov, 2016).The thriving future pathway for forensic investigators is to
acquire knowledge and expertise, and to stay abreast with the evolutions in
network protocols including transport control protocol (TCP) and internet protocol
(IP). Furthermore, they should be experts in adopting these tools in order to
identify file server logs and monitor incoming and outgoing traffic on wired and
wireless secured networks systems to detect and deduce victims and criminal

According to Zoltanszabodfw (2018) and Shaaban and Sapronov (2016),
the norms of modern forensic investigations call for the acknowledgement and
adoption of these three phases of challenges: the combative, preemptive, and
proactive. The Combative phase involves previously committed crimes such as
murder, robbery, and burglary. This phase includes collecting evidence, locating,
and interviewing witnesses, and identifying and arresting the suspected. The
Preemptive phase is a response to projected criminal activity, pilfering,
misappropriation, corruption, and forestalling and apprehending agents of


organized criminal activities, and the Proactive phase is a persistent phase which
calls for the investigators willingness to endure environmental pressure, being
observant, and monitoring would-be suspects’ attempt to escape from the crime
scene, paying attention to descriptions of offenders, color of the vehicles and
license plates of criminals attempting to escape from the crime scene, and notifying
the dispatcher for a backup unit to assist the crime scene.   

Forensic Investigation Professional Training

As indicated by Shaaban and Sapronov (2016) and Ayers, Brothers and
Jansen (2014), most organizations are forced to cut cost and reorganize the
workforce due to unforeseen financial and economic situations that necessitate the
implementation of the furlough policies. In the interim, most employees who have
been with organizations for a decade are unlikely and unwilling to accept such
reorganization policies even in the face of abrupt emergencies such as the COVID-
19 pandemic. As it is often expressed, capable disgruntled personnel who are
negatively affected by layoff and furlough policies, especially those who were first
in line to pledge loyalty to the organization, often switch their loyalty and nourish
negative intents and motives of revenge. The evidence of negative motives and
intent are discerned in data breach and exposing the organization to danger. The
projected imminent challenges ahead of forensic investigators reside in the areas of
cloud technology, metadata, anti-forensics, encryption, social networking, Internet
of things, and wired and wireless network systems that must not be overlooked
and/or underrated.

Disgruntled Personnel Parochial Culture.
Per Pazzaglia, Flynn, and Sonpar (2012), the amicable approach to mitigate
disgruntled personnel’s assault and incursion tactics must include the


understanding, acceptance, and recognition of the two fundamental facts
adumbrated by two schools of thought. The first school of thought hinted that
“active personnel are the nucleus and life wire of a functional organization; hence,
it is a sad miscalculation, an unfortunate option to misjudge and ignore
personnel’s frame of mind.” The second school of thought whose emphasis is on
the mindset of the distrust, bred by a negative and toxic working atmosphere, urge
“chief executive officers, administrators, managers, and supervisors to refrain from
the culture of secrecy.” In response, to sponsor well-matched future pathways for
forensic investigators, organizations are admonished to be willing and ready to get
rid of the culture of extreme secrecy and lack of transparency. Organizations
should be open to the culture of embracing mission-driven judgment calls to
prevent mid-level managers and supervisors’ engagement in the process.
Electronic crimes using digital domains are increasing, while criminals using
computers, mobile devices, and internet technologies are creating enormous, and
unlimited challenges to circumvent and undercut detection. This is all at the
expense of unbiased attempts by forensic investigations, law enforcement officers
to keep organizations and community criminals off-the street.

Digital devices, including desktop and laptop computers, mobile phones,
tablets, gaming consoles, and smart phones, are indispensable cultural gadgets of
the modern society. The proliferation of these devices in everyday life is
entrenched with the tendency to amplify criminal activities such as fraud, drug
trafficking, homicide, hacking, forgery, pornography, and terrorism. The
propagation of criminals’ sustained use of electronic devices is almost a pandemic,
and the accelerating increase, and dexterity of usage are placing forensic
investigators, law enforcement officers, and citizens at a disadvantage. The modern
digital forensic operative is continuously faced with challenges, originating from


the lack of standardization, and scheduled enduring professional education for
career forensic investigators. The National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST) has established and published guidelines for digital forensics investigation
professional training and certification programs to keep up with rapidly evolving
technologies in an attempt to outstep criminals who spend sleepless nights to
engage in circumventing detection and involvement in organized, sophisticated
criminal activities.

Ashish. (2015). Carving out the Difference between Computer Forensics and
E-Discovery. Retrieved from

Ayers, R., Brothers. S., & Jansen, W. (2014). Guidelines on Mobile Device
Forensics. From

Casey, Eoghan. (2011) Digital Evidence and Computer Crime: Forensic Science,
Computers and The Internet. Elsevier Inc., Waltham: MA.

Hayes, Darren R. (2015). A Practical Guide to Computer
Forensics Investigations. Pearson, 800 East Street, Indianapolis: IN.

Shaaban, Ayman & Sapronov, Konstantin (2016). Practical Windows
Forensics. Packt Publishing Ltd, Birmingham: U.K.


Zoltanszabodfw. (2018). “Digital Forensics is not just HOW but WHY.”

July 8, 2022

Artificial Intelligence Telemedicine


Mythology of Telemedicine Operations


Joseph O. Esin

Professor of Computer Science/Cybersecurity

University of Calabar, Nigeria



Telemedicine is clever way of attending to the medical health of all sorts of

patients; especially, those in remote areas and in critical conditions that require

experts and specialists who are physically far removed from healthcare consumers.

This innovation in healthcare service method will definitely replace; if not

supplement, the low-esteem and unpopular means of delivering and exchanging

healthcare services, clinical assessment, and communication between physicians

and patients. Today, the emergence of the modern telemedicine operations has

triggered comprehensive opportunities alongside with variety of success and

numerous benefits for patient care, flexibility, reliable healthcare assessment,

treatments, and recovering outcomes. It has equally increased collaboration

between healthcare professionals and the patients, the global communities, and

slowly in most military operations. Telemedicine is not in full operation in most

military arena because some military commanders maintain that the incorporation

of telemedicine in military theater will directly interfere during bumping into direct

gunfire, and shrapnel-pierced casualties in firefights, and will circumvent the




activities of a military on-site physicians who are struggling to manage and care for

seriously wounded military personnel. On the contrary, current researchers such as

Timpel, and Harst, (2020), Ives, (2018), Esin, (2020), defended the situation by

affirming that due to the modern technological maneuvering, telemedicine services

are in no way capable of circumventing on-site military healthcare, activity-

physician; rather, such services will provide the much urgently needed experts and

specialists attention which are far removed from the war zone to provide the

needed critical service. So, these researchers call for collaboration for the interest

of our military service and the world community because telemedicine and

associated technologies have proven to be dependable and beneficial to medical

practitioners, patients, healthcare consumers, and the global community in multiple



Key Words: telemedicine, telesurgery, healthcare, e-health care, quarantine,

collaboration, circumvent, remote patient monitoring, COVID-19 pandemic,

remote patient monitoring.



Telemedicine is an advanced modern communication healthcare technology

designed to deliver health care services using technology across considerable

physical distance to patients. The up-to-date telehealth care interactive

technologies are engrained with a variety of advanced, computerized equipment,

allowing physicians, nurses, and allied healthcare professionals to provide complex

clinical services thousands of miles away from the physician’s clinic and hospital

locations of service (Totten, Womack, Dana, Eden, Eden, Griffin, Grousing, and

Hersh, 2016). Vast areas of medical services have been progressively connected

and challenged using innovative, complex technological devices to support various




healthcare delivery processes. Telemedicine approach has been enhanced by

reliable Internet-based medical sites to provide an enormous amount of

information about diseases, treatments, and pharmacy locations for patient to fill

and refill prescribed medications. Hailey, Roine, and Ohinmaa (2001) and Esin,

(2020) have all acknowledged and documented this fresh breakthrough in

telemedicine, using mobile technologies and e-health techniques which provides

medical services culminating in an invaluable line of resources that are accessible

by mobile computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones in the same life-saving


Telemedicine is an organized technological mechanism designed to bridge

the gap between the availability healthcare professionals and allied healthcare

professionals, and proximity to patients’ locations and financial constraint. Per

Breen & Matusitz (2010) and Hailey, Roine, & Ohinmaa (2001), modern

telemedicine technologies are equipped with smart alarms to communicate vital

information such as transpiring clinical emergency, medication refills, increasing

and decreasing dosages, discontinuing medications between physician, healthcare

professionals, local pharmacies, patients, patient relatives and caretakers.

Clinical Reward of Telemedicine

Hospital industries, patients, and human communities are fully rewarded

from the dynamic operative nature of telemedicine and remote patient monitoring

(RPM) systems. It is an acuity that RPM is playing a key role in the advancement

and improvement of the global community healthcare services. The present-day

expansion of telemedicine and associated technologies is culminating in reducing

the inclusive cost of hospital visits, healthcare professionals and patient expenses.

The reward that comes from telemedicine service to humanity is invaluable and

has encouraged and precipitated the promulgation of wide-ranging sophisticated




technologies designed to engage physicians, allied healthcare professionals,

patients, and hospitals systems in a massive life-saving process.

According to Esin (2019), the unexpected emergence of COVID-19

pandemic inflicted almost irreparable healthcare setups and establishments across

the global community, extending its tentacles and challenges to the vicissitudes in

transportation of patients and their safety, along with conveyance of physicians and

allied healthcare professionals to the hospitals and respective clinics. Today,

telemedicine activities are supporting and solving problems that were encountered

in the former medical delivery methods. Today, tele-medical processes have

gained popularity by highlighting the essential reward of RPM such as enduring

improvement decision-making regarding physicians and patients’ schedules and

office visits. Per Ives (2018), Jin, Kim, Miller, Behar & Correa (2020), and Timpel

& Harst, (2020), modern telemedicine is a practical foundation of medical

treatment engraved with multitude of devices. According to the assessment of

these researchers, telemedicine is a veritable, rewarding apparatus to diagnosis

terminal and life-threatening illnesses, playing a vital role in diagnoses, treatment,

and cure of most stages of HIV/AIDS, and other disease infections. Regardless of

the severity of the disease and magnitude of stigma, modern telemedicine is

helping to support, increase patient levels of communication with physicians and

allied healthcare professionals, and to decrease the risk of infection process

(Totten, Womack, Dana, Eden, Eden, Griffin, Grousing, & Hersh, 2016).

Hailey, Roine, & Ohinmaa (2001), Esin (2020), and Ohannessian & Duong

(2020), in their studies on the importance of telemedicine during the sudden

outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic that affected citizens of

approximately over 203 countries, asserted that the initial and timely response

strategy was facilitated by entrenched knowledge of patient diagnosis, isolation,




symptomatic monitoring of contacts with suspected and confirmed cases, and

public health quarantine. In the process telemedicine framework, mainly video

consultations, were promoted and scaled up to reduce the risk of transmission the

deadly COVID-19 through physical contact in many countries. The result of the

studies validated and confirmed an updated framework for telemedicine in the

COVID-19 pandemic highlighting the unquestionable relevance, dependability,

and services of the telemedicine structure during the world deadly pandemic;

therefore, the evidenced-based telemedicine should be applied at a large scale to

improve the national and global health predicament.

Framework to Value the Undervalued Clinical Process.

There is an ongoing outcry calling upon the healthcare industry, hospital

system, physicians, allied healthcare professionals, patients, and the affected and

none-affected communities to form a united front to appreciate the value of

telemedicine, and to acknowledge improved modern telemedicine technologies as

active operative medium for healthcare service delivery operations. The

undisputable value of and contribution of telemedicine to the healthcare services

lie in its proactive culture in all phases encircling healthcare delivery, and the

physicians’ and allied healthcare professionals’ life-saving clinical judgment based

on patient condition, consideration of patient treatment plan, and proximity to the

hospitals and treatment clinics which must also be documented and remain

standardized. (Totten, Womack, Dana, Eden, Eden, Griffin, Grousing, and Hersh,

2016 & Ives, 2018).

In one accord, the present-day studies on telemedicine by Hailey, Roine, &

Ohinmaa (2001), Timpel &Harst (2020), and Esin (2020), concluded that

telemedicine technologies provide healthcare providers and consumers condition-




specific and user-friendly options to manage life-threatening health conditions such

as post-surgical rehabilitation in various patient populations, single and multiple

chronic morbidities, maternal, and childcare malignant neoplasms. Their up-to-date

and comfortable devices help in improving the health condition, maximize

associated costs of patient in-person visits to hospitals and physician clinics. It is

my contention that the acceptance and recognition of the eminent value in

telemedicine will definitely help to avoid the inconvenient expenses of travelling,

babysitting expenses, car parking expenses, and the taking of time off work,

thereby constituting an added-value and major breakthrough in healthcare history.

Telemedicine is a dynamic, effective, and successful means of positively

delivering, and exchanging healthcare services, sharing clinical assessment data

with patients, and using highly sophisticated technologies to engage physicians,

allied healthcare professionals, patients, patients’ family members, and relatives in

aggressive life-saving process

Indeed, it has been established that telemedicine operative is a life-saving

healthcare service which differs from traditional medical practices because of its

modern digital equipment and technologies. Telemedicine operative is currently

used to expand healthcare services to patients by creating the fertile ground for the

growth and advancement of clinical services. Furthermore, this new operative

supports often provides changes from the expensive route to affordable and

accessible use of modern techniques to serve the deserving patient populations. To

make this great innovation more useful and serviceable to patience, our

practitioners should research and identify the culture of deficiencies, where

changes are required, and come up with best practice guidelines available to

patients, trajectories of care, greater degrees of built-in flexibility, and proximity to

patient residents.




As group of telemedicine researchers, Hailey, Roine, & Ohinmaa (2001),

Breen & Matusitz (2010), and Esin (2020) posited, most physicians and allied

healthcare professionals are challenged with conflicting priorities such as whether

to accept or reject this never method of medical services. Hence, telemedicine

operations must include patient-education orientation, self-management support,

exchange of data and information amongst each patient’s physician and with allied

healthcare health care providers. The process should also cuddle the transfer of

images and medical data, expedition of contacts with health professionals, and

uninterrupted support regarding the distance to patients with chronic diseases. Of

special significance, is the crucial needs of patients with type-2 diabetes,

hypertension, heart attacks and strokes where time and distance to medical help are

very essential. Telemedicine gives them opportunities to meet up the appointment

for regular annual check-ups with a primary care physician, dental visits, follow-up

appointments, especially when further healthcare treatment is often and almost

impossible with physically challenged and psycho-socially challenged individuals.

Patients who live in remote rural areas often encounter snags in attempt to locate

healthcare providers practicing in the same vicinities. It is inevitable that the

consumers are required to travel millions of miles overseas and long distances for

medical treatment, and follow-up services. And Telemedicine is a likely panacea

for these handicaps and challenges

Most patients are physically, mentally, and financially challenged with the

burden and ability to travel to physician clinics and healthcare facilities due to

limited mobility and restricted access to public transportation stations.

Telemedicine services is recognized as one of the most effective and efficient

opportunity to provide healthcare to individuals, families, and communities, who

would, otherwise have no access to healthcare providers on a regular basis




including psychiatry, radiology, dermatology, remote surgery known as

telesurgery. Telemedicine often presents a valuable, remarkable, flexibility,

unrestricted, modern mobile technological and operative corridor to provide

quality care for the needed population. Telemedicine services are increasingly

popular, flexible, and available, and the current trends indicating these services are

readily available to consumers over time. Advancements and progress in related

telemedicine technologies are urged to adapt the existing, efficient, and higher

quality care to civilian and military populations (Ives, 2018; Esin, 2020).


Challenges and Solutions on the use of Telemedicine in Military Arena

Telemedicine is not a functional operation in most military combat situations. Most

military commanders often decline telemedicine services in military arena to avoid

treating direct gunfire personnel, and shrapnel-pierced casualties. The idea has

been to avoid circumventing the activities of on-site physicians, while managing

and caring for serious military wounded personnel. On the contrary, Timpel and

Harst (2020), defended the situation by stating that technologically maneuvering,

telemedicine services are in no way capable of circumventing activities of on-site

military physicians and that the incorporation of telemedicine is a vital service in

military theater that should be strongly encouraged. As Ives (2018), Esin (2020),

and Timpel and Harst (2020) conceived, telemedicine and joined modern

technologies have proven to be dependable and beneficial to civilian and military

medical practitioners, patients, and healthcare consumers in multiple ways. These

innovations make available experts and specialists, who may be physically

removed from a wounded person or an emergency situation, to attend to the





Lesson Learned

The COVID-19 pandemic ranged each nation’s alarm doorbell. World

leaders were charged with the traditional responsibility of doing what could be

done to curb the devastating effects of the pandemic for their countries, that is, to

become effective, efficient, dependable, defensive, and offensive commanding

officers who place their priority on a substantive increase in the budgets for health

care. Then, the only unchallenged and all-inclusive concerns were the global

health-care security of vulnerable private citizens. The entire education enterprises

all over the world were shut down and the learning process obstructed and

modified virtual learning in countries where computers and the internet were

accessible. I must admit, physician and allied health-care professionals and other

frontline responders stood firm for the challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Equally, telemedicine is entrenched with the ability to cuddle the transfer of

images, medical data, and information progress with physicians and to provide

uninterrupted support regardless of the distance to patients with chronic diseases,

and to provide opportunities to meet up the appointment for regular annual check-

ups with primary care physicians, dental visits, and follow-up appointments, and

further healthcare treatment. Most appointments with physically challenged

patients had always almost been impossible; but today, appointments with

physically challenged and none-physically challenged patients are available

through telemedicine’s operations. Patients who live in remote rural areas often

encounter snags in attempt to locate healthcare providers practicing in the same

vicinities, and it is now predictable that telemedicine has closed the gap requiring

patients regardless of the physical condition to travel millions of miles for medical

treatment to obtain medical visits and treatment and follow-up services from home.





Breen, Gerald-Mark and Matusitz, Jonathan. (2010). “Evolutionary Examination of

Telemedicine: A Health and Computer-Mediated Communication

Perspective.” Journal of National Library of Medicine. Bethesda, MD.

Esin, Joseph O. (2020) “Impulsive Time Ahead of Healthcare Operation in Event

of the Next Global COVID-19 Pandemic.”


Hailey, David, Roine, Risto, and Ohinmaa Arto. (2001). “Systematic review of

evidence for the benefits of telemedicine.” Journal of National Library of

Medicine. Bethesda, MD.

Ives, Aysha. (2018). “The Benefits of Telehealth for the Modern Healthcare

Consumer.” Journal of National Library of Medicine. Bethesda, MD.

Jin, Micheal X., Sun, Young Kim, Miller, Lauren J., Behari, Gauri, and Correa,

Ricardo. (2020). “Telemedicine: Current Impact on the Future.” Journal of

National Library of Medicine. Bethesda, MD.

Ohannessian, Robin and Duong, Tu Anh. (2020). “Global Telemedicine

Implementation and Integration within Health Systems to Fight the COVID-




19 Pandemic: A Call to Action.” JMIR Public Health and Surveillance.

Paris: France.

Timpel, Patrick. And Harst, Lorenz. (2020). “Research Implications for Future

Telemedicine Studies and Innovations in Diabetes and Hypertension.”

Journal of National Library of Medicine. Bethesda, MD.

Totten, Annette M, Womack, Dana M., Eden, Karen, Eden B., Griffin, Jessica G.,

Grousing, and Hersh, William. R. (2016). “Telehealth: Mapping the

Evidence for Patient Outcomes from Systematic Reviews Internet.” Agency for

Healthcare Research Quality, Rockville: MD.

August 20, 2020


Impulsive Time Ahead of Healthcare Operation in Event

of the Next Global COVID-19 Pandemic

Dr. Joseph O. Esin
Visiting Professor of Research
University of Calabar, Nigeria
Professor, CIS/Cybersecurity
Jarvis Christian College, Hawkins, Texas USA

Time and again, aggressive, and venomous viruses such as 2020 COVID-19
pandemic emerge, killing millions, and pushing the world back several donkey years, and
yet the world community never enrolls and even comes close to graduating from any
institution in preparation to battle the past, present and future looming threats of
pandemic attacks. The 2020 COVID-19 pandemic is not a legend or myth; it is a deadly
pandemic and a ruinous virus with ability to changing lethargic components, mutate and
facilitate the transfer of deadly venom to all people from the youngest, middle-ages to the
elderly citizens speedily. In our generation, the riposte of September 11, 2001, twenty-
seven (27) days after terrorists crashed airliners into the Twin Towers, the Pentagon and a
field in Pennsylvania, President George W. Bush signed an executive order to establish
the Department of Homeland Security, on October 8, 2001 paving the way for the biggest
reorganization of the federal government since the years immediately after World War II
in 1944, when Congress established the Defense Department, the Central Intelligence
Agency (CIA) and the National Security Council (Bradbury-Jones & Isham, 2020). A
year later, the Department of Homeland Security was created, absorbing twenty-two (22)
agencies, organizations and becoming the third-largest federal bureaucracy in the United
Sates (Andreas, Kuckertz, Anja, Carlos, Reyes, Alicia, Elisabeth & Berger, 2020).
Across the government, national budgets were increased for counterterrorism operations.
Congress enacted laws granting powerful investigative authorities to law enforcement

Notably, the intelligent and security departments and most organizations that were
created did not foresee the advent of the Coronavirus of 2020 (COVID-19) pandemic
which has effected the most devasting attacks on humanity more than any other tragedies
the world have ever experienced. The stealthy advent of the 2020 COVID‐19 pandemic
presents a rinsing aura of virulent diseases that is presently ripping the global community
and spearheading the expansion of healthcare professionals’ hours of operations. These
healthcare professionals are constantly put at risk of attending to patients infected with
the deadly virus. This irritable, newly arrived pandemic is engrained with unintended,
negative consequences such as mental anguish, physical and psychological health risks,
isolation, and loneliness and closures of the educational systems.

Per Gibson, (2020) and Esin, (2020), in recent months, the global population have been
shut down due to the abrupt and unprecedented advent of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic,
resulting in an histrionic adjustment of individuals, public and private organizations’ schedules,
and modus operandi of all business and academic establishments and people-oriented businesses.
This unfortunate turn of events revealed central truths about the fragile balance between the
natural environment and citizens, scientists and the legislators, physicians, allied healthcare
professionals and patients, relative to the navigation of the landscape for strength and recovery. It
must be underscored that the unexpected arrival of the pandemic has immersed global operations
in a sea of confusion and unreadiness and have called for immediate active plans of action to
remedy the expected post-pandemic episodes. This call is in preparedness which finds is greatest
advocate in the fundamental upsurge in the state and national healthcare budget to eradicate
global healthcare and economic predicament.

The abrupt eruption of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic emerged as a colossal shockwave
to physicians, allied healthcare professionals, public and private organizations, and higher
education systems and exposed the fragility of the global community which has been thrown into
unexpected health and economy jeopardy (Esin, 2020 & Bradbury‐Jones, and Louise, 2020).


. Measurable Outcome of National Pandemic Healthcare Security
in Event of the Next Global COVID-19 Pandemic

President John F. Kennedy once admonished Americans and the world at large to “think of
what you can do for your country, not what your country can do for you” making it incumbent
and morally obligatory for humanity to be proactive in serving each other and always thinking
about what to do to make the work a better place to live and work in. Today, as the 2020
COVID-19 pandemic is drumming each nation’s doorbell, world leaders are charged with
aphoristic questions of what can you for your country? How can they become effective, and
efficient, dependable, defensive, and offensive commanding officers in the fight to this gigantic
challenge? The answer lies in the direction of empowering the health professionals by providing
them with substantive annual state and federal government increase in healthcare budgets and
establishment of active pandemic centers across the nation and each state capitals. I must admit,
during the current unexpected epidemic, entire healthcare professionals, code-named, “health-
provider front-line responders” were unquestionably struggling to defend, protect, and save lives
with limited medical and personal protective equipment (PPE) and supplies amid the abrupt
arrival and ongoing life-threatening crisis. ((Andreas, Kuckertz, Anja, Carlos, Reyes, Alicia,
Elisabeth & Berger, 2020); Naja and Hamadeh, 2020 & Esin, 2020).

The state and federal government’s priority is to upsurge healthcare budget, create active
National Pandemic Healthcare Security (NPHS), similar to the Office of Homeland Security,
absorbing fifty (50) pandemic centers across the nation, and to appoint skilled NPHS leaders to
oversee the operations. I am sure, such operations hold the key to restoring hope, assurance, and
safeguard for vulnerable innocent citizens in the event of the next pandemics. Notably, the

United States citizens and the world community knows the importance, prominence and
substance of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS); hence, the creation of the National
Pandemic Healthcare Security NPHS) unit will definitely restore the highest degree of hope,
confidence, promise, and assurance that adults, teenagers and children will all be protected in
the event of the next pandemic. Analogous to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the
National Pandemic Healthcare Security (NPHS) will restore hope, confidence and measures
allowing physicians, and allied healthcare professionals, often designated as healthcare
front‐line fighters, the opportunity to be equipped with healthcare armory, such as hospital
equipment and personal protective equipment (PPPE) supplies, and the likelihood to meet
patients’ needs regardless of ages, race, and nationality. The abrupt culture of the outbreak of
the pandemic provides clear evidence for substantive change in our thinking about our health and
life. It calls for a proactive approach to healthcare by increasing the annual and semi-annual
states and national healthcare budgets to support, protect and assist health professional’s ability
to provide effective services to individuals living with chronic illness and those in desperate
need of acute care.


During the 2020 COVID‐19 pandemic, physicians, nurses, and allied
healthcare professionals were at the forefront, willing and ready to respond to patients in critical
needs. Unfortunately, they continue to be handicapped in their response by the limited
fundamental resources and the shortage of supplies and personal protective equipment. They are
falling short of restoring hope to distressed relatives, family members and affected victims.
Once again, our eyes have seen the life-threatening unrestricted confrontation in the
domain of healthcare, beckoning on state, federal, counties, local government representatives,
private and public organizations to step forward and join the united front in providing support
and assistance, such as helpline, volunteers and pastoral care services alongside the healthcare

professionals. The provision of assistance must avoid deferments of defensive and offensive
measures against the renaissance of subsequent epidemics. It is adorable to see physicians and
allied healthcare professionals who, in spite of the equipment scarcity, are eternally organized,
prepared, agreeable and willing to support individuals, populaces and ceaselessly pressing
forward to serve the victims and families of this Coronavirus Pandemic. The lessons we should
take from the current healthcare challenge is to push for active and comprehensive healthcare
measures and procedures to be adequately trained and prepared in the event of the next COVID-

In our generation, the 2020 COVID-19 is my first encounter with a global pandemic.
Physicians and allied health professionals are overly concerned about their own lives. As the
document labeled “Fallen Coronavirus Heroes” by Michael C. Gibson, a professor at the Harvard
University School of Medicine on March 31, 2020, asserted, more than sixty (60) doctors who
provided care to Italian COVID-19 patients contracted the virus and died in the line of duty
(Gibson, 2020). In the wake of the Ebola epidemic, nations, state governors, and legislators
placed emphasis on public healthcare system. Furthermore, they showed limited or no interest in
expanding the national and state healthcare budgets, communication and trust in physicians and
allied healthcare professionals and working with the law of nature. Per Bradbury‐Jones, and
Louise (2020), approximately six years later after the Ebola eruption, the global community,
states and nations are still swimming in the pool of reluctance to provide adequate funding for
pandemic preparedness; and the delay in adopting preventive measures.  Failure to develop surge

capacity in healthcare systems, laboratories, and supply chain logistics; and reduced infectious
disease expertise is without doubt a major setback to the current and future generation in the
event of the next COVID-19 pandemic. Medical scientists and vaccine developers are primed

and progressing at gargantuan pace to produce COVID-19 serum and most candidates are
undergoing clinical testing in alarming velocity trying with challenging and unprecedented
energy to provide scientific cure of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. Today and tomorrow, the
country needs a well-thought-out and systematic plan with scheduled and completed period for
the delivery of healthcare equipment, supplies infrastructure and healthcare education to battle
against the next COVID-19 pandemic.

Preeminence of NPHS as Global Citizens’ Sturdy Shelter in the event of the next COVID-19 pandemic.
The National Pandemic Healthcare Security (NPHS) demographic factors required in the
formulation of global solutions in the event of the next COVID-19 must include, but not be
limited to this well-organized, methodical, and professional processes.

i. Professional healthcare education of the mind, body and soul for state and national
representatives, physicians, allied healthcare professionals, healthcare administrators
and the public to battle existing swiftly growing and future threat of the next
pandemic on vulnerable innocent citizens.

ii. National and state leaders, private and public organization executives, especially, in
most developing countries, to stop travelling to advanced nations for medical
treatment, while their countries are in distressed and desperate need of functional
healthcare equipment, supplies and adequate medicinal facilities for vulnerable
citizens in the event of the next COVID-19.

iii. All countries on earth are functional components of the global community, and amid
the sudden outbreak of 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, states and national borders are
closed, local and international flights are indefinitely suspended, entire educational
systems shutdown and global economy are on the brink of extinction due to lack of
understanding of the importance of effective healthcare plan.

iv. In the center of all global, national, and state restrictions, mandatory wearing of mask,
social distancing, healthcare facilities, hospitals, and clinics are opened twenty-four
hours and seven days a week. Physician and allied healthcare professionals are
habitually ready and willing to restore hope to distressed and affected patients.
Citizens of the global communities have total confidence in physicians and allied
healthcare professional in the event of the next COVID-19.

v. Twenty-seven (27) days after terrorists crashed airliners into the Twin Towers, the
Pentagon, and a field in Pennsylvania, the United Sates Congress approved a major
reorganization of the federal government, creating the Department of Homeland
Security to absorb twenty-two (22) agencies, with the largest increase in annual
national budgets to battle counterterrorism operations.

vi. The same spirit must be extended to the 2020 COVID-19 with a corresponding
creation of National Pandemic Healthcare Security (NPHS) a unit with a large budget
to assuage the financial hardships the current health and CDC departments are facing.

In concurrence with the creation of the Department of Homeland Security, this research on
impulsive time ahead of healthcare operation in event of the next global COVID-19 pandemic is
a direct demand for a fundamental escalation of healthcare budgets to enthrall the creation of the
office of National Pandemic Healthcare Security NPHS) enters in the fifty (50) continental
United States. The office of the NPHS with headquarters in the national capital and active
branches in every state will serve as a solution to this chaotic approach to the OVID-19 and
purge physician and allied healthcare professionals’ trepidation relative to resources, supplies
and equipment. It will further restore hope, good judgment of security and confidence on
vulnerable citizens, and provide vigilant measures in the event of the next COVID-19 pandemic.
Global Matching Algorithm in the event of the next COVID-19 pandemic.

The world citizens’ privacy, medical doctors, allied healthcare professionals, national
leaders, state governors, mayors and local government representatives emerged as the most,
effective, and efficient, dependable, defensive, and offensive commanding officers in the battle
against the shattering episode of world pandemic. This unexpected outbreak took control and
positioned entire global communities in challenging, unbalancing, and uncertain disorders. The
intriguing and astonishing alarm is how super-powers, middle-powers, lower-powers and zero-
powers; first-world, second-world, third-world, fourth-world and zero-world nations continue to
undyingly and undeniably remain humble, unassuming, and untiringly acknowledge the nature of
God’s creation (Ngwang, 2016 & Gibson, 2020 & Esin, 2020).

The 2020 COVID-19 pandemic is drumming the doorbells of the global communities. It
is operating on an exclusive agenda that cannot be changed, and re-scheduled in aberration of
world leaders’ commanding authority, and finally demanding total obedience and submission to
God’s pronouncement across the globe. Surprisingly, Leaders with nuclear weapons are
reluctant to allow physicians and allied healthcare professionals access to the podium, to study

the combinations, push the nuclear weapons buttons and bring down the most egotistical and
bigheaded 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. In submission to the bullish and overconfident culture of
2020 pandemic, entire global communities, including villages, cities, counties, local regions,
states and national organizations must assume equal responsibilities in the re-organization and
re-structuring of functional rehabilitation by approving matching budgets that are desperately
needed to combat this pandemic monster. It must begin first by the creation of the office of
National Pandemic Healthcare Security NPHS) with active pandemic centers in the fifty (50)
continental United States, with nation, state, and local headquarters. The global creation NPHS
must be supported with a well-suited pandemic hospital and healthcare facilities, compatible
medical equipment, supplies to rescue and sustain the world community in the event of the next
pandemic (Esin, 2020).

Conclusion: Homecoming in the event of the next COVID-19 pandemic
All countries on earth are functional components of the global community. Amid the
sudden outbreak of 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, states and national borders are closed, local and
international flights are indecisively interrupted, entire educational systems shutdown and global
economy is pushed to the brink of extinction due to lack of understanding of the importance of
homecoming. Most leaders, legislators, and affluence citizens are cautiously refusing to
acknowledge the aphorism that home is forever a balanced study and permanent household.
Today, the world will be a better place if all citizens come home and engage in a mounting
support, peaceful home-based town hall sessions, collaborative alliances with state and federal
legislators to step forward in the creation of the National Pandemic Healthcare Security (NPHS)
in the national headquarters with branches in state and local capitals. Unquestionably, the
creation and establishment of NPHS will produce eternal, considerable, positive, rewarding steps
and a show of determination to subdue and conquer the next COVID-19 pandemics.

This initiative will be tantamount to investing in the self, for any investments outside of the home-
country, states, and yourself will repeatedly remain the worst and a life-time liability.
African leaders, legislators, and citizens with affluence and financially stable
opportunities, who are confronted with this indefinite lockdown in business and mobility must
avoid the worst life-time liability by supporting the creation of global, national, and state NPHS.
The culture of NPHS will be a well-structured algorithm to restore hope, and confidence that will
go a long way to allow or give physicians, and allied healthcare professionals, designated
healthcare front‐line fighters the opportunity to be equipped with healthcare armory, such as
hospital equipment, supplies, personal protective equipment. Ultimately, such a initiative in the
medical field will meet patients’ needs regardless of ages, race, and nationalities, and will
provide effective services to individuals living with chronic illness and those in desperate need of
acute care.

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in times of crisis – A rapid response to the COVID-19 pandemic”. Journal of Business
Venturing Insights, Volume 13, June 2020, Vol. 00169.
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consequences of COVID‐19 on domestic violence.” Journal of Clinical Nursing,
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No Ethical Obligation to Treat COVID-19 Patients.” Journal of Medical Ethics (JME).
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The Trad-off in Scientific Progress. The Journal of Educational Research and
Technology. Vol 6.

Future Pathway: Overcoming the Sustained
Challenges in Digital Forensic Investigation Process.


Joseph O. Esin
Department of Computer Science, University of Calabar, Nigeria
Lead Professor of Computer Information Systems/Cybersecurity
Jarvis Christian College, Hawkins, Texas USA

Forensic investigation is an organic profession whose success depends
heavily on a continuous, vibrant, and deliberate effort to design new gadgets,
devices, and techniques of investigation. Criminals and law breakers are ready and
determined to circumvent the existing technologies in order to stay ahead of
detection and arrest in their self-generated craft. As a result, the proliferation and
use of electronic devices, encryption machines, protective tools, stationary and
mobile devices, and internet technologies is expanding at alarming rates. Today,
mobile devices, computers, and internet technologies are the nucleus of
communications, economic potentials, and continued human existence.
However, these devices are dynamic sources of grave concern against criminal
activities and cyber criminals who are out to disrupt, access, steal data and
information, and engage in unlawful activities that undermine personal, national,
and global security. Inter alia, the operative and active use of electronic devices
by digital forensic investigators is playing an important role in the prosecution of
criminals and the blocking of unauthorized access to data and information stored on
secured digital storage systems.


The use of computers, mobile devices, email logs, and internet technologies
in forensics investigations is a self-motivated measure set forth to recover the
much-needed digital records from immobile and mobile devices within
organizations to produce irrefutable, convincing, and up-front evidence to the
public and in court. Naturally, when a regular crime occurs, digital forensic
investigators and law enforcement officers are invited to conduct, examine,
analyze, and produce comprehensive and conclusive evidence gathered on the
crime scene for presentation in court. Despite the attempts by forensic investigators
to dissect and present reliable evidence to the public and the court, law offenders,
code-named criminals, are urbane and equipped with available diplomacies to
circumvent new activities to evade being detected and/or arrested and detained.
Framework of Digital Forensic Investigation

Forensic investigators’ approach to gathering evidence on the crime scene,
arresting, and prosecuting criminals is not a panacea to digital crimes. Indeed, the
digital domain provides an opportunity, a haven, for killers, pornographers, and sex
officers to roam the streets and terrorize citizens of the peaceful community. The
zenith of forensic investigation is to recover data stored in victims’ and the
criminals’ wired and wireless systems, and email log activities which are
considered as integral parts of crime evidence in the court of law. As Shaaban
and Sapronov (2016) and Casey (2011) hinted, digital forensic investigation is an
enduring long-term investment and an unwavering measure to cripple criminals’
motives and intents to threaten the vulnerable innocent human community. These
investigators create innovative and projected measures to battle and eradicate
computer intruders and sex offenders’ intent to petrify innocent adults and
children. To overcome the impending challenges, the same combating procedures
must be stretched to apprehend, forestall crackers, and hackers who attempt to


break into organizations’ web sites, launch DDoS attacks, secure access and
engage in cyber-stalking, cyberbullying, and child pornography schemes. As
Shaaban and Sapronov (2016) noted, forensic investigators often overlook the
standard evaluation criteria to identify security-related lapses on the crime scene
while searching for perpetrators, suspicious witnesses, and human intruders. The
society is highly in need of inclusive channels to champion the production and
collection of reliable, balanced, and dispassionate, decisive evidence to disengage
and discourage aggressive criminals, victims, witnesses, and attorneys from
lighthearted and off-balance dialogue in court.

By design, criminals do not want to be caught and exposed to the public, but
are willing to spend twenty-four hours, seven days per week on computers, wired
and wireless devices, and the internet to camouflage all-inclusive outlawed motives
and intents. Per Ashish (2015), criminals claim to understand the law, knows right
and wrong, and are inclined to make a quick reference to the violation of their
Fourth Amendment rights to distract forensic investigators from performing their
duties as they search for evidence. Modern forensic investigators face sustained
challenges in the areas of unlimited access to wired and wireless communication
devices and internet technologies by criminals, culprits, sex offenders, child
pornographers, and disgruntled personnel. Unfortunately, these challenges are
growing exponentially leading to the snarled and unceasing threat to the security of
vulnerable innocent citizens across the globe. Criminals are cultured and stylish in
their ability to remotely destroy evidence on computers, wired and wireless
devices, secured network systems, and the acceleration of uncompromising modus
operandi to outperform forensic investigators and law enforcement officers
(Hayes, 2015; Shaaban & Sapronov, 2016).
Measures to Mitigation Challenges to Digital Forensic Investigation


Amid multiple and sophisticated challenges from the underworld of cyber
criminals, modern forensic investigators are actively using wireless electronic
devices to identify fraudulent activities and enforce compliance in the crime scene.
Unfortunately, these investigators continue to encounter almost insurmountable
handicaps among which are lapses in strategic planning and compliance measures
to monitor and protect digitally secured storage centers. These arrays of measures
to mitigate crime are undercut by the lack of stratagems of enforcement of
compliance against criminals who engage in an art of destabilization of innocent

To overcome the far-reaching challenges, modern forensic investigators
must step out of the narrow scope of operation and work diligently to decrease
mistakes and increase consistency and accuracy across the entire investigation
process. All-embracing attempts are a precondition to retain, store, and preserve
digital log files and records collected from the crime scene in a digitally encrypted
system, PDF, and on read-only media format (Hayes, 2015; Ashish, 2015; &
Casey, 2018).

Per Ayers, Brothers & Jansen (2014), a balanced approach to overcoming
sustained challenges must include unbiased examination of records and the
adoption of equitable techniques to identify and extract data from the crime scene.
The slant also calls for a dispassionate approach to analyzing and using preceding
records and resources to produce nonpartizan evidence in the court. Traditional
forensic investigation of yesteryears was engrained with deficiencies, and non-
functional method of operation. According to Hayes (2015) and Ashish (2015),
the culture of modern forensic investigation will not escape similar challenges
without a comprehensive, independent, and unprejudiced process relative to
compiling, producing, reporting, and presenting reliable evidence in court.


To abate the disturbing rate of challenges in forensic investigation, restore
trust and confidence in the society and in the court system, the future pathway must
involve the eradication of redundant indecorum and the sloppy method of
operation on the crime scene. The old-fashioned traditional or lay process must be
abolished in favor of the new methods and Best Practices that will redirect the
production of conclusive document pregnant with transparency and authenticity.
Forensic investigation is an organic profession; hence, its success depends squarely
on unremitting, vibrant, well-adjusted, and unbiased effort to design new methods
and techniques of operation. However, it is always in the interest of criminals to
persistently try to overpower and outsmart investigators by circumventing the
investigative system in order to stay ahead of being detected, captured, and brought
to justice.

As Ayers, Brothers & Jansen (2014), hinted the world of criminal
investigation must engage in a deliberate attempt to stay relevant and abreast
with the technicalities and logistics of communications devices. According to
these researchers, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST),

smartphone, Nokia, Huawei, and Apple, the standard communication devices
today, must constantly be monitored and upgraded with modern technological
developments at a faster rate to withstand the challenges and rigors of digital
forensic investigations. These operations must be a step ahead of criminal
operations and be able to use the entrenched development to detect and apprehend
digital criminals. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
operative must concentrate its energy on its ability to gather reliable and
dependable manual and digital records from wired and mobile devices in all major
operations (Zoltanszabodfw, 2018).


Similarly, the NIST often uses mobile devices to provide a forum to gather
and compile data and information during forensic investigation. The system
strongly requires enduring professional and rigorous training for forensic
investigators to enhance effective operation that will produce authentic, reliable,
and acceptable conclusive evidence in court. Until recently, mobile devices, email
logs and files, and the internet were isolated objects and domains in all facets of
forensic investigation. Such a myopic approach often ignored digital evidence
often stored in the hard disk, flash drive, emails, and related locations and
resources. The modern-day forensic investigators must come up with proactive
methods for acquiring adequate knowledge, skills, and understanding of how to use
most operating systems (OS), network operating systems (NOS), Linus, Unix,
Apple OS, vertical and application software, and more (Hayes, 2015; Shaaban &
Sapronov, 2016).The thriving future pathway for forensic investigators is to
acquire knowledge and expertise, and to stay abreast with the evolutions in
network protocols including transport control protocol (TCP) and internet protocol
(IP). Furthermore, they should be experts in adopting these tools in order to
identify file server logs and monitor incoming and outgoing traffic on wired and
wireless secured networks systems to detect and deduce victims and criminal

According to Zoltanszabodfw (2018) and Shaaban and Sapronov (2016),
the norms of modern forensic investigations call for the acknowledgement and
adoption of these three phases of challenges: the combative, preemptive, and
proactive. The Combative phase involves previously committed crimes such as
murder, robbery, and burglary. This phase includes collecting evidence, locating,
and interviewing witnesses, and identifying and arresting the suspected. The
Preemptive phase is a response to projected criminal activity, pilfering,
misappropriation, corruption, and forestalling and apprehending agents of


organized criminal activities, and the Proactive phase is a persistent phase which
calls for the investigators willingness to endure environmental pressure, being
observant, and monitoring would-be suspects’ attempt to escape from the crime
scene, paying attention to descriptions of offenders, color of the vehicles and
license plates of criminals attempting to escape from the crime scene, and notifying
the dispatcher for a backup unit to assist the crime scene.   

Forensic Investigation Professional Training

As indicated by Shaaban and Sapronov (2016) and Ayers, Brothers and
Jansen (2014), most organizations are forced to cut cost and reorganize the
workforce due to unforeseen financial and economic situations that necessitate the
implementation of the furlough policies. In the interim, most employees who have
been with organizations for a decade are unlikely and unwilling to accept such
reorganization policies even in the face of abrupt emergencies such as the COVID-
19 pandemic. As it is often expressed, capable disgruntled personnel who are
negatively affected by layoff and furlough policies, especially those who were first
in line to pledge loyalty to the organization, often switch their loyalty and nourish
negative intents and motives of revenge. The evidence of negative motives and
intent are discerned in data breach and exposing the organization to danger. The
projected imminent challenges ahead of forensic investigators reside in the areas of
cloud technology, metadata, anti-forensics, encryption, social networking, Internet
of things, and wired and wireless network systems that must not be overlooked
and/or underrated.

Disgruntled Personnel Parochial Culture.
Per Pazzaglia, Flynn, and Sonpar (2012), the amicable approach to mitigate
disgruntled personnel’s assault and incursion tactics must include the


understanding, acceptance, and recognition of the two fundamental facts
adumbrated by two schools of thought. The first school of thought hinted that
“active personnel are the nucleus and life wire of a functional organization; hence,
it is a sad miscalculation, an unfortunate option to misjudge and ignore
personnel’s frame of mind.” The second school of thought whose emphasis is on
the mindset of the distrust, bred by a negative and toxic working atmosphere, urge
“chief executive officers, administrators, managers, and supervisors to refrain from
the culture of secrecy.” In response, to sponsor well-matched future pathways for
forensic investigators, organizations are admonished to be willing and ready to get
rid of the culture of extreme secrecy and lack of transparency. Organizations
should be open to the culture of embracing mission-driven judgment calls to
prevent mid-level managers and supervisors’ engagement in the process.
Electronic crimes using digital domains are increasing, while criminals using
computers, mobile devices, and internet technologies are creating enormous, and
unlimited challenges to circumvent and undercut detection. This is all at the
expense of unbiased attempts by forensic investigations, law enforcement officers
to keep organizations and community criminals off-the street.

Digital devices, including desktop and laptop computers, mobile phones,
tablets, gaming consoles, and smart phones, are indispensable cultural gadgets of
the modern society. The proliferation of these devices in everyday life is
entrenched with the tendency to amplify criminal activities such as fraud, drug
trafficking, homicide, hacking, forgery, pornography, and terrorism. The
propagation of criminals’ sustained use of electronic devices is almost a pandemic,
and the accelerating increase, and dexterity of usage are placing forensic
investigators, law enforcement officers, and citizens at a disadvantage. The modern
digital forensic operative is continuously faced with challenges, originating from


the lack of standardization, and scheduled enduring professional education for
career forensic investigators. The National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST) has established and published guidelines for digital forensics investigation
professional training and certification programs to keep up with rapidly evolving
technologies in an attempt to outstep criminals who spend sleepless nights to
engage in circumventing detection and involvement in organized, sophisticated
criminal activities.

Ashish. (2015). Carving out the Difference between Computer Forensics and
E-Discovery. Retrieved from

Ayers, R., Brothers. S., & Jansen, W. (2014). Guidelines on Mobile Device
Forensics. From

Casey, Eoghan. (2011) Digital Evidence and Computer Crime: Forensic Science,
Computers and The Internet. Elsevier Inc., Waltham: MA.

Hayes, Darren R. (2015). A Practical Guide to Computer
Forensics Investigations. Pearson, 800 East Street, Indianapolis: IN.

Shaaban, Ayman & Sapronov, Konstantin (2016). Practical Windows
Forensics. Packt Publishing Ltd, Birmingham: U.K.


Zoltanszabodfw. (2018). “Digital Forensics is not just HOW but WHY.”

July 8, 2022

Artificial Intelligence Telemedicine


Mythology of Telemedicine Operations


Joseph O. Esin

Professor of Computer Science/Cybersecurity

University of Calabar, Nigeria



Telemedicine is clever way of attending to the medical health of all sorts of

patients; especially, those in remote areas and in critical conditions that require

experts and specialists who are physically far removed from healthcare consumers.

This innovation in healthcare service method will definitely replace; if not

supplement, the low-esteem and unpopular means of delivering and exchanging

healthcare services, clinical assessment, and communication between physicians

and patients. Today, the emergence of the modern telemedicine operations has

triggered comprehensive opportunities alongside with variety of success and

numerous benefits for patient care, flexibility, reliable healthcare assessment,

treatments, and recovering outcomes. It has equally increased collaboration

between healthcare professionals and the patients, the global communities, and

slowly in most military operations. Telemedicine is not in full operation in most

military arena because some military commanders maintain that the incorporation

of telemedicine in military theater will directly interfere during bumping into direct

gunfire, and shrapnel-pierced casualties in firefights, and will circumvent the




activities of a military on-site physicians who are struggling to manage and care for

seriously wounded military personnel. On the contrary, current researchers such as

Timpel, and Harst, (2020), Ives, (2018), Esin, (2020), defended the situation by

affirming that due to the modern technological maneuvering, telemedicine services

are in no way capable of circumventing on-site military healthcare, activity-

physician; rather, such services will provide the much urgently needed experts and

specialists attention which are far removed from the war zone to provide the

needed critical service. So, these researchers call for collaboration for the interest

of our military service and the world community because telemedicine and

associated technologies have proven to be dependable and beneficial to medical

practitioners, patients, healthcare consumers, and the global community in multiple



Key Words: telemedicine, telesurgery, healthcare, e-health care, quarantine,

collaboration, circumvent, remote patient monitoring, COVID-19 pandemic,

remote patient monitoring.



Telemedicine is an advanced modern communication healthcare technology

designed to deliver health care services using technology across considerable

physical distance to patients. The up-to-date telehealth care interactive

technologies are engrained with a variety of advanced, computerized equipment,

allowing physicians, nurses, and allied healthcare professionals to provide complex

clinical services thousands of miles away from the physician’s clinic and hospital

locations of service (Totten, Womack, Dana, Eden, Eden, Griffin, Grousing, and

Hersh, 2016). Vast areas of medical services have been progressively connected

and challenged using innovative, complex technological devices to support various




healthcare delivery processes. Telemedicine approach has been enhanced by

reliable Internet-based medical sites to provide an enormous amount of

information about diseases, treatments, and pharmacy locations for patient to fill

and refill prescribed medications. Hailey, Roine, and Ohinmaa (2001) and Esin,

(2020) have all acknowledged and documented this fresh breakthrough in

telemedicine, using mobile technologies and e-health techniques which provides

medical services culminating in an invaluable line of resources that are accessible

by mobile computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones in the same life-saving


Telemedicine is an organized technological mechanism designed to bridge

the gap between the availability healthcare professionals and allied healthcare

professionals, and proximity to patients’ locations and financial constraint. Per

Breen & Matusitz (2010) and Hailey, Roine, & Ohinmaa (2001), modern

telemedicine technologies are equipped with smart alarms to communicate vital

information such as transpiring clinical emergency, medication refills, increasing

and decreasing dosages, discontinuing medications between physician, healthcare

professionals, local pharmacies, patients, patient relatives and caretakers.

Clinical Reward of Telemedicine

Hospital industries, patients, and human communities are fully rewarded

from the dynamic operative nature of telemedicine and remote patient monitoring

(RPM) systems. It is an acuity that RPM is playing a key role in the advancement

and improvement of the global community healthcare services. The present-day

expansion of telemedicine and associated technologies is culminating in reducing

the inclusive cost of hospital visits, healthcare professionals and patient expenses.

The reward that comes from telemedicine service to humanity is invaluable and

has encouraged and precipitated the promulgation of wide-ranging sophisticated




technologies designed to engage physicians, allied healthcare professionals,

patients, and hospitals systems in a massive life-saving process.

According to Esin (2019), the unexpected emergence of COVID-19

pandemic inflicted almost irreparable healthcare setups and establishments across

the global community, extending its tentacles and challenges to the vicissitudes in

transportation of patients and their safety, along with conveyance of physicians and

allied healthcare professionals to the hospitals and respective clinics. Today,

telemedicine activities are supporting and solving problems that were encountered

in the former medical delivery methods. Today, tele-medical processes have

gained popularity by highlighting the essential reward of RPM such as enduring

improvement decision-making regarding physicians and patients’ schedules and

office visits. Per Ives (2018), Jin, Kim, Miller, Behar & Correa (2020), and Timpel

& Harst, (2020), modern telemedicine is a practical foundation of medical

treatment engraved with multitude of devices. According to the assessment of

these researchers, telemedicine is a veritable, rewarding apparatus to diagnosis

terminal and life-threatening illnesses, playing a vital role in diagnoses, treatment,

and cure of most stages of HIV/AIDS, and other disease infections. Regardless of

the severity of the disease and magnitude of stigma, modern telemedicine is

helping to support, increase patient levels of communication with physicians and

allied healthcare professionals, and to decrease the risk of infection process

(Totten, Womack, Dana, Eden, Eden, Griffin, Grousing, & Hersh, 2016).

Hailey, Roine, & Ohinmaa (2001), Esin (2020), and Ohannessian & Duong

(2020), in their studies on the importance of telemedicine during the sudden

outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic that affected citizens of

approximately over 203 countries, asserted that the initial and timely response

strategy was facilitated by entrenched knowledge of patient diagnosis, isolation,




symptomatic monitoring of contacts with suspected and confirmed cases, and

public health quarantine. In the process telemedicine framework, mainly video

consultations, were promoted and scaled up to reduce the risk of transmission the

deadly COVID-19 through physical contact in many countries. The result of the

studies validated and confirmed an updated framework for telemedicine in the

COVID-19 pandemic highlighting the unquestionable relevance, dependability,

and services of the telemedicine structure during the world deadly pandemic;

therefore, the evidenced-based telemedicine should be applied at a large scale to

improve the national and global health predicament.

Framework to Value the Undervalued Clinical Process.

There is an ongoing outcry calling upon the healthcare industry, hospital

system, physicians, allied healthcare professionals, patients, and the affected and

none-affected communities to form a united front to appreciate the value of

telemedicine, and to acknowledge improved modern telemedicine technologies as

active operative medium for healthcare service delivery operations. The

undisputable value of and contribution of telemedicine to the healthcare services

lie in its proactive culture in all phases encircling healthcare delivery, and the

physicians’ and allied healthcare professionals’ life-saving clinical judgment based

on patient condition, consideration of patient treatment plan, and proximity to the

hospitals and treatment clinics which must also be documented and remain

standardized. (Totten, Womack, Dana, Eden, Eden, Griffin, Grousing, and Hersh,

2016 & Ives, 2018).

In one accord, the present-day studies on telemedicine by Hailey, Roine, &

Ohinmaa (2001), Timpel &Harst (2020), and Esin (2020), concluded that

telemedicine technologies provide healthcare providers and consumers condition-




specific and user-friendly options to manage life-threatening health conditions such

as post-surgical rehabilitation in various patient populations, single and multiple

chronic morbidities, maternal, and childcare malignant neoplasms. Their up-to-date

and comfortable devices help in improving the health condition, maximize

associated costs of patient in-person visits to hospitals and physician clinics. It is

my contention that the acceptance and recognition of the eminent value in

telemedicine will definitely help to avoid the inconvenient expenses of travelling,

babysitting expenses, car parking expenses, and the taking of time off work,

thereby constituting an added-value and major breakthrough in healthcare history.

Telemedicine is a dynamic, effective, and successful means of positively

delivering, and exchanging healthcare services, sharing clinical assessment data

with patients, and using highly sophisticated technologies to engage physicians,

allied healthcare professionals, patients, patients’ family members, and relatives in

aggressive life-saving process

Indeed, it has been established that telemedicine operative is a life-saving

healthcare service which differs from traditional medical practices because of its

modern digital equipment and technologies. Telemedicine operative is currently

used to expand healthcare services to patients by creating the fertile ground for the

growth and advancement of clinical services. Furthermore, this new operative

supports often provides changes from the expensive route to affordable and

accessible use of modern techniques to serve the deserving patient populations. To

make this great innovation more useful and serviceable to patience, our

practitioners should research and identify the culture of deficiencies, where

changes are required, and come up with best practice guidelines available to

patients, trajectories of care, greater degrees of built-in flexibility, and proximity to

patient residents.




As group of telemedicine researchers, Hailey, Roine, & Ohinmaa (2001),

Breen & Matusitz (2010), and Esin (2020) posited, most physicians and allied

healthcare professionals are challenged with conflicting priorities such as whether

to accept or reject this never method of medical services. Hence, telemedicine

operations must include patient-education orientation, self-management support,

exchange of data and information amongst each patient’s physician and with allied

healthcare health care providers. The process should also cuddle the transfer of

images and medical data, expedition of contacts with health professionals, and

uninterrupted support regarding the distance to patients with chronic diseases. Of

special significance, is the crucial needs of patients with type-2 diabetes,

hypertension, heart attacks and strokes where time and distance to medical help are

very essential. Telemedicine gives them opportunities to meet up the appointment

for regular annual check-ups with a primary care physician, dental visits, follow-up

appointments, especially when further healthcare treatment is often and almost

impossible with physically challenged and psycho-socially challenged individuals.

Patients who live in remote rural areas often encounter snags in attempt to locate

healthcare providers practicing in the same vicinities. It is inevitable that the

consumers are required to travel millions of miles overseas and long distances for

medical treatment, and follow-up services. And Telemedicine is a likely panacea

for these handicaps and challenges

Most patients are physically, mentally, and financially challenged with the

burden and ability to travel to physician clinics and healthcare facilities due to

limited mobility and restricted access to public transportation stations.

Telemedicine services is recognized as one of the most effective and efficient

opportunity to provide healthcare to individuals, families, and communities, who

would, otherwise have no access to healthcare providers on a regular basis




including psychiatry, radiology, dermatology, remote surgery known as

telesurgery. Telemedicine often presents a valuable, remarkable, flexibility,

unrestricted, modern mobile technological and operative corridor to provide

quality care for the needed population. Telemedicine services are increasingly

popular, flexible, and available, and the current trends indicating these services are

readily available to consumers over time. Advancements and progress in related

telemedicine technologies are urged to adapt the existing, efficient, and higher

quality care to civilian and military populations (Ives, 2018; Esin, 2020).


Challenges and Solutions on the use of Telemedicine in Military Arena

Telemedicine is not a functional operation in most military combat situations. Most

military commanders often decline telemedicine services in military arena to avoid

treating direct gunfire personnel, and shrapnel-pierced casualties. The idea has

been to avoid circumventing the activities of on-site physicians, while managing

and caring for serious military wounded personnel. On the contrary, Timpel and

Harst (2020), defended the situation by stating that technologically maneuvering,

telemedicine services are in no way capable of circumventing activities of on-site

military physicians and that the incorporation of telemedicine is a vital service in

military theater that should be strongly encouraged. As Ives (2018), Esin (2020),

and Timpel and Harst (2020) conceived, telemedicine and joined modern

technologies have proven to be dependable and beneficial to civilian and military

medical practitioners, patients, and healthcare consumers in multiple ways. These

innovations make available experts and specialists, who may be physically

removed from a wounded person or an emergency situation, to attend to the





Lesson Learned

The COVID-19 pandemic ranged each nation’s alarm doorbell. World

leaders were charged with the traditional responsibility of doing what could be

done to curb the devastating effects of the pandemic for their countries, that is, to

become effective, efficient, dependable, defensive, and offensive commanding

officers who place their priority on a substantive increase in the budgets for health

care. Then, the only unchallenged and all-inclusive concerns were the global

health-care security of vulnerable private citizens. The entire education enterprises

all over the world were shut down and the learning process obstructed and

modified virtual learning in countries where computers and the internet were

accessible. I must admit, physician and allied health-care professionals and other

frontline responders stood firm for the challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Equally, telemedicine is entrenched with the ability to cuddle the transfer of

images, medical data, and information progress with physicians and to provide

uninterrupted support regardless of the distance to patients with chronic diseases,

and to provide opportunities to meet up the appointment for regular annual check-

ups with primary care physicians, dental visits, and follow-up appointments, and

further healthcare treatment. Most appointments with physically challenged

patients had always almost been impossible; but today, appointments with

physically challenged and none-physically challenged patients are available

through telemedicine’s operations. Patients who live in remote rural areas often

encounter snags in attempt to locate healthcare providers practicing in the same

vicinities, and it is now predictable that telemedicine has closed the gap requiring

patients regardless of the physical condition to travel millions of miles for medical

treatment to obtain medical visits and treatment and follow-up services from home.





Breen, Gerald-Mark and Matusitz, Jonathan. (2010). “Evolutionary Examination of

Telemedicine: A Health and Computer-Mediated Communication

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August 20, 2020


Impulsive Time Ahead of Healthcare Operation in Event

of the Next Global COVID-19 Pandemic

Dr. Joseph O. Esin
Visiting Professor of Research
University of Calabar, Nigeria
Professor, CIS/Cybersecurity
Jarvis Christian College, Hawkins, Texas USA

Time and again, aggressive, and venomous viruses such as 2020 COVID-19
pandemic emerge, killing millions, and pushing the world back several donkey years, and
yet the world community never enrolls and even comes close to graduating from any
institution in preparation to battle the past, present and future looming threats of
pandemic attacks. The 2020 COVID-19 pandemic is not a legend or myth; it is a deadly
pandemic and a ruinous virus with ability to changing lethargic components, mutate and
facilitate the transfer of deadly venom to all people from the youngest, middle-ages to the
elderly citizens speedily. In our generation, the riposte of September 11, 2001, twenty-
seven (27) days after terrorists crashed airliners into the Twin Towers, the Pentagon and a
field in Pennsylvania, President George W. Bush signed an executive order to establish
the Department of Homeland Security, on October 8, 2001 paving the way for the biggest
reorganization of the federal government since the years immediately after World War II
in 1944, when Congress established the Defense Department, the Central Intelligence
Agency (CIA) and the National Security Council (Bradbury-Jones & Isham, 2020). A
year later, the Department of Homeland Security was created, absorbing twenty-two (22)
agencies, organizations and becoming the third-largest federal bureaucracy in the United
Sates (Andreas, Kuckertz, Anja, Carlos, Reyes, Alicia, Elisabeth & Berger, 2020).
Across the government, national budgets were increased for counterterrorism operations.
Congress enacted laws granting powerful investigative authorities to law enforcement

Notably, the intelligent and security departments and most organizations that were
created did not foresee the advent of the Coronavirus of 2020 (COVID-19) pandemic
which has effected the most devasting attacks on humanity more than any other tragedies
the world have ever experienced. The stealthy advent of the 2020 COVID‐19 pandemic
presents a rinsing aura of virulent diseases that is presently ripping the global community
and spearheading the expansion of healthcare professionals’ hours of operations. These
healthcare professionals are constantly put at risk of attending to patients infected with
the deadly virus. This irritable, newly arrived pandemic is engrained with unintended,
negative consequences such as mental anguish, physical and psychological health risks,
isolation, and loneliness and closures of the educational systems.

Per Gibson, (2020) and Esin, (2020), in recent months, the global population have been
shut down due to the abrupt and unprecedented advent of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic,
resulting in an histrionic adjustment of individuals, public and private organizations’ schedules,
and modus operandi of all business and academic establishments and people-oriented businesses.
This unfortunate turn of events revealed central truths about the fragile balance between the
natural environment and citizens, scientists and the legislators, physicians, allied healthcare
professionals and patients, relative to the navigation of the landscape for strength and recovery. It
must be underscored that the unexpected arrival of the pandemic has immersed global operations
in a sea of confusion and unreadiness and have called for immediate active plans of action to
remedy the expected post-pandemic episodes. This call is in preparedness which finds is greatest
advocate in the fundamental upsurge in the state and national healthcare budget to eradicate
global healthcare and economic predicament.

The abrupt eruption of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic emerged as a colossal shockwave
to physicians, allied healthcare professionals, public and private organizations, and higher
education systems and exposed the fragility of the global community which has been thrown into
unexpected health and economy jeopardy (Esin, 2020 & Bradbury‐Jones, and Louise, 2020).


. Measurable Outcome of National Pandemic Healthcare Security
in Event of the Next Global COVID-19 Pandemic

President John F. Kennedy once admonished Americans and the world at large to “think of
what you can do for your country, not what your country can do for you” making it incumbent
and morally obligatory for humanity to be proactive in serving each other and always thinking
about what to do to make the work a better place to live and work in. Today, as the 2020
COVID-19 pandemic is drumming each nation’s doorbell, world leaders are charged with
aphoristic questions of what can you for your country? How can they become effective, and
efficient, dependable, defensive, and offensive commanding officers in the fight to this gigantic
challenge? The answer lies in the direction of empowering the health professionals by providing
them with substantive annual state and federal government increase in healthcare budgets and
establishment of active pandemic centers across the nation and each state capitals. I must admit,
during the current unexpected epidemic, entire healthcare professionals, code-named, “health-
provider front-line responders” were unquestionably struggling to defend, protect, and save lives
with limited medical and personal protective equipment (PPE) and supplies amid the abrupt
arrival and ongoing life-threatening crisis. ((Andreas, Kuckertz, Anja, Carlos, Reyes, Alicia,
Elisabeth & Berger, 2020); Naja and Hamadeh, 2020 & Esin, 2020).

The state and federal government’s priority is to upsurge healthcare budget, create active
National Pandemic Healthcare Security (NPHS), similar to the Office of Homeland Security,
absorbing fifty (50) pandemic centers across the nation, and to appoint skilled NPHS leaders to
oversee the operations. I am sure, such operations hold the key to restoring hope, assurance, and
safeguard for vulnerable innocent citizens in the event of the next pandemics. Notably, the

United States citizens and the world community knows the importance, prominence and
substance of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS); hence, the creation of the National
Pandemic Healthcare Security NPHS) unit will definitely restore the highest degree of hope,
confidence, promise, and assurance that adults, teenagers and children will all be protected in
the event of the next pandemic. Analogous to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the
National Pandemic Healthcare Security (NPHS) will restore hope, confidence and measures
allowing physicians, and allied healthcare professionals, often designated as healthcare
front‐line fighters, the opportunity to be equipped with healthcare armory, such as hospital
equipment and personal protective equipment (PPPE) supplies, and the likelihood to meet
patients’ needs regardless of ages, race, and nationality. The abrupt culture of the outbreak of
the pandemic provides clear evidence for substantive change in our thinking about our health and
life. It calls for a proactive approach to healthcare by increasing the annual and semi-annual
states and national healthcare budgets to support, protect and assist health professional’s ability
to provide effective services to individuals living with chronic illness and those in desperate
need of acute care.


During the 2020 COVID‐19 pandemic, physicians, nurses, and allied
healthcare professionals were at the forefront, willing and ready to respond to patients in critical
needs. Unfortunately, they continue to be handicapped in their response by the limited
fundamental resources and the shortage of supplies and personal protective equipment. They are
falling short of restoring hope to distressed relatives, family members and affected victims.
Once again, our eyes have seen the life-threatening unrestricted confrontation in the
domain of healthcare, beckoning on state, federal, counties, local government representatives,
private and public organizations to step forward and join the united front in providing support
and assistance, such as helpline, volunteers and pastoral care services alongside the healthcare

professionals. The provision of assistance must avoid deferments of defensive and offensive
measures against the renaissance of subsequent epidemics. It is adorable to see physicians and
allied healthcare professionals who, in spite of the equipment scarcity, are eternally organized,
prepared, agreeable and willing to support individuals, populaces and ceaselessly pressing
forward to serve the victims and families of this Coronavirus Pandemic. The lessons we should
take from the current healthcare challenge is to push for active and comprehensive healthcare
measures and procedures to be adequately trained and prepared in the event of the next COVID-

In our generation, the 2020 COVID-19 is my first encounter with a global pandemic.
Physicians and allied health professionals are overly concerned about their own lives. As the
document labeled “Fallen Coronavirus Heroes” by Michael C. Gibson, a professor at the Harvard
University School of Medicine on March 31, 2020, asserted, more than sixty (60) doctors who
provided care to Italian COVID-19 patients contracted the virus and died in the line of duty
(Gibson, 2020). In the wake of the Ebola epidemic, nations, state governors, and legislators
placed emphasis on public healthcare system. Furthermore, they showed limited or no interest in
expanding the national and state healthcare budgets, communication and trust in physicians and
allied healthcare professionals and working with the law of nature. Per Bradbury‐Jones, and
Louise (2020), approximately six years later after the Ebola eruption, the global community,
states and nations are still swimming in the pool of reluctance to provide adequate funding for
pandemic preparedness; and the delay in adopting preventive measures.  Failure to develop surge

capacity in healthcare systems, laboratories, and supply chain logistics; and reduced infectious
disease expertise is without doubt a major setback to the current and future generation in the
event of the next COVID-19 pandemic. Medical scientists and vaccine developers are primed

and progressing at gargantuan pace to produce COVID-19 serum and most candidates are
undergoing clinical testing in alarming velocity trying with challenging and unprecedented
energy to provide scientific cure of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. Today and tomorrow, the
country needs a well-thought-out and systematic plan with scheduled and completed period for
the delivery of healthcare equipment, supplies infrastructure and healthcare education to battle
against the next COVID-19 pandemic.

Preeminence of NPHS as Global Citizens’ Sturdy Shelter in the event of the next COVID-19 pandemic.
The National Pandemic Healthcare Security (NPHS) demographic factors required in the
formulation of global solutions in the event of the next COVID-19 must include, but not be
limited to this well-organized, methodical, and professional processes.

i. Professional healthcare education of the mind, body and soul for state and national
representatives, physicians, allied healthcare professionals, healthcare administrators
and the public to battle existing swiftly growing and future threat of the next
pandemic on vulnerable innocent citizens.

ii. National and state leaders, private and public organization executives, especially, in
most developing countries, to stop travelling to advanced nations for medical
treatment, while their countries are in distressed and desperate need of functional
healthcare equipment, supplies and adequate medicinal facilities for vulnerable
citizens in the event of the next COVID-19.

iii. All countries on earth are functional components of the global community, and amid
the sudden outbreak of 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, states and national borders are
closed, local and international flights are indefinitely suspended, entire educational
systems shutdown and global economy are on the brink of extinction due to lack of
understanding of the importance of effective healthcare plan.

iv. In the center of all global, national, and state restrictions, mandatory wearing of mask,
social distancing, healthcare facilities, hospitals, and clinics are opened twenty-four
hours and seven days a week. Physician and allied healthcare professionals are
habitually ready and willing to restore hope to distressed and affected patients.
Citizens of the global communities have total confidence in physicians and allied
healthcare professional in the event of the next COVID-19.

v. Twenty-seven (27) days after terrorists crashed airliners into the Twin Towers, the
Pentagon, and a field in Pennsylvania, the United Sates Congress approved a major
reorganization of the federal government, creating the Department of Homeland
Security to absorb twenty-two (22) agencies, with the largest increase in annual
national budgets to battle counterterrorism operations.

vi. The same spirit must be extended to the 2020 COVID-19 with a corresponding
creation of National Pandemic Healthcare Security (NPHS) a unit with a large budget
to assuage the financial hardships the current health and CDC departments are facing.

In concurrence with the creation of the Department of Homeland Security, this research on
impulsive time ahead of healthcare operation in event of the next global COVID-19 pandemic is
a direct demand for a fundamental escalation of healthcare budgets to enthrall the creation of the
office of National Pandemic Healthcare Security NPHS) enters in the fifty (50) continental
United States. The office of the NPHS with headquarters in the national capital and active
branches in every state will serve as a solution to this chaotic approach to the OVID-19 and
purge physician and allied healthcare professionals’ trepidation relative to resources, supplies
and equipment. It will further restore hope, good judgment of security and confidence on
vulnerable citizens, and provide vigilant measures in the event of the next COVID-19 pandemic.
Global Matching Algorithm in the event of the next COVID-19 pandemic.

The world citizens’ privacy, medical doctors, allied healthcare professionals, national
leaders, state governors, mayors and local government representatives emerged as the most,
effective, and efficient, dependable, defensive, and offensive commanding officers in the battle
against the shattering episode of world pandemic. This unexpected outbreak took control and
positioned entire global communities in challenging, unbalancing, and uncertain disorders. The
intriguing and astonishing alarm is how super-powers, middle-powers, lower-powers and zero-
powers; first-world, second-world, third-world, fourth-world and zero-world nations continue to
undyingly and undeniably remain humble, unassuming, and untiringly acknowledge the nature of
God’s creation (Ngwang, 2016 & Gibson, 2020 & Esin, 2020).

The 2020 COVID-19 pandemic is drumming the doorbells of the global communities. It
is operating on an exclusive agenda that cannot be changed, and re-scheduled in aberration of
world leaders’ commanding authority, and finally demanding total obedience and submission to
God’s pronouncement across the globe. Surprisingly, Leaders with nuclear weapons are
reluctant to allow physicians and allied healthcare professionals access to the podium, to study

the combinations, push the nuclear weapons buttons and bring down the most egotistical and
bigheaded 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. In submission to the bullish and overconfident culture of
2020 pandemic, entire global communities, including villages, cities, counties, local regions,
states and national organizations must assume equal responsibilities in the re-organization and
re-structuring of functional rehabilitation by approving matching budgets that are desperately
needed to combat this pandemic monster. It must begin first by the creation of the office of
National Pandemic Healthcare Security NPHS) with active pandemic centers in the fifty (50)
continental United States, with nation, state, and local headquarters. The global creation NPHS
must be supported with a well-suited pandemic hospital and healthcare facilities, compatible
medical equipment, supplies to rescue and sustain the world community in the event of the next
pandemic (Esin, 2020).

Conclusion: Homecoming in the event of the next COVID-19 pandemic
All countries on earth are functional components of the global community. Amid the
sudden outbreak of 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, states and national borders are closed, local and
international flights are indecisively interrupted, entire educational systems shutdown and global
economy is pushed to the brink of extinction due to lack of understanding of the importance of
homecoming. Most leaders, legislators, and affluence citizens are cautiously refusing to
acknowledge the aphorism that home is forever a balanced study and permanent household.
Today, the world will be a better place if all citizens come home and engage in a mounting
support, peaceful home-based town hall sessions, collaborative alliances with state and federal
legislators to step forward in the creation of the National Pandemic Healthcare Security (NPHS)
in the national headquarters with branches in state and local capitals. Unquestionably, the
creation and establishment of NPHS will produce eternal, considerable, positive, rewarding steps
and a show of determination to subdue and conquer the next COVID-19 pandemics.

This initiative will be tantamount to investing in the self, for any investments outside of the home-
country, states, and yourself will repeatedly remain the worst and a life-time liability.
African leaders, legislators, and citizens with affluence and financially stable
opportunities, who are confronted with this indefinite lockdown in business and mobility must
avoid the worst life-time liability by supporting the creation of global, national, and state NPHS.
The culture of NPHS will be a well-structured algorithm to restore hope, and confidence that will
go a long way to allow or give physicians, and allied healthcare professionals, designated
healthcare front‐line fighters the opportunity to be equipped with healthcare armory, such as
hospital equipment, supplies, personal protective equipment. Ultimately, such a initiative in the
medical field will meet patients’ needs regardless of ages, race, and nationalities, and will
provide effective services to individuals living with chronic illness and those in desperate need of
acute care.

Andreas Kuckertz Leif, Brändle, Anja Gaudig Sebastian, Hinderer, Carlos, Arturo Morales
Reyes, Alicia, Prochotta Kathrin, M. Steinbrink, Elisabeth, S.C.Berger (2020). “Startups
in times of crisis – A rapid response to the COVID-19 pandemic”. Journal of Business
Venturing Insights, Volume 13, June 2020, Vol. 00169.
Bradbury‐Jones, Caroline, & Isham, Louise. (2020). “The pandemic paradox: The
consequences of COVID‐19 on domestic violence.” Journal of Clinical Nursing,
International Voice of Clinical Research: Theory and Practice.
Esin, Joseph O. (2020) “TIME AHEAD OF 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic: Outgrowth of Cloud
Encryption Algorithm on Biometric Authentication analysis”. (2020). Washington
Center for Cybersecurity Research and Development. 2020.
Esin, Joseph O. (2019) “Imminent -Threats of Cloud Computing Technology in
Healthcare Operation”. Journal of Educational Research and Technology,
7(7), 29–38. .https//
Gibson, Michael C. (2020). “Fallen Coronavirus: Heroes: Health Care Professionals Are Under
No Ethical Obligation to Treat COVID-19 Patients.” Journal of Medical Ethics (JME).
Naja, Farah & Hamadeh, Rena (2020). “Nutrition amid the COVID-19 pandemic: A multi-level
framework for action”. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 10, S-41430.
Ngwang, Emmanuel N. (2016). Individual Freedom, Cybersecurity and Nuclear Proliferation:
The Trad-off in Scientific Progress. The Journal of Educational Research and
Technology. Vol 6.

July 8, 2022

Artificial Intelligence Telemedicine


Mythology of Telemedicine Operations


Joseph O. Esin

Professor of Computer Science/Cybersecurity

University of Calabar, Nigeria



Telemedicine is clever way of attending to the medical health of all sorts of

patients; especially, those in remote areas and in critical conditions that require

experts and specialists who are physically far removed from healthcare consumers.

This innovation in healthcare service method will definitely replace; if not

supplement, the low-esteem and unpopular means of delivering and exchanging

healthcare services, clinical assessment, and communication between physicians

and patients. Today, the emergence of the modern telemedicine operations has

triggered comprehensive opportunities alongside with variety of success and

numerous benefits for patient care, flexibility, reliable healthcare assessment,

treatments, and recovering outcomes. It has equally increased collaboration

between healthcare professionals and the patients, the global communities, and

slowly in most military operations. Telemedicine is not in full operation in most

military arena because some military commanders maintain that the incorporation

of telemedicine in military theater will directly interfere during bumping into direct

gunfire, and shrapnel-pierced casualties in firefights, and will circumvent the




activities of a military on-site physicians who are struggling to manage and care for

seriously wounded military personnel. On the contrary, current researchers such as

Timpel, and Harst, (2020), Ives, (2018), Esin, (2020), defended the situation by

affirming that due to the modern technological maneuvering, telemedicine services

are in no way capable of circumventing on-site military healthcare, activity-

physician; rather, such services will provide the much urgently needed experts and

specialists attention which are far removed from the war zone to provide the

needed critical service. So, these researchers call for collaboration for the interest

of our military service and the world community because telemedicine and

associated technologies have proven to be dependable and beneficial to medical

practitioners, patients, healthcare consumers, and the global community in multiple



Key Words: telemedicine, telesurgery, healthcare, e-health care, quarantine,

collaboration, circumvent, remote patient monitoring, COVID-19 pandemic,

remote patient monitoring.



Telemedicine is an advanced modern communication healthcare technology

designed to deliver health care services using technology across considerable

physical distance to patients. The up-to-date telehealth care interactive

technologies are engrained with a variety of advanced, computerized equipment,

allowing physicians, nurses, and allied healthcare professionals to provide complex

clinical services thousands of miles away from the physician’s clinic and hospital

locations of service (Totten, Womack, Dana, Eden, Eden, Griffin, Grousing, and

Hersh, 2016). Vast areas of medical services have been progressively connected

and challenged using innovative, complex technological devices to support various




healthcare delivery processes. Telemedicine approach has been enhanced by

reliable Internet-based medical sites to provide an enormous amount of

information about diseases, treatments, and pharmacy locations for patient to fill

and refill prescribed medications. Hailey, Roine, and Ohinmaa (2001) and Esin,

(2020) have all acknowledged and documented this fresh breakthrough in

telemedicine, using mobile technologies and e-health techniques which provides

medical services culminating in an invaluable line of resources that are accessible

by mobile computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones in the same life-saving


Telemedicine is an organized technological mechanism designed to bridge

the gap between the availability healthcare professionals and allied healthcare

professionals, and proximity to patients’ locations and financial constraint. Per

Breen & Matusitz (2010) and Hailey, Roine, & Ohinmaa (2001), modern

telemedicine technologies are equipped with smart alarms to communicate vital

information such as transpiring clinical emergency, medication refills, increasing

and decreasing dosages, discontinuing medications between physician, healthcare

professionals, local pharmacies, patients, patient relatives and caretakers.

Clinical Reward of Telemedicine

Hospital industries, patients, and human communities are fully rewarded

from the dynamic operative nature of telemedicine and remote patient monitoring

(RPM) systems. It is an acuity that RPM is playing a key role in the advancement

and improvement of the global community healthcare services. The present-day

expansion of telemedicine and associated technologies is culminating in reducing

the inclusive cost of hospital visits, healthcare professionals and patient expenses.

The reward that comes from telemedicine service to humanity is invaluable and

has encouraged and precipitated the promulgation of wide-ranging sophisticated




technologies designed to engage physicians, allied healthcare professionals,

patients, and hospitals systems in a massive life-saving process.

According to Esin (2019), the unexpected emergence of COVID-19

pandemic inflicted almost irreparable healthcare setups and establishments across

the global community, extending its tentacles and challenges to the vicissitudes in

transportation of patients and their safety, along with conveyance of physicians and

allied healthcare professionals to the hospitals and respective clinics. Today,

telemedicine activities are supporting and solving problems that were encountered

in the former medical delivery methods. Today, tele-medical processes have

gained popularity by highlighting the essential reward of RPM such as enduring

improvement decision-making regarding physicians and patients’ schedules and

office visits. Per Ives (2018), Jin, Kim, Miller, Behar & Correa (2020), and Timpel

& Harst, (2020), modern telemedicine is a practical foundation of medical

treatment engraved with multitude of devices. According to the assessment of

these researchers, telemedicine is a veritable, rewarding apparatus to diagnosis

terminal and life-threatening illnesses, playing a vital role in diagnoses, treatment,

and cure of most stages of HIV/AIDS, and other disease infections. Regardless of

the severity of the disease and magnitude of stigma, modern telemedicine is

helping to support, increase patient levels of communication with physicians and

allied healthcare professionals, and to decrease the risk of infection process

(Totten, Womack, Dana, Eden, Eden, Griffin, Grousing, & Hersh, 2016).

Hailey, Roine, & Ohinmaa (2001), Esin (2020), and Ohannessian & Duong

(2020), in their studies on the importance of telemedicine during the sudden

outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic that affected citizens of

approximately over 203 countries, asserted that the initial and timely response

strategy was facilitated by entrenched knowledge of patient diagnosis, isolation,




symptomatic monitoring of contacts with suspected and confirmed cases, and

public health quarantine. In the process telemedicine framework, mainly video

consultations, were promoted and scaled up to reduce the risk of transmission the

deadly COVID-19 through physical contact in many countries. The result of the

studies validated and confirmed an updated framework for telemedicine in the

COVID-19 pandemic highlighting the unquestionable relevance, dependability,

and services of the telemedicine structure during the world deadly pandemic;

therefore, the evidenced-based telemedicine should be applied at a large scale to

improve the national and global health predicament.

Framework to Value the Undervalued Clinical Process.

There is an ongoing outcry calling upon the healthcare industry, hospital

system, physicians, allied healthcare professionals, patients, and the affected and

none-affected communities to form a united front to appreciate the value of

telemedicine, and to acknowledge improved modern telemedicine technologies as

active operative medium for healthcare service delivery operations. The

undisputable value of and contribution of telemedicine to the healthcare services

lie in its proactive culture in all phases encircling healthcare delivery, and the

physicians’ and allied healthcare professionals’ life-saving clinical judgment based

on patient condition, consideration of patient treatment plan, and proximity to the

hospitals and treatment clinics which must also be documented and remain

standardized. (Totten, Womack, Dana, Eden, Eden, Griffin, Grousing, and Hersh,

2016 & Ives, 2018).

In one accord, the present-day studies on telemedicine by Hailey, Roine, &

Ohinmaa (2001), Timpel &Harst (2020), and Esin (2020), concluded that

telemedicine technologies provide healthcare providers and consumers condition-




specific and user-friendly options to manage life-threatening health conditions such

as post-surgical rehabilitation in various patient populations, single and multiple

chronic morbidities, maternal, and childcare malignant neoplasms. Their up-to-date

and comfortable devices help in improving the health condition, maximize

associated costs of patient in-person visits to hospitals and physician clinics. It is

my contention that the acceptance and recognition of the eminent value in

telemedicine will definitely help to avoid the inconvenient expenses of travelling,

babysitting expenses, car parking expenses, and the taking of time off work,

thereby constituting an added-value and major breakthrough in healthcare history.

Telemedicine is a dynamic, effective, and successful means of positively

delivering, and exchanging healthcare services, sharing clinical assessment data

with patients, and using highly sophisticated technologies to engage physicians,

allied healthcare professionals, patients, patients’ family members, and relatives in

aggressive life-saving process

Indeed, it has been established that telemedicine operative is a life-saving

healthcare service which differs from traditional medical practices because of its

modern digital equipment and technologies. Telemedicine operative is currently

used to expand healthcare services to patients by creating the fertile ground for the

growth and advancement of clinical services. Furthermore, this new operative

supports often provides changes from the expensive route to affordable and

accessible use of modern techniques to serve the deserving patient populations. To

make this great innovation more useful and serviceable to patience, our

practitioners should research and identify the culture of deficiencies, where

changes are required, and come up with best practice guidelines available to

patients, trajectories of care, greater degrees of built-in flexibility, and proximity to

patient residents.




As group of telemedicine researchers, Hailey, Roine, & Ohinmaa (2001),

Breen & Matusitz (2010), and Esin (2020) posited, most physicians and allied

healthcare professionals are challenged with conflicting priorities such as whether

to accept or reject this never method of medical services. Hence, telemedicine

operations must include patient-education orientation, self-management support,

exchange of data and information amongst each patient’s physician and with allied

healthcare health care providers. The process should also cuddle the transfer of

images and medical data, expedition of contacts with health professionals, and

uninterrupted support regarding the distance to patients with chronic diseases. Of

special significance, is the crucial needs of patients with type-2 diabetes,

hypertension, heart attacks and strokes where time and distance to medical help are

very essential. Telemedicine gives them opportunities to meet up the appointment

for regular annual check-ups with a primary care physician, dental visits, follow-up

appointments, especially when further healthcare treatment is often and almost

impossible with physically challenged and psycho-socially challenged individuals.

Patients who live in remote rural areas often encounter snags in attempt to locate

healthcare providers practicing in the same vicinities. It is inevitable that the

consumers are required to travel millions of miles overseas and long distances for

medical treatment, and follow-up services. And Telemedicine is a likely panacea

for these handicaps and challenges

Most patients are physically, mentally, and financially challenged with the

burden and ability to travel to physician clinics and healthcare facilities due to

limited mobility and restricted access to public transportation stations.

Telemedicine services is recognized as one of the most effective and efficient

opportunity to provide healthcare to individuals, families, and communities, who

would, otherwise have no access to healthcare providers on a regular basis




including psychiatry, radiology, dermatology, remote surgery known as

telesurgery. Telemedicine often presents a valuable, remarkable, flexibility,

unrestricted, modern mobile technological and operative corridor to provide

quality care for the needed population. Telemedicine services are increasingly

popular, flexible, and available, and the current trends indicating these services are

readily available to consumers over time. Advancements and progress in related

telemedicine technologies are urged to adapt the existing, efficient, and higher

quality care to civilian and military populations (Ives, 2018; Esin, 2020).


Challenges and Solutions on the use of Telemedicine in Military Arena

Telemedicine is not a functional operation in most military combat situations. Most

military commanders often decline telemedicine services in military arena to avoid

treating direct gunfire personnel, and shrapnel-pierced casualties. The idea has

been to avoid circumventing the activities of on-site physicians, while managing

and caring for serious military wounded personnel. On the contrary, Timpel and

Harst (2020), defended the situation by stating that technologically maneuvering,

telemedicine services are in no way capable of circumventing activities of on-site

military physicians and that the incorporation of telemedicine is a vital service in

military theater that should be strongly encouraged. As Ives (2018), Esin (2020),

and Timpel and Harst (2020) conceived, telemedicine and joined modern

technologies have proven to be dependable and beneficial to civilian and military

medical practitioners, patients, and healthcare consumers in multiple ways. These

innovations make available experts and specialists, who may be physically

removed from a wounded person or an emergency situation, to attend to the





Lesson Learned

The COVID-19 pandemic ranged each nation’s alarm doorbell. World

leaders were charged with the traditional responsibility of doing what could be

done to curb the devastating effects of the pandemic for their countries, that is, to

become effective, efficient, dependable, defensive, and offensive commanding

officers who place their priority on a substantive increase in the budgets for health

care. Then, the only unchallenged and all-inclusive concerns were the global

health-care security of vulnerable private citizens. The entire education enterprises

all over the world were shut down and the learning process obstructed and

modified virtual learning in countries where computers and the internet were

accessible. I must admit, physician and allied health-care professionals and other

frontline responders stood firm for the challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Equally, telemedicine is entrenched with the ability to cuddle the transfer of

images, medical data, and information progress with physicians and to provide

uninterrupted support regardless of the distance to patients with chronic diseases,

and to provide opportunities to meet up the appointment for regular annual check-

ups with primary care physicians, dental visits, and follow-up appointments, and

further healthcare treatment. Most appointments with physically challenged

patients had always almost been impossible; but today, appointments with

physically challenged and none-physically challenged patients are available

through telemedicine’s operations. Patients who live in remote rural areas often

encounter snags in attempt to locate healthcare providers practicing in the same

vicinities, and it is now predictable that telemedicine has closed the gap requiring

patients regardless of the physical condition to travel millions of miles for medical

treatment to obtain medical visits and treatment and follow-up services from home.





Breen, Gerald-Mark and Matusitz, Jonathan. (2010). “Evolutionary Examination of

Telemedicine: A Health and Computer-Mediated Communication

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of the Next Global COVID-19 Pandemic.”


Hailey, David, Roine, Risto, and Ohinmaa Arto. (2001). “Systematic review of

evidence for the benefits of telemedicine.” Journal of National Library of

Medicine. Bethesda, MD.

Ives, Aysha. (2018). “The Benefits of Telehealth for the Modern Healthcare

Consumer.” Journal of National Library of Medicine. Bethesda, MD.

Jin, Micheal X., Sun, Young Kim, Miller, Lauren J., Behari, Gauri, and Correa,

Ricardo. (2020). “Telemedicine: Current Impact on the Future.” Journal of

National Library of Medicine. Bethesda, MD.

Ohannessian, Robin and Duong, Tu Anh. (2020). “Global Telemedicine

Implementation and Integration within Health Systems to Fight the COVID-




19 Pandemic: A Call to Action.” JMIR Public Health and Surveillance.

Paris: France.

Timpel, Patrick. And Harst, Lorenz. (2020). “Research Implications for Future

Telemedicine Studies and Innovations in Diabetes and Hypertension.”

Journal of National Library of Medicine. Bethesda, MD.

Totten, Annette M, Womack, Dana M., Eden, Karen, Eden B., Griffin, Jessica G.,

Grousing, and Hersh, William. R. (2016). “Telehealth: Mapping the

Evidence for Patient Outcomes from Systematic Reviews Internet.” Agency for

Healthcare Research Quality, Rockville: MD.

August 20, 2020


Impulsive Time Ahead of Healthcare Operation in Event

of the Next Global COVID-19 Pandemic

Dr. Joseph O. Esin
Visiting Professor of Research
University of Calabar, Nigeria
Professor, CIS/Cybersecurity
Jarvis Christian College, Hawkins, Texas USA

Time and again, aggressive, and venomous viruses such as 2020 COVID-19
pandemic emerge, killing millions, and pushing the world back several donkey years, and
yet the world community never enrolls and even comes close to graduating from any
institution in preparation to battle the past, present and future looming threats of
pandemic attacks. The 2020 COVID-19 pandemic is not a legend or myth; it is a deadly
pandemic and a ruinous virus with ability to changing lethargic components, mutate and
facilitate the transfer of deadly venom to all people from the youngest, middle-ages to the
elderly citizens speedily. In our generation, the riposte of September 11, 2001, twenty-
seven (27) days after terrorists crashed airliners into the Twin Towers, the Pentagon and a
field in Pennsylvania, President George W. Bush signed an executive order to establish
the Department of Homeland Security, on October 8, 2001 paving the way for the biggest
reorganization of the federal government since the years immediately after World War II
in 1944, when Congress established the Defense Department, the Central Intelligence
Agency (CIA) and the National Security Council (Bradbury-Jones & Isham, 2020). A
year later, the Department of Homeland Security was created, absorbing twenty-two (22)
agencies, organizations and becoming the third-largest federal bureaucracy in the United
Sates (Andreas, Kuckertz, Anja, Carlos, Reyes, Alicia, Elisabeth & Berger, 2020).
Across the government, national budgets were increased for counterterrorism operations.
Congress enacted laws granting powerful investigative authorities to law enforcement

Notably, the intelligent and security departments and most organizations that were
created did not foresee the advent of the Coronavirus of 2020 (COVID-19) pandemic
which has effected the most devasting attacks on humanity more than any other tragedies
the world have ever experienced. The stealthy advent of the 2020 COVID‐19 pandemic
presents a rinsing aura of virulent diseases that is presently ripping the global community
and spearheading the expansion of healthcare professionals’ hours of operations. These
healthcare professionals are constantly put at risk of attending to patients infected with
the deadly virus. This irritable, newly arrived pandemic is engrained with unintended,
negative consequences such as mental anguish, physical and psychological health risks,
isolation, and loneliness and closures of the educational systems.

Per Gibson, (2020) and Esin, (2020), in recent months, the global population have been
shut down due to the abrupt and unprecedented advent of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic,
resulting in an histrionic adjustment of individuals, public and private organizations’ schedules,
and modus operandi of all business and academic establishments and people-oriented businesses.
This unfortunate turn of events revealed central truths about the fragile balance between the
natural environment and citizens, scientists and the legislators, physicians, allied healthcare
professionals and patients, relative to the navigation of the landscape for strength and recovery. It
must be underscored that the unexpected arrival of the pandemic has immersed global operations
in a sea of confusion and unreadiness and have called for immediate active plans of action to
remedy the expected post-pandemic episodes. This call is in preparedness which finds is greatest
advocate in the fundamental upsurge in the state and national healthcare budget to eradicate
global healthcare and economic predicament.

The abrupt eruption of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic emerged as a colossal shockwave
to physicians, allied healthcare professionals, public and private organizations, and higher
education systems and exposed the fragility of the global community which has been thrown into
unexpected health and economy jeopardy (Esin, 2020 & Bradbury‐Jones, and Louise, 2020).


. Measurable Outcome of National Pandemic Healthcare Security
in Event of the Next Global COVID-19 Pandemic

President John F. Kennedy once admonished Americans and the world at large to “think of
what you can do for your country, not what your country can do for you” making it incumbent
and morally obligatory for humanity to be proactive in serving each other and always thinking
about what to do to make the work a better place to live and work in. Today, as the 2020
COVID-19 pandemic is drumming each nation’s doorbell, world leaders are charged with
aphoristic questions of what can you for your country? How can they become effective, and
efficient, dependable, defensive, and offensive commanding officers in the fight to this gigantic
challenge? The answer lies in the direction of empowering the health professionals by providing
them with substantive annual state and federal government increase in healthcare budgets and
establishment of active pandemic centers across the nation and each state capitals. I must admit,
during the current unexpected epidemic, entire healthcare professionals, code-named, “health-
provider front-line responders” were unquestionably struggling to defend, protect, and save lives
with limited medical and personal protective equipment (PPE) and supplies amid the abrupt
arrival and ongoing life-threatening crisis. ((Andreas, Kuckertz, Anja, Carlos, Reyes, Alicia,
Elisabeth & Berger, 2020); Naja and Hamadeh, 2020 & Esin, 2020).

The state and federal government’s priority is to upsurge healthcare budget, create active
National Pandemic Healthcare Security (NPHS), similar to the Office of Homeland Security,
absorbing fifty (50) pandemic centers across the nation, and to appoint skilled NPHS leaders to
oversee the operations. I am sure, such operations hold the key to restoring hope, assurance, and
safeguard for vulnerable innocent citizens in the event of the next pandemics. Notably, the

United States citizens and the world community knows the importance, prominence and
substance of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS); hence, the creation of the National
Pandemic Healthcare Security NPHS) unit will definitely restore the highest degree of hope,
confidence, promise, and assurance that adults, teenagers and children will all be protected in
the event of the next pandemic. Analogous to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the
National Pandemic Healthcare Security (NPHS) will restore hope, confidence and measures
allowing physicians, and allied healthcare professionals, often designated as healthcare
front‐line fighters, the opportunity to be equipped with healthcare armory, such as hospital
equipment and personal protective equipment (PPPE) supplies, and the likelihood to meet
patients’ needs regardless of ages, race, and nationality. The abrupt culture of the outbreak of
the pandemic provides clear evidence for substantive change in our thinking about our health and
life. It calls for a proactive approach to healthcare by increasing the annual and semi-annual
states and national healthcare budgets to support, protect and assist health professional’s ability
to provide effective services to individuals living with chronic illness and those in desperate
need of acute care.


During the 2020 COVID‐19 pandemic, physicians, nurses, and allied
healthcare professionals were at the forefront, willing and ready to respond to patients in critical
needs. Unfortunately, they continue to be handicapped in their response by the limited
fundamental resources and the shortage of supplies and personal protective equipment. They are
falling short of restoring hope to distressed relatives, family members and affected victims.
Once again, our eyes have seen the life-threatening unrestricted confrontation in the
domain of healthcare, beckoning on state, federal, counties, local government representatives,
private and public organizations to step forward and join the united front in providing support
and assistance, such as helpline, volunteers and pastoral care services alongside the healthcare

professionals. The provision of assistance must avoid deferments of defensive and offensive
measures against the renaissance of subsequent epidemics. It is adorable to see physicians and
allied healthcare professionals who, in spite of the equipment scarcity, are eternally organized,
prepared, agreeable and willing to support individuals, populaces and ceaselessly pressing
forward to serve the victims and families of this Coronavirus Pandemic. The lessons we should
take from the current healthcare challenge is to push for active and comprehensive healthcare
measures and procedures to be adequately trained and prepared in the event of the next COVID-

In our generation, the 2020 COVID-19 is my first encounter with a global pandemic.
Physicians and allied health professionals are overly concerned about their own lives. As the
document labeled “Fallen Coronavirus Heroes” by Michael C. Gibson, a professor at the Harvard
University School of Medicine on March 31, 2020, asserted, more than sixty (60) doctors who
provided care to Italian COVID-19 patients contracted the virus and died in the line of duty
(Gibson, 2020). In the wake of the Ebola epidemic, nations, state governors, and legislators
placed emphasis on public healthcare system. Furthermore, they showed limited or no interest in
expanding the national and state healthcare budgets, communication and trust in physicians and
allied healthcare professionals and working with the law of nature. Per Bradbury‐Jones, and
Louise (2020), approximately six years later after the Ebola eruption, the global community,
states and nations are still swimming in the pool of reluctance to provide adequate funding for
pandemic preparedness; and the delay in adopting preventive measures.  Failure to develop surge

capacity in healthcare systems, laboratories, and supply chain logistics; and reduced infectious
disease expertise is without doubt a major setback to the current and future generation in the
event of the next COVID-19 pandemic. Medical scientists and vaccine developers are primed

and progressing at gargantuan pace to produce COVID-19 serum and most candidates are
undergoing clinical testing in alarming velocity trying with challenging and unprecedented
energy to provide scientific cure of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. Today and tomorrow, the
country needs a well-thought-out and systematic plan with scheduled and completed period for
the delivery of healthcare equipment, supplies infrastructure and healthcare education to battle
against the next COVID-19 pandemic.

Preeminence of NPHS as Global Citizens’ Sturdy Shelter in the event of the next COVID-19 pandemic.
The National Pandemic Healthcare Security (NPHS) demographic factors required in the
formulation of global solutions in the event of the next COVID-19 must include, but not be
limited to this well-organized, methodical, and professional processes.

i. Professional healthcare education of the mind, body and soul for state and national
representatives, physicians, allied healthcare professionals, healthcare administrators
and the public to battle existing swiftly growing and future threat of the next
pandemic on vulnerable innocent citizens.

ii. National and state leaders, private and public organization executives, especially, in
most developing countries, to stop travelling to advanced nations for medical
treatment, while their countries are in distressed and desperate need of functional
healthcare equipment, supplies and adequate medicinal facilities for vulnerable
citizens in the event of the next COVID-19.

iii. All countries on earth are functional components of the global community, and amid
the sudden outbreak of 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, states and national borders are
closed, local and international flights are indefinitely suspended, entire educational
systems shutdown and global economy are on the brink of extinction due to lack of
understanding of the importance of effective healthcare plan.

iv. In the center of all global, national, and state restrictions, mandatory wearing of mask,
social distancing, healthcare facilities, hospitals, and clinics are opened twenty-four
hours and seven days a week. Physician and allied healthcare professionals are
habitually ready and willing to restore hope to distressed and affected patients.
Citizens of the global communities have total confidence in physicians and allied
healthcare professional in the event of the next COVID-19.

v. Twenty-seven (27) days after terrorists crashed airliners into the Twin Towers, the
Pentagon, and a field in Pennsylvania, the United Sates Congress approved a major
reorganization of the federal government, creating the Department of Homeland
Security to absorb twenty-two (22) agencies, with the largest increase in annual
national budgets to battle counterterrorism operations.

vi. The same spirit must be extended to the 2020 COVID-19 with a corresponding
creation of National Pandemic Healthcare Security (NPHS) a unit with a large budget
to assuage the financial hardships the current health and CDC departments are facing.

In concurrence with the creation of the Department of Homeland Security, this research on
impulsive time ahead of healthcare operation in event of the next global COVID-19 pandemic is
a direct demand for a fundamental escalation of healthcare budgets to enthrall the creation of the
office of National Pandemic Healthcare Security NPHS) enters in the fifty (50) continental
United States. The office of the NPHS with headquarters in the national capital and active
branches in every state will serve as a solution to this chaotic approach to the OVID-19 and
purge physician and allied healthcare professionals’ trepidation relative to resources, supplies
and equipment. It will further restore hope, good judgment of security and confidence on
vulnerable citizens, and provide vigilant measures in the event of the next COVID-19 pandemic.
Global Matching Algorithm in the event of the next COVID-19 pandemic.

The world citizens’ privacy, medical doctors, allied healthcare professionals, national
leaders, state governors, mayors and local government representatives emerged as the most,
effective, and efficient, dependable, defensive, and offensive commanding officers in the battle
against the shattering episode of world pandemic. This unexpected outbreak took control and
positioned entire global communities in challenging, unbalancing, and uncertain disorders. The
intriguing and astonishing alarm is how super-powers, middle-powers, lower-powers and zero-
powers; first-world, second-world, third-world, fourth-world and zero-world nations continue to
undyingly and undeniably remain humble, unassuming, and untiringly acknowledge the nature of
God’s creation (Ngwang, 2016 & Gibson, 2020 & Esin, 2020).

The 2020 COVID-19 pandemic is drumming the doorbells of the global communities. It
is operating on an exclusive agenda that cannot be changed, and re-scheduled in aberration of
world leaders’ commanding authority, and finally demanding total obedience and submission to
God’s pronouncement across the globe. Surprisingly, Leaders with nuclear weapons are
reluctant to allow physicians and allied healthcare professionals access to the podium, to study

the combinations, push the nuclear weapons buttons and bring down the most egotistical and
bigheaded 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. In submission to the bullish and overconfident culture of
2020 pandemic, entire global communities, including villages, cities, counties, local regions,
states and national organizations must assume equal responsibilities in the re-organization and
re-structuring of functional rehabilitation by approving matching budgets that are desperately
needed to combat this pandemic monster. It must begin first by the creation of the office of
National Pandemic Healthcare Security NPHS) with active pandemic centers in the fifty (50)
continental United States, with nation, state, and local headquarters. The global creation NPHS
must be supported with a well-suited pandemic hospital and healthcare facilities, compatible
medical equipment, supplies to rescue and sustain the world community in the event of the next
pandemic (Esin, 2020).

Conclusion: Homecoming in the event of the next COVID-19 pandemic
All countries on earth are functional components of the global community. Amid the
sudden outbreak of 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, states and national borders are closed, local and
international flights are indecisively interrupted, entire educational systems shutdown and global
economy is pushed to the brink of extinction due to lack of understanding of the importance of
homecoming. Most leaders, legislators, and affluence citizens are cautiously refusing to
acknowledge the aphorism that home is forever a balanced study and permanent household.
Today, the world will be a better place if all citizens come home and engage in a mounting
support, peaceful home-based town hall sessions, collaborative alliances with state and federal
legislators to step forward in the creation of the National Pandemic Healthcare Security (NPHS)
in the national headquarters with branches in state and local capitals. Unquestionably, the
creation and establishment of NPHS will produce eternal, considerable, positive, rewarding steps
and a show of determination to subdue and conquer the next COVID-19 pandemics.

This initiative will be tantamount to investing in the self, for any investments outside of the home-
country, states, and yourself will repeatedly remain the worst and a life-time liability.
African leaders, legislators, and citizens with affluence and financially stable
opportunities, who are confronted with this indefinite lockdown in business and mobility must
avoid the worst life-time liability by supporting the creation of global, national, and state NPHS.
The culture of NPHS will be a well-structured algorithm to restore hope, and confidence that will
go a long way to allow or give physicians, and allied healthcare professionals, designated
healthcare front‐line fighters the opportunity to be equipped with healthcare armory, such as
hospital equipment, supplies, personal protective equipment. Ultimately, such a initiative in the
medical field will meet patients’ needs regardless of ages, race, and nationalities, and will
provide effective services to individuals living with chronic illness and those in desperate need of
acute care.

Andreas Kuckertz Leif, Brändle, Anja Gaudig Sebastian, Hinderer, Carlos, Arturo Morales
Reyes, Alicia, Prochotta Kathrin, M. Steinbrink, Elisabeth, S.C.Berger (2020). “Startups
in times of crisis – A rapid response to the COVID-19 pandemic”. Journal of Business
Venturing Insights, Volume 13, June 2020, Vol. 00169.
Bradbury‐Jones, Caroline, & Isham, Louise. (2020). “The pandemic paradox: The
consequences of COVID‐19 on domestic violence.” Journal of Clinical Nursing,
International Voice of Clinical Research: Theory and Practice.
Esin, Joseph O. (2020) “TIME AHEAD OF 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic: Outgrowth of Cloud
Encryption Algorithm on Biometric Authentication analysis”. (2020). Washington
Center for Cybersecurity Research and Development. 2020.
Esin, Joseph O. (2019) “Imminent -Threats of Cloud Computing Technology in
Healthcare Operation”. Journal of Educational Research and Technology,
7(7), 29–38. .https//
Gibson, Michael C. (2020). “Fallen Coronavirus: Heroes: Health Care Professionals Are Under
No Ethical Obligation to Treat COVID-19 Patients.” Journal of Medical Ethics (JME).
Naja, Farah & Hamadeh, Rena (2020). “Nutrition amid the COVID-19 pandemic: A multi-level
framework for action”. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 10, S-41430.
Ngwang, Emmanuel N. (2016). Individual Freedom, Cybersecurity and Nuclear Proliferation:
The Trad-off in Scientific Progress. The Journal of Educational Research and
Technology. Vol 6.

July 9, 2020


Protagonist of Digital Biometric Authentication and

Forensic Analysis.


Joseph O. Esin


Department of Computer Science, University of Calabar, Nigeria

Lead Professor of Computer Information Systems/Cybersecurity

Jarvis Christian College, Hawkins, Texas USA


“Biometrics,” derived from the Greek “bio” meaning life and “metrics” denoting

measure, is entrenched with numerous applications involving the identification and

verification of individuals and groups of individuals’ identities. According to Heimdal

Security, “Biometrics is the measurement and statistical analysis of people's unique

physical and behavioral characteristics.” And “biometric authentication” is simply the

process of verifying individual identity using such measurements or other unique

characteristics of the body, then logging in as service, an app, a device and so on. The

technology is mainly used for identification and access control and for identifying

individuals who are under surveillance” (Dasclescu, 2020). Digital biometric

authentication security emerged a few decades ago due to weighty advances in computer

information systems, cybersecurity attacks, data breach, forensic studies, and analyses.

The day-to-day increase in terrorist cyber-threat and cyber-attacks across the globe

besought the research in the protagonist of biometric authentication forensic analysis as

channel to expose challenges facing the authorities of city, county, state and federal law

enforcement officers, private and public organizations, nations and global security


Biometric authentication and forensic analysis have been deployed without standard

procedure and security measures to battle imminent security challenges and threats.

Digital biometric authentication operations are rooted with superior level of security that

cannot be stolen, manipulated, or exposed to damage and sudden changes. Furthermore, it

is less time consuming, dependable, user friendly, hard to falsify and requires negligible

training time. It also has an inexpensive and accurate verification process. There is grave

concern in the education settings that is deeply rooted in using modern biometric

 technology for skills, expertise, knowledge-based and experience for public support of

biometric authentication and data analysis.

This research calls on global communities’ collaborative agreement to establish biometric

authentication forensic and data analysis institutes in each state of the nation to educate first

responders of fingerprints, iris patterns, hand geometry, facial image, and deoxyribonucleic acid

(DNA) analysis. For the adoption and implementation of digital biometrics authentication

forensic analysis, this research operatives will serve as the best defensive and offensive security

measures designated to improve quality and longevity of lives and safeguard human society

through the discovery of definite and authentic fingerprints, voice, fingerprints, iris patterns,

hand geometry, facial image, and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) resulting in the protection of

innocent citizens from erroneous conviction and jail terms.

Framework of Biometric Digital Biometric Authentication

Modern digital biometric authentication and forensic analysis is designed to provide

adequate security to any organization’s network security centers, workstations, network fileservers,

digital biometric database storage, reinforcement of the degree of certainty, individual privileges,

confidence, integrity, and accountability. As Fennelly (2017); Krutzn and Vines (2007); Kazimov

and Mahmudova (2015); and Nanavati, Thieme, and Nanavati (2002) noted, digital biometric

authentication provides better structures to obtain vital data, information, retina scan, fingerprint,

and iris recognition security than traditional authentication methods. This new method gives

access to authorized users and places unauthorized users on a disadvantage. Digital biometrics is

imbedded with personal identification numbers (PINs), assorted digit passwords and symbols

making it difficult to guess and manipulate data and information. Digital biometric

authentication supports a combination of a high level of network system rights and privileges to

users, creating an institution of username-password and allowing authorized administrators and

users to create longer and more complex passwords that were not practicable prior to the

introduction of digital biometric technology (Esin, 2017; Ngwang, 2016; and Nanavati, Thieme,

& Nanavati, 2002). Most personnel in private and public organizations are urged to manage

manifold passwords and PINs and this multiplicity of passwords and usernames is likely to lead

to the forgetfulness and misplacement of vital information. The research aims to formulate a

horizon to strengthen apparent protagonists of digital biometric authentication and forensic

analysis (PDBAFA).


Traditional digital biometric operations have been in operation, deployed and utilized for

some decades, but the main problem has been about how to secure these operations from

intruders and unauthorized users. Per Chauhan & Gupta (2015), Esin (2017) and Fennelly

(2017), most segments of digital biometric authentication are designed to guarantee access to

facilities such as colleges and university dormitories, hotel rooms, nuclear power plants, and

organizations’ database centers, and automated fingerprint identification operation units. Effort

to obtain solutions and much needed advancement for digital biometric authentication is often

miscalculated (Hayes, 2015; Nanavati, Thieme, & Nanavati, 2002; and Ngwang, 2016).

Challenges facing public and private organizations amid open-ended operation of

biometric authentication and forensic analysis in the global workforce rest on the expansion of

biometric related skills, expertise, and knowledge-based experience to satisfy and assuage

innocent public ambition and confidence in the process. Per Fennelly (2017), Ngwang, (2016)

and LeClair & Keeley (2015), unhindered digital biometric education for first responders in

strategic locations such as airport security posts, government facilities and maintaining skilled

and qualified biometrics professionals will eradicate the trepidation, restore hope and confidence

in the society. The world community is witnessing innocent individuals wrongly convicted,

thrown in jail, sentenced to serve jail-terms for many years and later discovered that the

fingerprints, iris patterns, hand geometry, facial image and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) were

wrongly interpreted and analyzed. It is this question of reliability that is at the center of this

research and keeping the security forces restless.

Traditional biometric machinists were not equipped to provide reliable result, eliminate

apprehension, and restore consumers’ confidence. It is particularly important that all counties,

states, nations and global organizations step forward and intensify effort to establish digital

biometric authentication and forensic analysis professional institutes in their state and nation to

reinstate buoyancy through unlimited biometric authentication education, installation and

configuration of compatible hardware and software to get rid of wrong and faulty analyses that

often led to the conviction of innocent citizens. There is sovereignty in education that is deeply

rooted in using modern biometric technology for skills, expertise and knowledge-based

experience needed to strengthen the public support of biometric authentication and data analysis.

This research calls on global communities through collaborative agreement to establish digital

biometric authentication and forensic analysis institutions in their areas to educate first

responders of fingerprints, iris patterns, hand geometry, facial image, and deoxyribonucleic acid

(DNA) analyses and processes. Per Chauhan and Gupta (2015), Krutzn and Vines (2007), and

Kazimov and Mahmudova (2015), the United States has responded to this security challenge by

the creation of a well-structured unit of digital biometrics authentication and forensic analysis

through program educational objectives (PEO) in West Virginia University, Clarksburg. The

PEO at the University of West Virginia in Clarksburg is recognized as a sustainable, innovative

benchmark institution enrolling large populations of the United States Federal Bureau of

Investigation (FBI) agents and duplicating much needed expertise, skills and knowledge-based

experience to restore hope and self-confidence in the world community.

Digital biometric authentication operation required users’ logon name, password, and

application programming interface (API). Acquired fingerprint recognition images stored in the

organization’s databased permits immediate access and futuristic usage only by authorized

personnel who have access to and own the organization’s master usernames and passwords to

biometric secured centers. Equipment, including hardware and software, installed, and

configured in digital biometrics authentication will provide operative connections for incoming

and outgoing communication and instructions in the progression.

Modern digital biometrics authentication technology provides flexibility by allowing

efficient integration and management of secured data, information and verification of records

located in biometric database file servers. As Esin (2017), Fennelly (2017), Nanavati, Thieme,

and Nanavati (2002) noted, modern digital biometric database file servers, codenamed secured

digital command center, houses an organization’s protected master username, password, private

data and application data. Failure to adhere to or a swerve from modern-day digital biometrics

authentication and forensic analysis will allow regeneration of apprehension, loss of vital data,

alteration of information, unauthorized access, submission of untold sway on digital data

integrity, and the complete loss of confidence in operations across the globe. Modern digital

Biometrics authentication forensic analysis has provided a systematic corridor for inventive

advancement, recuperation of global economy, security operation, telecommunication, high

divination systems, Internet connections and digital data stowage (Esin, 2017; Ngwang, 2016;

and Kazimov & Mahmudova, 2015). The adoption and implementation of leading-edge digital

biometrics authentication and forensic analysis operatives are the best defensive and offensive

security measures designated to improve quality and longevity of lives and to safeguard human

society. This security has been realized through the discovery and use of definite and authentic

fingerprints. voice. fingerprints, iris patterns, hand geometry, facial image, and deoxyribonucleic

acid (DNA). These worthwhile initiatives have all resulted in the protection of innocent citizens

from erroneous conviction and jail terms.

Limitations of Biometrics Digital Biometric Authentication

Digital biometric authentication and forensic analysis is entrenched with security contests and

challenges such as internal and external protection of digital database storage, lapses in integrity,

confidentiality, and reliability. As a result, this authentication devise requires comprehensive

measures to formulate solutions on the use of modern biometric technology to protect the

community. The traditional channels for biometric assessment are subject to cyber-threat, cyber-

attack, breach of data and records due to inadequate equipment and lapses in security operative

measures. Private and public organizations are apprehensive of its efficacy and they are

constantly in search of effective measures to protect data, assets, resources, vital records, internal

personnel ability to misuse security privileges in lieu of financial benefits and special

relationships. Kazimov and Mahmudova (2015) in their studies on biometrics authentication and

forensic analysis noted that the conspicuous thought-provoking routes and loopholes used by

authorized officials within the organization to produce defective security tools including

duplication of organizations’ badges, door locks and keys, which were vulnerable to the

maneuvering of essential outlets to overtake organizations’ security operation.

The apparent deceptive dodges can only be eliminated upon implementation of a well-

structured groundwork to monitor and prevent internal and external personnel’s ability to misuse

assigned privileges and the corresponding effect of such misconduct on organizations (Chauhan

& Gupta, 2015). Per Kazimov and Mahmudova (2015), traditional biometric assessment and

evaluation are questionable and not a hundred percent (100%) perfect and reliable. It was further

alleged that miscalculations in biometric authentication analysis is represented by two categories:

false rejection rate (FRR) and false acceptance rate (FAR). FRR represents the rejection of an

authorized person attempting to access the biometric authentication system; while false

acceptance rate (FAR) is causally related to traditional acceptance of a person trying to be who

he or she claims to represent. These two archetypal categories of vulnerability often let down the

confidential threshold in biometric operation, leaving the general population in a state of

uncertainty. A plan of action to redress the current lapses must involve restructuring and

stabilizing biometric security operations by enabling proportional decrease on FAR and

functional increase on FRR imprecisions (Chauhan and Gupta, 2015 and Kazimov &

Mahmudova, 2015). Well-adjusted increases in false rejection rate will provide corresponding

upsurge and restore trust and confidence in biometric authentication operations. Furthermore,

false rejection rate (FRR) represents one of the weightiest specifications in the protagonist of

biometric authentication in forensic analysis. False rejection rate (FRR) is identified as type I

error in biometric authentication on public and private organizations and such errors often occur

by mistake and are often sporadically generated in biometric authentication security systems

(Esin, 2017; Fennelly, 2017; and Kazimov & Mahmudova, 2015). False rejection originates

when the system fails to recognize an authorized operator and rejects the person as an intruder or

an impersonator. FAR is a type II error and typically represents most solemn biometric

authentication security mistakes and errors. This error often allows unauthorized users to access

the security center with expressed attempt to block unauthorized personnel. Furthermore, and as

a natural error in biometrics authentication analysis, it mistakenly allows an unauthorized person

to be authenticated (McMillan & Abernathy, 2014; and Alexander & Shahnewaz, 2020).

Advantages of Digital Biometric Authentication

Traditional or original ways of biometric identification failed to withstand modern challenges of

efficiency, security, and accuracy. Private and public organizations and higher education

enterprises often issued students, staff and faculty identification cards, private and public

organizations circulation items such as driving license, passports, badges used for entrance and

exit in and out of organizations’ premises. The emerging of digital communications,

telecommunications, digital biometrics, and information technology gave room to and enhanced

accuracy, integrity, confidentiality, reliability of digital data and information (McMillan &

Abernathy, 2014 and Alexander & Shahnewaz, 2020). The growing strength of digital biometric

authentication operative measures is closing the gaps of traditional identification methods and

replacing the former, the old methods with touch screen and fingerprint sensor processors.

Digital biometric authentication has eliminated the need of carrying an external relic to prove

human identity; it has also encouraged hardware and software developers to unveil modern and

innovative approaches for identity authentication on mobile devices and the production of

integrated digital biometrics technology to ease global apprehension on biometric systems.


In many instances, military personnel and law enforcement offices are challenged with

identity verification problems because of limited access to centralized resources in their offices.

The evolving of modern digital biometric authentication devices is creating a broad range of

opportunities, making it possible to effectively and accurately match identifiers like face,

fingerprints, and iris scan on-the-go, thereby eliminating waste of productive time, and mending

loopholes that were not in existence prior to the development of digital biometric technology.

Emerging and innovative digital biometric authentication operative is providing reliable

accountability and auditable logs of personnel, guests, and administrators’ access in and out of

the organizational facilities; thereby, assuring that users cannot be denied digital logs. This

resulting success is an adequate proof of intentional access to organization resources and


Per Alexander and Shahnewaz (2020), Hayes (2015), and Nanavati, Thieme, and Nanavati

(2002), modern digital biometric authentication and forensic analysis is experiencing growing

acceptance across the globe due to emerging accuracy of identifying users, authentication of

data security, growing strength to close gaps of conventional method and replacing them with the

modern approaches. Current digital biometric authentication and forensic analysis researchers

such as Esin (2017); Fennelly (2017); Kazimov and Mahmudova (2015); and Nanavati, Thieme,

and Nanavati (2002) provide mitigating and progressive assessment and benefits of modern digital

biometric authentication and forensic analysis on innocent global citizens. The results are that:

 Digital biometric authentication and forensic analysis approach is a viable instrument for

identification (ID) verification for private and public organizations, higher education,

financial institutions, and military security operations.

 Digital biometric authentication and forensic analysis approach is entrenched with

superior level of security and cannot be stolen, and easily manipulated.

 Digital biometric authentication and forensic analysis is less exposed to damage and

sudden changes, and less time consuming.

 Digital biometrics authentication and forensic analysis is dependable, user friendly, hard

to falsify, and requires negligible training time.

 Digital biometric authentication and forensic analysis is inexpensive and has distinctive

recognition features and accurate verification processes.

 Digital biometric authentication and forensic analysis approach is effectively employed in

forensics investigation, criminal identification, and prison security

 Digital biometric authentication and forensic analysis is also used to avert illicit access to

automated teller machine (ATMs), cellular phones, smart cards, workstations, and

computer network systems.

As earlier state, modern digital biometric authentication and forensic analysis is designed to

provide adequate security to organizations’ network security centers, workstations, network

fileservers; it is equally used as a digital database storage and reinforcement of the degree of

certainty, individual privileges, confidence, integrity and accountability. Modern digital biometric

authentication and forensic analysis is also a worthwhile point of reference in digital biometric

authentication and forensic analysis operation is often deployed in across-the-board surroundings

encountering multiple of incoming and outgoing conducts and characteristics of a large population,

at local and international airports, judicial offices, national and central banks, and military

garrisons to safeguard vulnerable innocent citizens.

Effect of Digital Biometric Amid COVID-19

Today, digital biometric authentication and forensic analysis is exerting greater impact on

members of the world community who must undergo a thorough screening process by custom

and immigration officers at the point of entry, exit and borders crossings. Amid the COVID-19,

the major concern is the security of vulnerable private citizens. Notwithstanding the world

citizens’ privacy, digital biometric authentication and forensic analysis and testing is recurrently

deployed as the most authentic defensive and offensive approach to effective and efficient

security measurement tool against the world pandemic shattering episode. However, the

pandemic seems to be girded by scriptural and mystical realities when analyzed mathematically:

Today, COVID-19 (C = 100, 0 =79, V = 5, 1 = 1, D = 500 = 685-19 – 666;

(Revelation 13:18) has put the entire global community in challenging times and

uncertain disorders amidst intriguing questions that allow super-powers, middle-

powers, lowers-powers and zero-powers; first-world, second-world, third-world,

fourth-world and zero-world nations to undyingly and undeniably remain humble,

unassuming, and untiringly acknowledge the Glory of God’s Creation. God

repronounced His Glory, Wonders and Blessings in the Worldly Kingdom that He

had created (Job 38:18). God did not declare His servant Job innocent or guilty;

 hence, amid COVID-19, we must continue to work together, pray together and

eternally refrain from declaring all God’s dedicated and consecrated families on

earth innocent or guilty (Esin, 2011; Murray & Murray, 1985).

Nations who are firmly engrained with stockpiles of nuclear weapons, ballistic long-

range, short-range and no-range missiles that act like labor-saving-mechanical appliances, such

as washing machines, toasters and photocopy machines containing push buttons, which gives

these leaders the unique and unprecedented opportunity and urge to push just a button and have

the devastation done on vulnerable innocent global citizens. Leaders with nuclear weapons seem

determined to do everything humanly possible to destroy entire nations or regions who attempt to

acquire nuclear weapons; where are the nuclear missile buttons now that COVID-19 is

drumming the doorbell.? COVID-19 operates on an exclusive agenda that cannot be changed, re-

scheduled and in aberration of the new world order, demanding total obedience and submission

to God’s last pronouncement across the globe. In compliance to the new world order, global

communities, including villages, cities, counties, local regions, states and national organizations

are urged to assume equal responsibilities in the re-organization and re-structuring of functional

rehabilitation by approving matching budget to establishing well-suited pandemic hospitals,

healthcare facilities with well-matched medical equipment and supplies, and educational systems

with well-suited instructional equipment and learning tools that is parallel to national military-

weapon budgets. Per Chauhan and Gupta (2015) and Kazimov and Mahmudova (2015), most

segments of biometric authentication are used to identify, voice verification, and record a

person’s voice through a microphone. This process is further categorized into more dimensions

such as measurement, signal processing, pattern matching, forensic inquiry, analysis, decision

making, creation of the reference model and authentication trial (Esin, 2017; Fennelly, 2017;

and Hayes, 2015).


Today, the modern digital biometric authentication and forensic analysis is improving

quality and longevity of lives and safeguarding human society. It is meeting acceptance across

the globe due to emerging accuracy, matching strength to close gaps of predictable approach and

replacing the old identification systems with superior level of security that cannot be stolen

and/or manipulated. It is also dependable, user friendly, hard to falsify and it requires negligible

training time, inexpensive and accurate verification process.



Alexander, Felipe & Shahnewaz, Sharon. (2020). “Top Ten Mind Blowing Advantages of

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App Digital Marketing at M2SYS Technology.

Chauhan, Kapil, and Gupta, Himanshu. (2015). “Role of Biometric Security for the

Enhancement of Data Security.” Journal of International Journal of Computers and

Technology. Vol. 14, No. 10.

Dascalescu, Ana. (2020). “What is biometric Authentication?” Heimdal Security.

Esin, Joseph O. (2017). Landscape of Cybersecurity Threats and Forensic Inquiry. Bloomington,

IN: Author House.

Esin, Joseph O. (2018). “Offensive and Defensive Approach to Ethical Hacking.” Washington,

D. C.: Washington Center for Cybersecurity Research and Development (WCCRD).

Esin, Joseph O. (2011). The Messianic View of the Kingdom of God. Bloomington, IN.:


Fennelly, Lawrence J. (2017). Effective Physical Security. Waltham, MA: Elsevier, Inc.

Hayes, Darren R. (2015). A Practical Guide to Computer Forensics Investigations. Indianapolis,

IN.: Pearson Education, Inc.

Kazimov, Tofig and Mahmudova, Shafagat. (2015). “The Role of Biometric Technology in

Information Security.” Journal of International Journal of Computers and Technology.

Vol. 02. Issue: 03.

Krutz, Ronald L. & Vines, Russell Dean (2007). The Certified Information Systems Security

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Indianapolis, IN: Wiley Publishing, Inc.

LeClair, Jane & Keeley, Gregory. (2015). Protecting Our Future: Cybersecurity in

Our Digital Lives. Albany, NY: Hudson Whitman-Excelsior College Press.

McMillan, Troy & Abernathy, Robin. (2014). Certification Guide for Certified Information


Security Professional (CISSP). Indianapolis, IN: Pearson Education, Inc.

Murray, Rev. Daniel A & Rev. Murray, John P. (1985). Saint Jerome Edition Catholic Study

Bible: Deuterocnonicals/apocrypha. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers.

 Nanavati, Samir, Thieme, Michael & Nanavati, Raj. (2002). Biometrics, Identity Verification in a

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Ngwang, E. N. (2016). “Individual Freedom, Cyber Security and Nuclear Proliferation in a

Borderless Land: Innovations and the Trade-offs in Scientific Progress.” The Journal of

Educational Research and Technology (JERT). Vol. 5. No. 5, 33-72.

March 6, 2019

A CALL FOR CONCERN: The Unbalanced Representation of Minorities and Women in the Cybersecurity Profession.

A paper by Joseph O. Esin

Professor of Computer Information Systems

Jarvis Christian College
Hawkins, Texas USA
Visiting Professor of Research
University of Calabar, Nigeria


Minorities, especially women, are often ready and able to work independently and professionally with prime limited supervision to complete assigned duties exactly as their male counterparts in spite of the challenges against minorities in cybersecurity professions. The imminent challenges against minorities who are deprived of equal treatment in cyber-education to prepare and inspire the new generation to master cyber-education tend to sideline women and undercut them when it comes to personal and professional rewards for underrepresented communities. The panacea to this discrepancy resides in corporate collaboration through the cyber-education of the beset segment of the society to defend and protect vulnerable citizens against cyber-attacks. The world community cannot effectively defend and protect vast defenseless citizens during deep disproportionate approaches against minorities and women. Cybersecurity professionals are strongly urged to form a united front to include minorities, especially women in all facets of cyber-education, intellectual stimulation and professional opportunity. The foundation of this unbalanced lopsided approach, unequal treatment of minorities and women is a narrow-minded discrimination based on the gender penchant for male chauvinism. Fortunately, this male chauvinism tends to be compromised by the plethora of women who have been trailblazers in cyber-activities, scientific education and inventions. The achievements of these women reflect the existence of an inexhaustible repository of untapped resources that could inevitably provide and complement the diminishing supplies of cyber experts ready to confront cyber criminals and attackers today.

Overview of Cybersecurity Profession

The life-wire of cybersecurity operation is undergirded by the primary objective to protect private and public organizations’ and higher education’s asserts, vital data, information and intellectual property against cyber-attacks, cyber-breach, hacking and cracking. Per Beach (2015), cybersecurity profession is critical to organizations and all citizens due to constantly needed skills and expertise required to defend and support system security, availability, integrity, authentication, confidentiality and non-repudiation activities.  Alas, males are naturally elevated as sturdy shelters and forefront in the battle against cyber-operation while minorities and women are inevitably and unnecessarily considered as incompetent, unqualified and lack of tenacity and the skill-sets to mitigate cyber-attacks. According to Elan, (2012) and Esin (2018), availability, integrity, authentication, confidentiality and non-repudiation activities are integrated into cybersecurity profession and noncompliance with either of these components into cybersecurity activities would render cyber operations vulnerable to attacks.  Attempts to overlook unbalanced representation of minorities and women or the reluctance to elevate minorities and women to the forefront, exposes a disproportionate attack against the minorities, especially women in cybersecurity professions (Weiss, 2016).  Cybersecurity unemployment rate has dropped to zero-percent; however, the global benchmark relative to talented cybersecurity  professionals is not close to where we need it to be to curb the growing epidemic of cybercrime and cyber-attack (Esin, 2018).

Private and public organizations, higher education and the health care industries are striving to outpace cyber-crime and cyber-attack without the inclusion of much needed cybersecurity aspirants such as minorities and women as members and active partners in cybersecurity profession.  As Wirth (1945) and Chabrow (2011) noted, zero-percent unemployment for cybersecurity experts presents challenges for most organizations and a commitment to bridge the gap against the unbalanced representation of minorities in cybersecurity profession and to form a united front to implement unconditional combative fronts against cyber-attacks that do not discriminate in terms of gender or ethnicity. In our present society that is fast becoming unisexual and diversified, a male domineering schema that systematically sidelines females and other minorities is, to say the least, out of touch with reality.

Diversification of cybersecurity professions is a collective and an innovative means to counteract spiteful attacks against vulnerable innocent communities. According to the National Center of Women Information Technology (NCWIT), traditionally, cybersecurity careers lack professional participation and contribution from minorities and women. As Shumba (2013) & Poster (2012) noted, in 2015 only 25% of the computing workforce were women, 5% Asian, 3% African-American, and 1% Hispanic women.  Once again, as two cybersecurity analysts, Elan, (2012) and Harkinson (2014) noted, a survey conducted by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reveals that only 19.7 percent of cybersecurity  analysts are women, 3 percent African-Americans, 3.4 percent Asian-Americans and 5.2 percent Hispanic and Latinos. These statistics clearly and indisputable reveal the lack of diversity in the work force in cybersecurity careers.

This lack of diversity in cybersecurity profession is detrimental to global workforce and the ongoing determined battle against cyber-attacks on vulnerable global communities. Apparently, the unbalanced representation is an unregulated pipeline against minorities and evidence of women’s unwillingness to be active members of the solution to open-ended cyber-attacks and cyber-crime on the vulnerable organizations. To overcome these barriers, Dallaway (2013) and LeClair and Keeley (2015) suggest that minority and women must be empowered as role models with ability to show the new generation that the cybersecurity profession is a veritable tool to protect private and public organizations against perpetrators of cyber-attacks, regardless of gender equality and inequality.  Per Shumba (2013), the culture of professional transformation is imperative and must contain a transition to benefit the city, state, nation and global economy immensely, which inevitably requires the combined expertise and talents of minorities and women and their male counterparts on the pilgrimage to set the global community free from cyber-attacks.

Diversity is key to disengage from unbalanced representation in today’s cybersecurity and digital marketplace and to empower all personnel with absolute and equal opportunity. Most organizations have created a multigenerational and multicultural intra community approach, diversity policy, and commitment to maintain balance in minority representation and battle against inequality. Unfortunately, Ngwang (2019) notes that the proliferation of a work place with workers from all walks of life by itself does not constitute diversity, diversity entails the cultivation of the spirit of acceptance, equality, homeliness and integration which comes with complete assimilation where workers do not see and feel their difference. Diversity becomes the internalization of differences and the externalization of sameness and uniqueness of the benefits and education that accrue from a hybrid of these differences (Ngwang, 2019).  As Hu (2014) noted, the demographics in cybersecurity workforce reflects the imbalance found in most organizations and efforts to mitigate this pronounced imbalance must focus on increased involvement of minorities and women in cybersecurity operations to close the gap of the critical shortages of skilled cybersecurity personnel in most organizations. Fortunately, most organizations are concentrating on fostering collaborative environments to mitigate this unbalanced approach relative to cybersecurity profession (Tsai (2016). What the new generation needs is an increase of diversity in the workplace and new initiatives to transform the unbalanced gender and ethnic representation to the dynamics of balanced gender equality in order to solve the talent shortage of skilled personnel. In other words, the surest way to handle skill shortages in cybersecurity is by encouraging more minorities and women to embrace a career in cybersecurity.

Minorities (gender, ethnic, national, more.), especially gender minorities are often ready and able to work independently and professionally with prime limited supervision to complete assigned duties exactly as their male counterparts amidst challenges against minority in cybersecurity profession. Without hesitation, Elan (2012) and Dallaway (2013) noted that the prime and looming challenges against minorities and women emanate from deprived equal treatment and the bankruptcy of an introduction to an earlier level of cyber-education to prepare and inspire these minorities to understand challenges and how the mastery of cyber-education will lead to their personal and professional reward. The corporate collaboration through cyber-education of beset segment of the society will credibly and inevitably lead to the understanding of measures to defend and protect vulnerable citizens against cyber-attacks.

The world community cannot effectively defend and protect vast defenseless citizens in the midst of a deeply disproportionate approach against minorities and women. Per Chabrow (2011) cybersecurity professionals are strongly urged to form a united front to include minority women in all facets of cyber-education that encourages intellectual stimulation and professional opportunities. The foundation of unbalanced approach, unequal treatment of minority and women is a narrow-minded and discriminatory mentality based on gender penchant for male chauvinism and the traditional notion of the superiority of the male gender in the sciences.

The global community is a comfort zone for a variety of different professions and nationalities; therefore, minorities and women are eligible to benefit from a higher status and more professional opportunities as male counterparts regardless of gender, national, and ethnic affiliations.  The unbalanced approach to minorities is directly related to race, gender, unequal wages, a prejudicial slant in the hiring process and sexism.  According to Poster (2012), this unbalanced approach to labor inspires the credence that males are superior to the minorities and women, considered them the second-rate citizens.  In the past, minorities and women in the United States were treated as second-class citizens and not given the right to vote. However, the 1920 passage of the Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution provided all citizens in the United States the right to vote regardless of gender disparity (Weiss, 2016 & Wirth 1945).

Who Constitute the Minorities?

Per Wirth (1945) and Shumba (2013), minorities and women are active members of our community who, because of physical and cultural characteristics, are singled out, challenged with differential and unequal treatment, and faced with professional pre-judgement of inability to function as contributive members of the society. The terminology “minority” often denotes subordinate groups of   lesser beings with very little and no authority and legislative function compared to main dominant teams, usually male, empowered with legislative authority to operate in any functional society. As Wirth (1945) and Poster (2012) noted, in the United States’ modern history, our elderly people are often considered as minority due to their diminishing physical status. During apartheid in South Africa, numerically majority black inhabitants were exploited and oppressed by the white minority due to the blacks’ lack of power, authority and control. The absence of authority, power and control is a predominant characteristic of a minority which is distinguished in classifications such as unbalanced representation, unequal treatment and less power on the basis of physical and cultural traits. Per Wirth (1945) and Poster (2012), nowadays, minorities and women are making great strides and competing with their male counterparts in winning elections and gaining seats as congress women, senators, national presidents, college presidents, corporate chief executive officers. college professors, and educators in the mist of existing hurdles. As Chabrow (2011) asserts, the cybersecurity profession is engrained into global, private and public organizations, higher education enterprises and attempts to prevent minorities and women from gaining a foothold in this profession is tantamount to running against  the current of  personal and professionally determined efforts to defend and to protect  the vulnerable global communities against the alarming rate of cyber-attacks.   The passage of the Nineteenth Amendment of the US constitution granted all US citizens the right to vote in 1920. This show of equality served as redemptive strength for all citizens for the equivalent integration of men, minorities and women into cybersecurity profession and a liberating force against the unbalanced representation of minorities and women in all walks of life (Wirth, 1945 & Elan, 2012).

Nowadays, men often operate on a fixed hero mentality encouraging unbalanced approach against minorities and women and subsequently suppressing women’s and minorities’ determined efforts to reach upper echelons in cybersecurity careers. Per LeClair and Keeley (2015) and Shumba (2013), an interrelated approach to mitigate and eradicate the looming unbalanced engagement of citizens in cyber employment must include professional communication, cyber-education for minorities, women and males. Cyber-attacks often exacerbate inequalities and insecurity against minorities and women and gender predisposition is a point of weakness, vulnerability for insecurity and a corridor to under-tapped skills needed to provide solutions to the danger of the lopsided approach toward minority and women in cyber activities.

Value of Minorities and Women in Cybersecurity Community

Minorities and women are equally productive and stable in large proportions in high-technology and cybersecurity professions exactly as their male counterparts. Unlike in the past decades, the Millennium brought remarkable innovative advancement in minority and women’s technology and cybersecurity operation, a threshold of closing the gap against gender isolation and declining percentage of minority and women in cybersecurity professions. As LeClair and Pheils (2016) and Esin (2017) noted, minorities and women progress in different walks of life including cybersecurity profession is asymmetrical and succeeding at a slow pace. Today, in the 21st   Century, minorities and women are ascending and matching the success ladders of their male counterparts. Minorities and women contributions to cybersecurity profession are sidelined for no ostensible reason, except for the fact that they are minority and women. Indeed, the minorities and women have been foremost in cyber-attack and investigative techniques:

a.     In 1940, Elizabeth Smith Friedman, (minority & woman) helped to invent the science of cryptography for the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), her techniques broke international spy rings, decoded three Nazi Enigma machines and contributed to the early work of the forerunner to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Right after the war, her elite code-breaking unit was shut down and various men took credit for her work (Poster, 2012; Browne, 2015; & Shumba 2013).

b.     In the 1950s,  an African American female, Katherine Johnson, (minority & woman) a mathematicians at NASA calculated the aeronautical trajectories to put Man on the Moon. The proportion of minority and women in computer science grew until the mid-1980s. Again, right after the discovery, the dawn of personal computing dropped swiftly (Poster, 2012; Browne, 2015; & Shumba 2013).

c.     In 2009, Melissa Hathaway, (minority & woman) served as President Obama’s first acting senior director on cyberspace for the National Security Council (NSC) (Poster, 2012; Browne, 2015; & Shumba, 2013).

d.     In 2004-2010, Letitia Long, (minority & woman) was the first woman director of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency who supplied the satellite, geographical and social-media data that enabled the capture of Osama bin Laden (Poster, 2012; Browne, 2015; & Shumba 2013).

e.     In 2013-2016, Dr. Jane LeClair (minority & woman) served as the Chief Operating Officer, providing outstanding leadership for the National Cybersecurity Institute dedicated to increasing knowledge and expertise in the cybersecurity discipline (Esin, 2018; LeClair & Keeley, 2015).

f.       In 2016 to present, Dr. Jane LeClair (minority & woman) established Washington Center for Cybersecurity Research and Development (WCCRD), an organization dedicated to the advancement of skills, knowledge and competency of minorities, women and men in cybersecurity education. She organized and convened conferences and training across the globe (LeClair & Pheils, 2016; & Esin, 2018). 

g.     Today, January 19, 2019, thousands of women and minorities across fifty states of the continental United States are committed, dedicated and willing to strengthen their individual talents and protection of vulnerable citizens against cyber-attacks and cyber-crimes.

Canon of Gender Inequality in Cybersecurity Profession

Today, circumstances have changed drastically and methodically, and minorities and women are making stable innovative advancement toward cybersecurity profession, contributing to a bigger role in the world economy compared to ancient times. Minority and women’s talents are often diluted, prohibited and dominated by emerging distinction of male dominating approach to cyber-jobs.  Per Hu (2014) and Elan (2012), three main reasons associated with the decreasing role of minorities and women in high profile jobs, cyber-security, include poverty, responsibility and education. Furthermore, minorities and women are incessantly underpaid, operate on limited financial resources and often given no line of authority. The egocentric and valiant male chauvinism continues to downplay minority and women’s ability to successfully complete assigned cybersecurity tasks that demand diverse skills, talents and expertise needed to protect private and public organizations, and higher education against cyber-crime, cyber-attacks and attacks on vulnerable innocent citizens (Esin, 2018).  Cybersecurity operations reflect the ethos of protecting and defending world organizations against cyber-threats, perpetrators, hackers and crackers and to safeguard victims of cyber-crimes and cyber-attacks. In the national and global echelons, battling cyber-crime, cyber-attacks and cyber-threats must be an all-inclusive communal responsibility requiring coordinated action, participation and contribution from all citizens - men, minorities and women (Tsai, 2016 & Benison, 2009).

Per Weiss (2016), the underrepresentation of minorities and women in the cybersecurity profession is entrenched with critical and practical concern among leaders in private and public organizations, higher education and the defense industries. There are not enough cybersecurity professionals across the globe and, as such, the operation is experiencing growing shortage of skilled personnel. Over a quarter-million positions in this domain continue to remain unfilled in most nations and there is a projected shortfall of 1.5 million cybersecurity professionals in the United Sates by 2020. As Hu (2014) and Elan (2012) noted, based on the looming proliferation of cyber-threat, cyber-crime, cyber-attacks, growing concerns of vulnerable citizens and organization data and information, the projected solution must include active steps to encourage private and public organizations, higher education enterprises and military operations to expose, invite and incorporate minorities and women into cybersecurity professional education, workshops, conferences and training. 


Minorities (ethnic, national, religious and more) and women must be empowered with cybersecurity knowledge, skills and expertise to acquire their full potential, scientific know-how to confront and contain cyber-attacks and cyber-crimes. As noted by LeClair and Pheils (2016) in their studies on women in cybersecurity, the shortage hurdles can be overcome when minorities and women are supported, elevated to senior levels of administrative positions, educated with ability to mentor the new generation, facilitate substantial influx of minorities and women to embrace cybersecurity professions across the global communities. All-inclusive education on diversity, skills and expertise needed to mitigate cybersecurity snags in solo and in isolation of one gender. The corridor to assuage open-ended breach against qualified cybersecurity aspirants must eschew gender inequality.



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At IT.”? from


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Field.” from

Dallaway, E. (2013). Let’s Hear it for the Ladies: Women in Information



Elan, S. (2012). Study: Women encounter inequality in science &

technology fields. Retrieved from


Harkinson, Josh (2014) “Silicon Valley Firms are Even Whiter and More

Male Than You Thought.”


Hu, Elise, (2014) “Facebook’s Diversity Numbers Are Out, And They’re What You Expect,”



LeClair Jane & Pheils, Denis (2016). “Women in Cybersecurity.”

Excelsior College Press. Albany: New York.


LeClair, Jane & Keeley, Gregory (2015). Protecting Our Future

in Our Digital Lives. Excelsior College Press. Albany: New York.


Ngwang, Emmanuel N. The challenges of practical ethics and leadership in the age of cyber                  education: A crisis in management. Journal of Educational Research and Technology      (JERT) 7 (7)


Poster, W. R. (2012). “Global, Technology Diffusion and

Gender Disparity: Social Impacts of ICT.


Shumba, R. et al (2013) “Cybersecurity, Women and Minority.”



Tsai, P. (2016). “Cybersecurity skills gap? Most organizations lack IT

security experts.” from


Weiss, S. (2016). “The Biggest Problem Women Face in The Workplace

Isn’t What You Might Expect.”



Wirth, Louis. 1945. “The Problem of Minority Groups.” The Science of Man in the World

Crisis, edited by R. Linton: 347. In Hacker, Helen Mayer. 1951. Women as a Minority Group. Retrieved December 1,

2011 (

A CALL FOR CONCERN: The Unbalanced Representation of Minorities and Women in Cybersecurity Professi

November 6, 2018

Offensive and Defensive Approach to Ethical Hacking Operation

A paper by Joseph O. Esin

Professor of Computer Information Systems

Jarvis Christian College
Hawkins, Texas USA
Visiting Professor of Research
University of Calabar, Nigeria

Hacking and cracking are a felony and horrible occurrence in most countries and an

open-ended operation allowing unauthorized users to obtain information from various
sources against a target organization. Naturally, hackers regularly retain extraordinary
skills and expertise to break into any organization’s secured network center to adopt
automated freeware tools available on Internet and open up these tools to cybercriminals
to break into the organization’s network center. However, ethical hackers are often
inclined to overcome the underworld cybercriminals and eradicate these culprits through
multiple endeavors such as a combination of human interventions, surveilling monitoring
system and talented information technology (IT) experts, to protect organizations against
the vulnerability of data, assets and resources.


Unfortunately, most organizations do not subscribe to the fact that ethical hacking

threats and associated vulnerabilities terminate
at the four walls built around data security centers. Cyber-technology improprieties such
as cracking and hacking operations are often attributed to a thought-out installation and
configuration of operating system (OP), network operating system (NOS), router, firewall
and flouting manufacture’s built-in setup directives, often requiring strategic plans to
mitigate offensive cyber-attack, and defensive cyber-assault. Organization offensive plan
of action must include proactive interaction with personnel regarding the regular updating
of employee’s passwords by means of providing additional layers of protection,
encryption of vital data, installation and configuration of firewall, comprehensive backup
and acceptable disaster recovery plan. Similarly, an organization’s defensive approach
requires assess control against data and information breach and data recovery proactive
plan of action. Consequently, offensive and defensive ethical hacking operations will
amplify, augment and strengthen each organization’s employees and IT security team to
preempt and battle ever-emerging cyber-threat across the globe. Ethical hacking is

prefixed on the assumption that although technology was designed to make life easier, it

has, unfortunately, made life very challenging for the current generation

Framework of the Research
Phase 1:
The emerging reliance on technology to daily activities has ushered an aggressive
offensive cyberwar between hackers and well-intentioned uses of information technology. This
conflict-oriented relationship has called for the examination of challenges of offensive and
defensive approach to ethical hacking, in preparing vulnerable organizations, information
technology (IT) team, grade and high school educators, college and university professors, and
security professionals to be sensitive to the problems that may eventually lead to security
improprieties. The community can only hold them responsible and accountable if they are
thoroughly educated in the detection and identification of these hacking improprieties. My
colleagues on the first school of thought argue that professional preparation against ethical
hacking rest on the domain or is the purview of the IT team, while leaving vulnerable
organization’s personnel and aspirant security professionals in a divided line. My academic
institution and I subscribes to the second school of thought, which affirms that professional
training on cyber-attacks and data-threatening operations such as ethical hacking requires the
participation of entire administrators and authorized users of any organization, especially those
connected to the Internet with direct access to centralized security center. Per Juneja (2013), the
scope of professional preparation must include discovering the origin of ethical hacking and
underground purpose, to uncover operational flaws, malicious Internet, security breach and
proactive plan against outlets of wide range security breach. Ethical hacking is a familiar
nomenclature often popular in private and public organizations, and serve as a benchmark for IT
directors, pundits and security personnel in reference to revisiting offensive and defensive
approaches needed to protect any organization’s data, assets and intellectual property (Greene,
2014). Such proactive, protective initiatives against crackers’ and hackers’ mischievous
operation requires every minute of monitoring of culprits’ attempts to break into the
organization’s security center.


Most organizations learned that ethical hacking threats and vulnerabilities are not
circumscribed by territorial structures like those that the four walls are built around data and
security center facilities. Such lip service ignores the irreversible consequences if the adverse

activity lingers without advanced precautions. It is worth noting that offensive and defensive
ethical hacking processes often advance interruptedly as far as the vulnerability permits.
According to Kleespie (2000) and Green (2004), the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) offered a
redemptive channel of control by regulating ethical hacking operation with emphasis on trust,
and confidence, but this trust must be earned by current employees and officials representing


The urgency of hacking has been created by the modification in shopper’s attitudes.
Today, most shoppers have moved away from carrying physical cash to carrying credit and debit
cards. Such a move on the part of shoppers inevitably pushed hackers to respond with more
sophisticated hacking techniques to outpace the credit companies and shoppers. The recent
episode of Target Corporation credit card hacking in December 2013 revealed the paucity of
credit card invincibility to hackers and placed Target on drawbacks by consumers. Per Jones &
Bartlett Learning, (2015) and Grama, Marty and Michael (2016) Target’s 23 days’ delay in
notifying shoppers and the public about such magnitude of data breach was unequivocally
mistaken and disturbing to consumers. From November 27 through December 19, 2013, the
very day that Target publicly notified the customers is approximately 23 days. Consumers should
have been notified immediately to allow them all-inclusive options to contact their banks,
financial institutions, debits and credit card’s corporations for protective measures. Because of
the Target Corporation prevailing episode, FCRA needed to revisit existing standards and
regulation relative to offensive and defensive approach to ethical hacking operations. The
project’s parameter must include the ability to examine and regulate the strength, weakness and
guidelines to prevent and protection against five segments of ethical hacking approach which
include script kiddies, green hat hackers, white hat hacking, black hat hacking and gray hat
hacking, and cyber-attacks, unethical attacks and malicious attempt to disorganize or disorientate
an organization’s procedure.


Phase 2.
To heighten and enhance extra protective measures against ethical hacking operations,
private and public organizations and higher education enterprises should create a generic contact
phone number and e-mail address,(for example, to protect the
organization’s databases, assets and intellectual property against active hackers. Replacement of
actual names with generic names will deter culprits from wide-ranging illegal activities on an

organization’s database. For example, if an ethical hacker discovers that the network manager’s
name is Paul Adams who works at the institution in Dallas campus, and if Paul Adams sends e-
mails to the main campus using, this action clearly constitutes
credible attempt of social engineering (SE). There is clearly a geographical and locational
disconnect because Jarvis Christian College main campus is not in Dallas, an indication that IT
teams and other Internet users should be trained to be mindful of imminent cyber-attack.
Traditionally, perpetrators of SE normally use psychological moralities to circumnavigate
security threats through persuasion and crafty manipulative techniques to convince official users
to disclose confidential information about their organization (Easttom and Taylor, 2011 & Esin,

The initial phase of ethical hacking is to gain information about the organization prior to
cyber-attack, which involves alerting the team of the first-responders to step up in preparation to
thwart the perpetrators’ illegal access to organization’s network security center. As David (2004)
and Esin (2018) maintain, ethical hacking is a covert operation, which enables crackers and
hackers at early phase, to find accurate information within the target organization from
authorized users, administrators and IT directors. As earlier asserted, ethical hacking is an open-
ended operation where perpetrators can obtain information on target organization from various
sources such as www.netcraft,com and to provide all-inclusive data about the
target facility (Easttom and Taylor, 2011).

Per Walker (2017), and Easttom & Taylor, (2011), the Internet security service (ISS),
codename (net-craft), is a central source designed to protect against anti-fraud, anti-phishing
services, application testing, code reviews, automated penetration testing and secured sockets
layer (SSL) certificate authorities. The archives of some organizations are often entrenched with
collection of vital documents, historical records and physical locale of the primary source of
personnel and organization data, resources and authentic point of reference. The SLL tends to
support offensive and defensive ethical hacking approach to restructure the organization’s policy
relative to the hiring of new personnel, redeployment of employees, implementation of new
technologies, and the reconfiguration of existing websites and webservers.

Initial representation of offensive and defensive approach to ethical hacking include
Cross-site request forgery (CSCR), cookies, and malicious exploitation by unauthorized and
trusted users against organizations. As Walker (2017), and Dimkov & Hartel (2011) noted,

cross-site request forgery signifies tricks by ethical hackers to inherit identity and privileges from

official user to perform unethical hacking in the organization’s network security center. Most
organization browsers are often configured with automatic features consisting of credentials of
official users’ session cookies, passwords and Internet protocol (IP) (Thomas, (2002 &Walker,
2017). Ethical hacking processes are often mitigated by configuring an organization’s webserver
to send trial-error test across the network system. Furthermore, users must read the screen and
learn not to respond to trial-error test. Such a refusal will make it easier to identify illegitimate
requests initiated by cyber-criminals. Cookies is a small text-based file stored on computer
memory for futuristic use by webserver user next time the same user login into the system. Per
Schell, Dodge & Moutsatsos, (2002) and Walker (2017), cookies are often indispensable for
websites because cookies house advanced features such as huge databases and contain all sorts of
information such as authentication details, site preferences and session features.


Emergence of cyber-hacking
The explosive evolution of the Internet has brought advantages, challenges, and
shortcomings to international communities. Innovative technological advances include electronic
commerce, stress-free access to massive reference material, e-mail communication, and
inventive avenues for advertisement, and dissemination of data and information. The emergence
of innovative cyber-technology has led to the advent of ethical hacking, the illegal attempt to
break into organization’s Web server, replace original logo with pornography, steal credit card
numbers from on-line shopping sites, install software programs to transmit the organization’s
confidential data and leak information to the public and open Internet. Ethical hackers are
sophisticated in the use of conspiratorial tactics to provoke contentious conversations, precisely
on script kiddies and the black hat hacker’s activities. As Schell, Dodge and Moutsatsos, (2002)
noted, the world community is witnessing an alarming number of persons in formative years of
high schools, two year and four years college graduates who for a variety of psychological
intention have become addicted to Internet and the exploitation of their talents to engage in
criminal undertakings. Ethical hacking operations involve telecommunications swindle, credit
card fraud and unauthorized hacking and cracking into any organization security center. Victims
of ethical hacking must learn to identify vulnerabilities and risk factors, in order to strengthen
security measures to stop culprits from deliberate and premeditated attempts to disclose any
organization’s confidential data and intellectual property to the public.


Fundamentals of Ethical Hacking

Approaches to offensive and defensive ethical hacking operations include five important
components such as script kiddies, green hackings, white hat hackers, black hat hackers and gray
hat hackers (Letow, 2015). Notably, ethical hacking is a midway approach against breaching an
organization’s secured data and information center. The complex nature of offensive and
defensive ethical hacking calls for a more comprehensive means to mitigate hacker’s tactics,
myriad security vulnerabilities, and emerging security technologies (David, 2004, & Danish,
2011). Perpetrators of ethical hacking often scan for an organization’s weaknesses, current
employees helping hands to primary targets, and development of strategies to pinpoint available
resources and accurate actionable plan to placate entirely their culprits’ activities.
Per Schell, Dodge and Moutsatsos (2002) and Krehel (2015), script kiddies (SK) are
aspirant unskilled hackers operating without practical knowledge and expertise. They rely
completely on other’s expert hacker’s readymade applications software and talent to write their
own code, with different architectures to interact and penetrate organization’s networks security
center. SKs are unskilled hackers, often motivated by political and religious belief to create fears
on a large-scale disturbance and fracas on private and public organizations and higher education
systems. On the other hand, green hat hackers (GHH) are a group of ambitious hackers with
limited knowledge on ethical hacking. Parallel to script kiddies, green hat hackers depend on
readymade tools and applications to breach into organizations’ passwords, assets and system
resources. (Flaherty, 2003 and Lasker, 2005).

White hat hackers (WHH) are Internet gurus with ability to hold down high paying
professional’s positions such as security analysts and security specialists in most organization
based on their stretchy nature of operation. Per Letow (2015) and Trabelsi (2011), white hat
hackers are capable of thwarting innovative techniques and methodologies to breach into
organizations’ network security centers. White hat hackers often act decisively and operate
within the legal frameworks set forth in any organization’s policies and procedures, and
frequently refrain from revealing acquired skills and expertise without prior consent of the


Black hat hackers (BHH) are experienced career crackers and hackers who are
often responsible for data breaching, rooted with malicious intent to steal, destroy intellectual
property, distribute viruses across organization security centers. They often deny the authorized
users access to their organization’s resources. Black hat hackers are experts with extensive

immeasurable knowledge of the Internet, with ability to gain unauthorized access to network

security center, unleash maliciously cyber-attack, steal vital data and information, extort money
through blackmail, perpetrate payment card, banking fraud and act maliciously to exploit
vulnerabilities in modern-day communities (Schell and Dodge, 2002 & Smith, Yurcik & 2002).


Per Walker (2017), gray hat hackers (GHH) actively represent the middle ground amongst white
hat hackers; they operate without the malicious intent ascribed to black hat hackers’ operations.
As Walker (2017) and Schneier (2000) noted, gray hat hackers are not naturally classified as
experienced ethical hackers, since they do not have any intention to crack and breach into any
organization’s security center.

Ethical hacking operations have three functional segments, namely physical, practical,
and organizational control. Per Walker (2017), physical control includes items such as light
bulbs, television sets, washer and drying devices, encryption, cipher text, brute-force, spyware,
cyberterrorist, and access control. In addition, physical control includes comprehensive and well-
structured professional staff development education to enhance outgrowth, knowledge, expertise
and understanding the focus of security operation. Effective ethical hacking preparation must
clinch to these three ensuing components such as authentication of alarm bells to deter
unauthorized access to an organization’s security center, implementation of alerts components on
authorized access to resources, auditing process, backups, and active disaster recovery plan.
Ethical hacking represents the hackers’ malicious process of identifying limitations, weaknesses
and vulnerabilities relative to electronic devices, data and information through replication,
activation penetration, intrusion and intent of malicious hackers. As Greene (2004) and Juneja
(2013) in their studies on ethical hacking noted, ethical hackers’ undertaking cannot be
successful and effective without the permission and authorization of official users within
organizations who are fully aware and informed of the modus operando of where, when and time
the culprits will launch a planned malicious attach.


Unethical Hackers Operations.
Unethical hackers’ activities differ from traditional ethical hackers’ operations. Unethical
hacking involves malicious, criminally motivated techniques and ability to create approaching
danger. The landscape of unethical hackers’ activities supports the much-needed comprehensive
and real-world offensive and defensive apparatus to hacking operations. Based on present-day
increased sophistication and success rate of unprincipled hacker’s operations; organizations,

nations, states and law-enforcement crime units must embrace and retain highly- motivated

teams of experts to provide long-term solution to mitigate negative effects of unethical hackers
(Krehel (2015).


Offensive Ethical Hacking Operation
Krehel (2015) and Himanen (2001) maintain that victims of ethical hackers learn that
offensive attacks are often untimely, occur when it is too late to apply offensive measures and
consequences are repeatedly dramatic. Employees of organizations and information technology
(IT) team constitute the first-time responders, but they have limited tools and skills to challenge
the perpetrators and protect the organization’s vital data. The likely offensive mechanisms to
demystify ethical hacking operations must include security fortresses, weighty alarm systems,
protected doors and windows, and the ability to monitor and detect untimely hacker’s activities
around organization’s security command centers. Black hat hackers are groups who often work
hard to find vulnerabilities and breach organizations’ network security centers to steal, alter data
and crash systems for malicious purposes and financial gain. However, white hat hackers are
individuals entrenched with the same techniques as black hat hackers. In contrast, white hat
hackers use their endowed skills to organize and analyze data and report findings to the
pretentious organizations to mitigate imminent flaws of ethical hackers. Effective offensive
approach to ethical hacking must include taking full control of incoming and outgoing traffic into
any organization, continued education, updating of website and webserver configurations,
Internet vulnerabilities, revisiting of organization policy, configuration of firewall to deter safe
passage of likely intruders against the use of virtual private network (VPN) and secure socket
shell (SSH) keys to authenticate patching network security systems, protect organization data
and intellectual property (Flaherty, 2003 & David 2004).


Defensive Ethical Hacking Operation
Most organization are willing to establish well-structured defensive mechanisms to
safeguard the operation, while large segments of some organizations often restrain from
defensive measures to protect their vital assets and resources. Ethical hackers are sophisticated,
delinquents, crooks who participate in offensive activities against organizations. Per Krehel
(2015), defensive approaches to overcome underworld hackers, also known as cybercriminals,

must include combination of human intervention, surveilling monitoring system and talented IT

experts to protect vulnerable organizations from loss of customers, financial profit and damages
of billions of dollars per year. Ethical hacker operations are self-motivated, asymmetric and
difficult to predict. As Juneja (2013) and Letow (2015) asserted, organizations and law
enforcement communities are aware of the speedy growth of coldblooded hackers and looming
cyber-threats on vulnerable citizens; therefore, a balanced defensive mechanism must be
implemented to battle hard-hearted cyber-terrorists.


My past thirty-one (31) years in academia, administrative and corporate high technology
and five years in cybersecurity industry have revealed to me that private and public organizations
and higher education enterprise’s security network facilities have vulnerabilities, undefended and
ready for exploitation by hackers and cybercriminals at any time. Defensive setback relative to
hacker activity is often attributed to mistakes on installation and configuration of operating
systems (OP), network operating system (NOS), router, firewall and failures to keep an eye on
manufacture’s built-in setup direction. A hacking process is a felony and horrible occurrence in
most countries and in the United States. Per Schell and Dodge (2002) and Lasker (2005), hackers
often retain exceptional skills and expertise to adopt automated freeware tools available on the
Internet by exposing these tools to cybercriminals to break into any organization’s security
network center.

Systematic approaches to defensive ethical hacking operation should include five stages:
exploration, examination, acquisition, upholding and pathways to security centers (Trabelsi
(2011). The exploration stage serves as a preparatory phase allowing hackers to gather data and
information about the target organizations prior to launching the intended cyber-attack.
Collection of data and information during the exploration stage is similar to social engineering.
This process engages a smooth-talking person with techniques to persuade an organization’s
personnel to reveal sensitive data, information, passwords and security policies to the public.
Retrieving sensitive data and information already revealed to the public pose challenges to the
defensive approach to ethical hackers’ activities. The exploration stage often overlaps with the
examination stage.

The examination stage precedes the actual hacking stage allowing perpetrators to gather
data and information about the organization’s Internet protocol (IP) address, operating system
(OP), network operating system (NOS), organization system architecture (OSA), available

resources and techniques to breach into the organization’s security center. Acquisition stage is no

longer a likelihood operation, but a high risks stage allowing hackers to obtain elevated
privileges, much needed access to inflict damages as well as launching denial of attack (DoS),
buffer flow-attack, inserting viruses and Trojan horses into the organization’s security center.
The Pathways stage is the damaging phase, allowing hackers to delete files and folders, disable
operating and auditing systems, to log records and files by using audipol.exe to disable OS
loggings. The pathway stage is the most challenging stage of defensive approach to ethical
hackers. Integration of the five systematic approaches to offensive and defensive ethical hacking
operation will play a key role to protect organization data, assets and resources.


In today’s ever-evolving cyber-threats on organization, offensive and defensive
approaches are adequate to mitigate challenges posed by ethical hacker to sniff out hackers prior
to launching cyber-attacks. Ethical hacking is a midway methodology against breaching
organization secured data center. Imminent challenges ahead of the complex nature of offensive
and defensive approach to ethical hackers must include the creation of proactive measures to
mitigate hacker’s tactics, myriad security and vulnerabilities. There are indeed five components
associated with ethical hackers that include script kiddies, green hackings, white hat hackers,
black hat hackers and gray hat hackers, each of them operates in accordance with the culture of
ethical hacking operation. Organizations and businesses enterprises and educational institutions
must come up with comprehensive plans to prevent and protect cyber-attacks. These offensive
measures must spell out what to do after cyber-assault and defensive measures must equally
identify adequate plan of action to mitigate the cyber-attacks. The offensive and defensive plans
of action must include proactive interaction with personal, regular updating of employee’s
password by providing additional layers of protection, encryption of vital data, installation and
configuration of firewall, comprehensive backup and disaster recovery policy and procedures to
protect organization goals and objectives.



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October 24, 2018

A  Paper by Charles Parker II

Connected and autonomous vehicle (CAV) GPS: Attacks and using defensive AI implementation


The connected vehicle is presently on the road in several different models from the various vehicle manufacturers. The functionality includes many aspects that have been designed to improve the user experience (UX) and have been shown to indeed accomplish this. As time

has passed, the associated technology has also improved, as evidenced by the connected vehicle

advancing to the autonomous stage. While this is not yet a fully functioning vehicle for the masses at this junction, this new form is actively being tested and is in a limited scope use in certain locations, such as the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor with a limited number of buses

(Phelan, 2018) and shuttles (Carney, 2018) for the University students utilize for transportation, along with limited bus routes in other areas.


One of the primary requirements for the autonomous drive (AD) vehicles is for the vehicle to be fully aware of its geographic location at all times. This is an absolute requirement as the vehicle needs to be actively engaged with driving on the road and not driving on

inappropriate areas or unintended objects, including persons, or off of the intended driving area, e.g. a cliff. This would prove to be disastrous for the object or person being struck by the AD vehicle, the driver and vehicle occupants, and the vehicle. To ensure the appropriate driving procedures are implemented, one application is the use of global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) within the vehicle modules. This would work to pinpoint the vehicles location in relation to the road, landmarks, or area in which it is driving. Without this and other mechanisms in place, the result would be difficult to fully imagine. To complicate matters, dependent on the

physical structures proximate to the vehicle, the precise vehicle location may be affected by the number of satellites the vehicle is receiving the signals from, the ionosphere, and the environment (e.g. tall buildings surrounding the vehicles, as encountered in large cities). GPS/GNSS is not a new technology. This was engineered and implemented over 44 years ago by the military and has been in use since in varying capacities. This has been in use for navigation by the government, including the military, and private industry for decades (Warner, & Johnston, n.d.). Although initiated by the military, the civilian applications have grown much more in use (van Niekerk, & Combrinck, 2012). This includes buses, taxes, delivery vehicles, emergency vehicles, civilian vehicles, marine traffic, and air traffic. This was allowed for civilian use in the 1980s and uses at least 24 satellites in determining the vehicles location (Garmin, n.d.; Kyes & Ravikumar, 2017). The GNSS works, in short, by interpreting the ephemeris data, or orbital information from the satellite(s), to determine the receiver’s location.

GNSS is better known by several acronyms, dependent on the country of origin. The examples of this include this being known as Galileo in the European Union (EU), GLONASS in Russia, BEIDOU in China, IRNSS/NABIC in India, GPS in the U.S., and soon QZSS in Japan.

Over time, the technology utilized with the GPS/GNSS has improved and evolved (Schmidt, Radke, Camtepe, Foo, & Ren, 2016). This has been achieved through more advanced equipment and communication methods. At this point, the process provides the receivers position within one meter (Parkinson, Ward, Wilson, & Miller, 2017) dependent on several factors.


Clearly this functionality is a requirement for safe operations. Without this system in place, robust and tested, there would be rather significant and immediate issues. As this is pertinent, GPS/GNSS has become an attack vector. The attackers are able to create new and

adjust prior methods to attack these units. The equipment used for the attacks cost is not prohibitive and the units are not excessively large or cumbersome (Schmidt, Radke, Camtepe, Foo, and Ren, 2016). To further complicate the situation and environment, the units used to attack GPS and counterfeit the GPS signals are relatively easy to assemble (Humphreys, 2012).


For a few hundred USD (Gowand, 2017; SWLING, 2018; Alongi, 2018), any person is able to perfectly spoof the GPS signal to indicate the specific geographic point is anywhere on the globe. Proof of concept (PoC) tests have been clearly shown to spoof a GPS signal for an object in Michigan to be falsely located in Russia, above the Chernobyl reactor. While clearly is not plausible, the counterfeit data indicates otherwise to the vehicle’s GPS.


To improve their trade and services, spoofing research also is on-going (Schmidt, Radke, Camtepe, Foo, & Ren, 2016), to ensure the optimal attacks are available and robust. This is a natural progression in the attack and defense cycle. Based on this troubling information, the remediation objectives and plan should be analyzed and created now to avoid the potential issues in the future. Without this actively and directly in place, the implementation of AD vehicles would be problematic at best, and a disaster in implementation as the vehicles GPS may indicate the equipment is several miles or continents away from the accurate location.


Research Problem

As noted, spoofing the GPS signal in order to trick the AD vehicle into accepting its location is different than it actually is has been shown to be inexpensive and not difficult to emulate. This has been due in part to the popularity of GPS creating a more transparent architecture for the attackers to research and analyze (Parkinson, Ward, Wilson, & Miller, 2017).

The GPS spoofing works by deceiving the GPS receiver by broadcasting the GPS signal for the false location (Zhan, & Zhu, 2017). This fraudulent GPS signal is received and deemed as authentic, although incorrect. The GPS spoofing can be very simple to implement (Aloni, 2018). The attacker simply implements a software defined radio (SDR) and antenna, which are not excessively costly items, and the software, which is open source. To expand the range and number of vehicles potentially affected, the attackers may also use an amplifier, which also is easily secured and integrated into the attack platform. To further complicate the GPS spoofing attack for the defensive teams and engineers involved with these vehicles, the attackers are not required to be present or proximate to the vehicle to affect the attack (Fan, Zhang, Trinkle,nDimitrovski, Song, & Li, 2015).


There have already been extensive field tests for GPS spoofing completed by researchers (Fan, Zhang, Trinkle, Dimitrovski, Song, & Li, 2015). A recent lab test in September 2018 indicated a perfectly viable GPS spoofed signal received over a quarter mile from the GPS

spoofing equipment with an adequate signal strength to be received and utilized by the target party’s vehicle. This was accomplished with a minor signal amplifier. With a greater level of amplification, which is not an issue or complicated process, the spoofed GPS signal could have easily reached over a mile. These tests have unequivocally indicated the traditional defensive mechanisms are unable to prevent the GPS spoofing attacks.


The underlying issue involves the GPS function itself. This is problematic due to many issues inherent to its processes and operations (Parkinson, Ward, Wilson, & Miller, 2017). The standard defense is to increase the number of satellites being monitored by the module. In theory, this would provide better coverage for the AD vehicle. This was potentially a mild remediation until this defense was overcome by additional and stronger GPS signals and a greater number of spoofed GPS sources (i.e. more than one module spoofing the GPS signals) (Parkinson, Ward, Wilson, & Miller, 2017).

The GPS spoofing attack targets may be divided into two separate types. These are focused on the target as being static or dynamic (Montgomery, Humphreys, & Ledvina, 2009). The static target is fixed, much like a building or other permanent site. The dynamic target, however involves the target moving and being mobile. This would be the case with marine vessels on the lakes or oceans, aircrafts, vehicles, or other targets which are not stationary.  Notably another dynamic target would be the UAV or drones (Kerns, Shepard, Bhatti, & Humphreys, 2014). These are both viable targets for the GPS spoofing attack. As noted, the attacker may simply use an SDR to affect the GPS spoofing attack. Another form of viable attack tools are the GPS jammers (Montgomery, Humphreys, & Ledvina, 2009), which are easily procured and utilized. These units are also inexpensive, sold by many vendors, and have been proven to be very effective. The GPS jammer attack is effective in the inverse manner to a typical described GPS attack. Instead of providing a false location, the receiving unit is flooded with GPS signals. The module received such a mass of signals, that it may not differentiate the true signal among the many.

With the ease of securing the GPS spoofing equipment in its various forms, the attacks being rather successful, lack of the need to be proximate to the target (Fan, Zhang, Trinkle, Dimitrovski, Song, & Li, 2015), and many other factors, this technology has the direct potential to be a detriment to the targets operations, i.e. AD vehicle, and persons involved. As the geographic impact area for GPS spoofing is rather extensive with the described equipment, the defenses and remediations need to be researched, tested, and implemented. Any delay in this has the potential to delay AD vehicles, and have a distinct negative impact on all other vehicles and

modes of transportation using any form of GPS.


Significance of the Research

GPS use is widespread in consumer and commercial vehicles, marine vessels, aircraft, and virtually all other vehicles in use today manufactured in the last decade in various capacities. This expansive implementation is only going to increase as the AD vehicles are in use at greater levels, and other modes of transportation become autonomous to a greater extent. The thought experiment and proof of concept (PoC) testing to date has shown the GPS spoofing effects can be significantly serious and effect vast numbers of people immediately (Humphreys, 2015b) given the affected area. There have also been field tests with GPS spoofing (Fan, Zhang, Trinkle,

Dimitrovski, Song, & Li, 2015). Beginning in at least 2001, the federal government has noted there is an issue with GPS spoofing and its potential for detrimental effects to those within the effected geographic area. In 2001, the U.S. Department of Transportation analyzed the infrastructure utilized by the different modes of transportation (Montgomery, Humphreys, & Ledvina, 2009), which noted the vulnerabilities with civil GPS disruption.


Until 2015, GPS spoofing, while an issue, did not have the opportunity for widespread abuse as this presently does. Granted, this was a possibility, however did not garner a significant amount of attention or use. In 2015 at a hacker’s convention, this changed. The presenter shown the ease needed to affect this attack (Goward, 2017; DefCON, 2015). The research and subsequent remediation protocols will secure the GPS against known and potential future unknown attacks, as the defensive measures will be forward-looking and encompass many more forms of defense than what has been nominally put into place. These measures, as noted, are extensive and when used in conjunction, further reduce the opportunity for a successful GPS spoofing attack on the targeted mode of transportation. While this may appear to be ethereal and an esoteric exercise, there allegedly have been successful GPS spoofing attacks located outside of the lab and PoC testing in the real-world. One of which allegedly occurred in December 2011 when Iranian forces may have spoofed the GPS

signal to disable a drone (Psiaki, & Humphreys, 2016). There have also been potential incidences in the Korean peninsula and the Ukraine. A notable alleged incident occurred with GPS interference regarding shipping in the Black Sea. Over an extended period of time, the ships GPS indicated the location was at an airport several miles inland, while the ship was 25 miles off-shore (Gowand, 2017). The implications for this form of attack are rather significant for several industries, most of which have not fully considered this as an attack vector.


Research Questions

This timely topic requires additional research with an AD vehicle in the field in order to test the proposed defenses. The defenses have been noted to be relevant, and in some cases used in other applications, however these need to be physically tested with a robust environment in conjunction with the AD vehicle to ensure the robust-nature of the equipment and defense posture. The hypothesis is the defenses, as following, will make a difference in the mode of transportation being able to detect the GPS spoofing attack and the defenses in place are effective in defeating the GPS spoofing attack.


Proposed Defenses

There are a number of workable defenses to the GPS attacks within the environment. These defensive measures, while viable on certain levels, are not all on the same level of applicability or functionality. These are however noted to present an extensive list of defenses



Defenses Requiring Further Research and Testing

There are defensive measures available for defending against GPS spoofing, which are completely operationally viable and fiscally responsible. These options weigh the robust value of the defense, balancing the expense involved. Granted there are GPS spoofing defenses available which are quite expensive, however if these are not fiscally viable, the use case for these is moot. The first option considered is frequency hopping (Leek, 2013; Gabay, 2015). Certainly the attacker has fully read and digested the specification sheets for the varying GPS models. These detail the modules mechanics, and the bandwidth used. These are available from various sources. When the GPS uses only one signal bandwidth, the attacker has a predictable vector of attack. With frequency hopping, the attack vector changes per the proposed convention in use by the manufacturer. This additional layer of complexity would be difficult with today’s level of technology in place to successfully attack. To adjust the attack to mirror the frequencies would be problematic for the attacker in that the timing and frequency would have to be known and a script coded to accommodate this given the precise nature for the process. Although encapsulated in this section, this task would be substantial.


The use of in the minimum at least two antennas is a viable defensive measure (Gabay, 2015). This is beneficial for several reasons, including ease of use and fiscal considerations. Even when two antennas are not a substantial distance apart, these will receive slightly different authentic GPS signals. When the counterfeit GPS signal is received, both antennas would receive exactly the same signal. This quick and easy test would alert the vehicle of the GPS spoofing attack and take appropriate measures. These measures would include returning to trusted GPS signals from trusted satellites. This would include using the L1 and L2 bands.


In addition, the module may use drift monitoring as a plausibility or reality test (Psiaki, & Humphrey, 2016). This would analyze the present signal and attempt to detect any anomalous changes in the GPS receiver’s position or clock fix. The attempted GPS spoofing attack would cause the GPS receiver’s clock to indicate an error as the clock would be changing too rapidly, such as in the case in which one minute the module is in Grosse Pointe Park, MI, and the next in Lansing, MI or Montana. Clearly this is not possible. There would be a small margin of error built in. This is however not what the attacker is seeking to accomplish.


The module may also be reviewing the GPS signals for signal geometry based attacks. The module would need to monitor the direction of arrival of the signals by considering the received direction vectors (Psiaki, & Humphreys, 2016). In the authentic GPS signal use case, the direction vectors would be distributed across the sky. With the counterfeit GPS signal, this would not be the case as the signal origination would be terrestrial and the vectors would not be from the sky or distributed.


This was also researched in focusing on the hardware, as the antenna itself would be used to distinguish the direction of the signal arriving to the antenna (Stanford University Engineering, n.d.). The test itself in this particular detection method is relatively simple. Clearly the angle for the GPS should be relatively steep, as the signal is being sent by satellites orbiting the earth. If the angle were to be, for example, 30 degrees, there is an issue that would need to be resolved. The vehicle would not use this signal as one of the GPS signals it would be utilizing for the location. This aspect was also researched as the angle of arrival (AOA) would be detected and analyzed as a method of detecting counterfeit GPS (Montgomery, Humphreys, & Ledvina, 2009). Marshall (2018) recognized the usefulness of the time aspect and location alterations in the GPS signals as potential spoofing defenses. The algorithm utilized with this was engineered

to mitigate the effects of spoofed GPS attacks by detecting the counterfeit GPS time and location signals. The algorithm estimates the clock bias and drift of the GPS receiver along with the possible attack and detects if these are not relatively the same, accounting for a slight margin of error. This defense, along with the rest, is implemented in real-time. This was also researched by Khalajmehrabadi, Gatsis, Akopian, & Taha (2018) and Stanford University Engineering (n.d.).

The Spectral Subtraction (SS) model has also been proposed (Collins, Anderson, &yglinski, 2016). This model has its roots in audio processing. The model uses a baseline of frequency-domain noise measured with the GPS signal is not present. The next signal measurement is done with the authentic GPS signal. The signal, with this specific test or the others focused on the signal strength detection and comparison, at this point would need to be clean (Humphreys, 2012). This aspect is simple, inexpensive, and quickly implemented. The baseline is deducted from the secondary measurement with the authentic GPS signal to arrive at the expected authentic GPS signal strength. This estimated signal strength is then used to measure against subsequent signals to gauge the authenticity, both with and without the baseline. When the attacker is attempting to provide the module with a counterfeit GPS signal, the general use case involves using a vastly greater signal, amplified to achieve this state. This method would detect this and would not use the counterfeit GPS signal. The signal strength also was researched as a viable defense (Warner & Johnston, n.d.). The absolute GPS signal strength was monitored and recorded as the average signal strength over

time. This would be compared with the expected signal strength based on prior active recordings as the vehicle were to leave the manufacturing facility and within the first few days of operation. In the case where the signal strength would be significantly greater than this expected amount, as with a terrestrial spoofed GPS signal, the system would detect an issue and not use that particular

satellite or set of satellites for the location. This test format also analyzed the relative GPS signal from one data point to the next. Any large or significant change in the relative signal strength would indicate a counterfeit signal to be managed. This aspect is used more as a plausibility check for the signal. This secondary test may also be used to monitor the heading, vehicle speed,

and other aspects.


Kerns, Shepard, Bhatti, and Humphreys (2014) researched the monitoring of the signal strength. With this research also, when the GPS signal power within the bandwidth is significantly great than what is expected under quiescent conditions, there is an indication of an

issue, which needs to be addressed.


Defenses of Marginal Value

As noted, not all defensive measures have the same ability to defend against the GPS spoofing attacks. One defensive avenue may be to increase the power of the authentic GPS signal (Leek, 2013). Although in theory this is an acceptable alternative, there are issues. In the case where the GPS transmitter is terrestrial based and the target or mode of transportation under study is very localized, this may be a viable option. This is however not the case, would not be workable, and would however be problematic. Another option considered would be directional signals (Leek, 2013). For the same rationale as for the alternative of increasing the power of the authentic GPS signal, this is problematic. In a very select and static geographic boundary, this may be workable. This is however not the use case.

A cumbersome, problematic method would be encryption based defenses (Psiaki, &Humphreys, 2016). This would encrypt portions or entirety of the authentic GPS signals. The industry standard encryption would certainly be workable from the view of this not being able to be broken within a remotely timely manner by any attacker. This is one of the strongest defenses. With the encryption utilized, the transmitter GPS satellite and GPS receiver would have copies of the key, and work through the usual decryption process. The issue with this method is it is cumbersome, requires a secure method to distribute the keys to both the module and satellite, and

is not timely in the operation of the vehicle in many circumstances.


Defense in Depth

The GPS spoofing attack is unfortunately easily accomplished and done so with little expense. There is a bit of expertise required in the initial set-up, however there are tutorials to assist with this.


Although the defenses assuredly would be of great benefit individually to securing the GPS function of the vehicle, the issue presents itself of the person attacking the vehicle. With only one form of security with the vehicle in place for this function, the attacker would need to defeat only one defense to successfully attack the vehicle. To provide a defense in depth, much like with the enterprise, there would need to be in place more than one defensive measure. This would add the extra layer of complexity needed to dissuade attackers. As each layer is included in the defense, the complexity, time, and effort requirements also increase substantially. This

decreases the group of attackers willing to research and reverse engineer the processes for a successful attack.

To summarize the defenses, there are as viable defenses frequency hopping, implementation of multiple antennas, monitoring time and location drift, signal geometry/angle of arrival (AOA), and GPS monitoring. These defenses require varying levels of cost and effort

to implement. These do however provide the viable defense in depth needed for the GPS signals and AD vehicle to ensure any issues are minimal at the most. The combinations of these would not add a significant level of processing time or weight to the vehicle. As an example, the AOA may be incorporated into the system along with monitoring the drift and signal strength. In the alternative, as an example, the addition of another antenna may be utilized along with AOA. These are merely two of the possible, viable combinations which could be implemented with a not significant level of cost or processing usage (e.g. power and time).



The defensive measures, while pertinent and needed for future production and AD vehicles, have the distinct possibility of not only repelling nearly all of the attacks, but also acting in a more intuitive manner to increase the connectivity with the user and vehicle, along

with improving the user experience. Instead of merely monitoring the situation and resisting the attack, the module would be able to not only note the attack, but also react to the attack and mold an approved response. The module would not simply repel the attack due to the form and protocols in place, but recognize the issue, report this, and gather data or information as needed to alert the third party this is occuring and the metadata associated with the attack. Without regard to the chosen defense in depth, the integrated AI would have a protocol in place to defend the vehicle and by extension the user(s). The AI system would continuously be monitoring the system and the data generated from its operations. This function would work within the logging workflow. In the instance of an unusual data point as compared to recent prior data points or the trend, the system would note this immediately. Not every data point would be perfect, as noted there is an acceptable, yet slight, margin of error at this point. If this were to continue pat the one or two sequential data points, this would be indicative of a system failure or an attack. Either one of these is problematic at best and has to be remediated in an exceptionally timely manner. The GPS system would be triggered to contact the central system node. This feature acts to report an issue and to correlate potential anomalous and attack activities with other modules, and metadata.


Per the OEM, standards and requirements, well before deployment, there would be in place a criticality scale for these events. Based on the placement of the issue on the criticality scale, the AI system would react accordingly. This may include simply asking the driver to

verify an estimated location or a landmark the vehicle would be approaching (e.g. the AI system pardoning itself for an interrupting the human and asking if the vehicle is approaching the FCA corporate headquarters during a drive on I-75 in Auburn Hills, MI) or letting the driver know they may need to take control over the vehicle operations temporarily.


Based on where the issue is placed on the scale by the AI module, there may be other events that need to occur, such as the log being uploaded by the OEM or other designated party immediately in comparison to daily or weekly. The possible combinations for the noted defenses are rather substantial. To test each of these combinations would prove to be rather exhaustive, time-consuming, and costly in terms of the direct and indirect labor, exclusive of the time element. If time and expense were not to be presented as an issue, certainly each of these could be tested at length. This would however not be an efficient or optimal use of resources. An option not requiring a significant number of modules or equipment would incorporate these factors focused on more the processing of the data. With the first noted option, the hardware added to the vehicle would be an altimeter. The data processing software would

 include the GPS monitoring, time and location drift, and in the instance when the hardware had the capacity, adding in the signal geometry/angle of arrival. These would add a sufficient number of layers to the defense in depth to increase the effort and time requirements to a sufficient level, while adding in an exponential layer of complexity, to deter most attackers. If, in the specific use case for the OEMs, the altimeter would not be within a workable solution, an alternative piece of equipment would be the incorporation of at least two antennas. This, while accumulating the other processing factors, still provides for the more than adequate vehicle cybersecurity protection.


Data Flows

While a data flow for each of the use cases could be generated, the exercise would indeed be expansive. The data for the applied use cases would be analyzed and compared to prior authenticated data to verify if the present data is authentic or counterfeit. An example of this would involve GPS monitoring and ancillary, related monitoring. As the vehicle nears the end of the manufacturing line, during the final stages of production, the vehicle would be wheeled or driving outside of the manufacturing facility. The vehicle would acquire the authentic signal strength to record the estimated baseline GPS signal strength. Later after the vehicle is sold, during the vehicle operations, this would be receiving GPS signals. The module would monitor the signal strength, location, altitude, and time. During

this time the data would be added to the data set already recorded. The module would measure the signal strength. This would provide a plausibility test. The signal strength should be relatively the same as the original baseline amount. This would be checked periodically as each signal is received. The signal strength would also be checked against the receipt GPS signal coverage, within the last day. Lastly the actual location would be compared with the recent past location to ensure the vehicle is actually at or near the estimated location. The users are constrained by the laws of physics. A spoofed GPS signal may place the vehicle in Texas, when

this actually was in Flint thirty seconds prior. In the case there is an issue with the GPS, the follow-up action would be determined by

the OEM. This may manifest itself in the form of leaving a message for the user, OEM, or other predetermined action.

With the location, time, and altitude, these are also monitored and checked with a plausibility test. Time follows a linear path. This is easily analyzed and checked with a simple algorithm. If the time were to not align to where it should be (e.g. to far behind or ahead of

where it should be), there is an indication of an attack or an issue with the vehicle. In either circumstance, this would need to be reviewed by the appropriate persons (i.e. the dealership). The test for the altitude also is relatively simple. At this junction, there are not flying vehicles. If  the vehicle is located, per the data, 300 meters above where the ground actually is, there is an issue that needs to be resolved.



The connected vehicle, relative to the industry, is newer and the AD vehicle is currently being designed. At this stage, the focus has been on the operations, receiving, and analyzing data. The cybersecurity features have not been overly scrutinized. This new application of security, as it relates to the GPS defenses, would add cybersecurity to the GPS monitoring system. This

would monitor and analyze the GPS traffic, from the chosen sources, to secure the vehicle and user(s) in the vehicle during operations.

At this time, the cybersecurity for GPS is not being applied to a sufficient level. As the AD vehicles continue to be engineered, this aspect of cybersecurity will need to be addressed.



The connected vehicle has been in production and driven by consumers and in commercial applications for over a decade. The next iteration of paradigm shift is with the AD vehicle. This is not if, but when these vehicles will be in full production and on the various roadways through the U.S. and other countries. As these vehicles are autonomous, there has to be a rather significant set of safety features in place to ensure the safety of not only the drivers and occupants of the vehicle, however the others also on the roadway. One aspect to focus on is the GPS for the vehicle. In the case where the GPS data is not reflective of the vehicle’s actual location, there is the potential for a disaster. The security measures noted provide a sufficient defense in depth, while not over-burdening the vehicle or the computer processors in the modules. While this is only one set of security features, this is merely

one piece of the overall cybersecurity for the vehicle.



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Connected and autonomous vehicle (CAV) GPS: Attacks and using defensive AI implementation

May 1, 2018

A paper by Joseph O. Esin

Eliminating Gender Disparity in Cybersecurity Professions Through Education


Gender disparity refers to an unequal representation of one gender and attempt to eliminating the process will require understanding, development of an aggressive, analytical approach and comprehensive plan of action. Certainly, there is no specific occupation designed for only men or women; henceforward, all individuals must be afforded equal representation in cybersecurity profession. Gender disparity tends to limit cybersecurity profession to the male domain and lapses in the implemention of measures to eliminate gender disparity will intensify poverty and unequal career opportunities across the globe. Determined efforts to elimination of gender disparity must include the creation of equal education opportunities for men and women, equip everyone with skills and expertise to protect the vulnerable and unguarded global population. The educational system is designed to sponsor solutions toward the eradication of the looming gender disparity. High school, college, university graduates will like to live in cities, states and nations where job opportunity is a promising norm, respect, and dignity upon the completion of the rigorous academic exercise and most parents want their children to secure stable employment upon graduation.  In addition, leaders within educational systems are encouraged to establish a Parent's Education Career Advisory Council (PECAC) to keep parents duly informed on their children's academic performance, leading to a muchneeded cybersecurity career pathway.



Cybersecurity is a branch of computer forensics managed by a team of expressly trained information security professionals who are ready to battle cybersecurity attacks, cybercrime, corporate theft, the destruction of intellectual property, and financial fraud. Apparently, most individuals within private, public, healthcare and higher education organizations view cybersecurity as a male-dominated profession. As Weingarten (2017) noted, the origin of gender disparity in cybersecurity occupations supports the premise that men invest more time pursuing cybersecurity careers than their women counterparts. The unequal representation of women in cybersecurity profession can be eliminated through well-conceived education, increased exposure to structured conferences, training, and workshops.

Per Esin (2018) and LeClair and Pheils (2016), gender inequality is detrimental to the international community; hence, despite women's efforts to promote equality, they are often subjected to lower wages and lack of leadership roles. As LeClair and Pheils (2016) and Weingarten (2017) posited, men continue to earn higher wages and achieve leadership positions notwithstanding women's astonishing gains to dismantle the gender barriers in a conventionally male-dominated profession. Freedman's (2016) findings on gender disparity in cybersecurity careers revealed the gradual erosion of undesirable opinion to wipe out the gender disparity in cybersecurity careers is still active regardless of women's growth and advancement in the cybersecurity realm. 

Per LeClair and Pheils (2016) and Esin (2018), women who are entrusted with positions of responsibility are often proactive, innovative, and effective leaders in private and public, healthcare, and higher education organizations. Gender inclusiveness is a much-needed means of eliminating gender disparity across the globe. Most women are tenacious, resourceful, and often willing to accept a precarious position of responsibility, even in the face of insurmountable odds; therefore, they must be accepted as active members of cybersecurity operations (Jackson, 2018).


Despite the current atmosphere, women are well suited and able to help in expanding the horizon of cybersecurity career. The apparent decline in the number of women pursuing careers in cybersecurity is directly related to disproportionate hiring practices, lopsided selection processes, and uneven recruitment policies portraying women as less effective than their male counterparts. Per Chuang (2017) and Weingarten (2017), women often face challenges such as peer intimidation, sexual harassment, aggressive and authoritarian imageries depicted in social media and news headlines. No occupation including cybersecurity is designed to be dominated by men or women; fairly, all persons, regardless of race, gender, or creed, must be afforded equal representation in cybersecurity professions (Esin, 2018; Jackson, 2018; LeClair, 2016).


Gender disparity is detrimental to the institution of human civilization and can intensify poverty and unfortunate standards of living in any community. Creation of Cybersecurity Education  Per Forrester (2015), eliminating gender inequality in cybersecurity and in a growing digital world is a challenging undertaking. Individuals in most segments of the academic biosphere argue in support of the premise that grade school and high school students were not actively included in cybersecurity education because of the intensive physical and mental involvement required to acquire adequate skills and expertise in cybersecurity professions.


Cybersecurity education should be integrated into grade school, high school, undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate programs (Freedman, 2016). Incorporating of cybersecurity education within the grade school and high school settings will empower the new generation with the skills and expertise needed to battle the proliferation of cybersecurity attacks, cybersecurity threats, identity theft, electronic fraud, cyberbullying, cyberterrorism, and support the creation of job opportunities for aspiring cybersecurity professionals across the globe.


Results of studies conducted by the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC, 2009), Raytheon-NCSA (Forrester, 2015), and the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA, 2018) on the gender disparity in cybersecurity careers showed the following:

• In the United States, 67% of men and 77% of women support the formation of collaborative cybersecurity education within grade schools through high schools (Grades 9 through 12), undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate programs to empower the new generation with the skills and expertise to battle cybersecurity attacks and guarantee the growth of job opportunities in cybersecurity professions across the 50 states in the continental United States; 

• 62% of men and 75% of women across the nation support the formation of collaborative cybersecurity education within grade schools through high schools (Grades 9 through 12), undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate programs to empower the new generation with the skills and expertise to battle cybersecurity attacks and guarantee the growth of job opportunities in cybersecurity professions across the globe;

• 47% of men and 39% of women across the globe support the premise that cybersecurity fits into the male domain; and

• 52% of young women and 39% of young men across the globe believe women have limited opportunities within cybersecurity professions. 


Measures to eliminate gender disparity cannot be successful without accepting and recognizing the process as a hindrance to women professional advancement. Henceforward, leaders of private, public, healthcare and higher education organizations need to accept the existence of gender disparity and recognize that women are underrepresented in cybersecurity career pathways and put a plan of action in place to resolve the alarming gender disparity problem. As Ricciuto (2017) noted, men and women operate differently, and both are capable of being prominent and productive members of global cybersecurity operations. Raytheon-NCSA (Forrester, 2015) and the ITUC (2009) attested that a career in cybersecurity must be viewed as attainable by both women and men in the new generation (Forrester, 2015; LeClair & Pheils, 2016; Ricciuto, 2017).


The statistics reinforce that women are underrepresented, which tends to hinder their growth and development in cybersecurity operations (LeClair & Pheils, 2016; Ricciuto, 2017). Men and women, regardless of academic disciplines such as sociology, psychology, history, counselor education, philosophy, and social work, can help in the evaluation of the behaviors of perpetrators of cybersecurity attacks. 

The Raytheon-NCSA (Forrester, 2015) and ITUC (2009) reports showed that 47% of men and 39% of women across the globe support the premise that cybersecurity fits into the male domain. Most leaders of organizations tend to maintain a bias in favor of appointing men to leadership positions within cybersecurity career realms (Sethi, 2017). As LeClair and Pheils (2016) posited in their studies on “women in cybersecurity”, organizational leaders must adopt aggressive step to reshape cybersecurity career paths and establish a culture of encouraging and accepting women as active members of cybersecurity professions. Per Esin (2017) and LeClair and Pheils (2016), redesigning gender inequality concept is a credible pathway toward eliminating the maledominance that is prevalent within cybersecurity professions. The eradication of gender disparity must include the creation of equal education opportunities for men and women, avoid traits of underestimation, intimidation and understanding of the importance of equal partnership in cybersecurity profession. 


Creation of collaborative cybersecurity education from grade school and high school (9 through 12), undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate program will empower the new generation with skills, expertise and tenacity to battle cybersecurity attacks and guarantee pace of job opportunities in cybersecurity profession across the globe. (Esin, 2017, p. 3) The projected cybersecurity education must be designed to inspire hope, modulate public fears, eradicate the proliferation of cybersecurity attacks, cybersecurity threats, cyberterrorism against vulnerable and innocent global citizens. The course offerings must be designed in partnership with 2-year community colleges, 4-year liberal colleges, university settings, the United States Naval and the Army Cybersecurity Command Institutes. The future cybersecurity education partnerships must be structured as a team operation with a Steering Cybersecurity Advisory Board (SCAB) to guarantee students of uninterrupted training sessions and reinforcing their participation in the program. Members of the SCAB must include grade school and high school educators, academic and behavioral counselors, students' parents, college and university directors of career services, the United States Naval and Army Cybersecurity Command Institute, college and university instructors and professors. Instructional delivery materials must be designed to accommodate multiple languages, physical learning materials as well as individual and group real-world hands on training sessions.

Education is a process of acquiring knowledge, skills, expertise and developing sovereignties of reasoning, ethical and moral judgment, intelligence, maturity, and life-long profession. The foundation of cybersecurity education leading to cybersecurity careers must recognize family contributions (Forrester, 2015; LeClair & Pheils 2016). A family is a divine institution guided by parents who are often sympathetic with victims of cybersecurity attacks. Parents may influence their children to believe that cybersecurity belongs to the male domain and will take challenging negotiation and both behavioral and academic approaches to change children’ original conviction.


I am a theologian by profession, but twenty-nine (29) years ago, my body, mind, soul, and intellectual power were entrenched in intensive negotiation to switch from theology to computer information systems and cybersecurity and it was not a smooth sailing pilgrimage. Leaving one's original career path in search of a new profession is a risk, even though, it may equally be an opportunity to overcome surprising challenges and ensure a successful future. Women must be encouraged to embrace educational opportunities to circumvent traits of intimidation and become equally represented in cybersecurity professions. 


The Raytheon-NCSA (Forrester, 2015) report showed 52% of young women and 39% of young men across the globe believed women have limited chances in this so-pronounced male-dominated profession. Most young men and women are overly cautious and want to be 100% ready prior to venturing into cybersecurity professions (Forrester, 2015; LeClair & Pheils, 2016; Sethi, 2017). There are risks and challenges in any profession and most occupations are engrained with both positive and uninviting consequences. Per Weingarten (2017) and Esin (2018), well-conceived cybersecurity education must involve academic course offerings to dive into a degree program; interactive simulations and instructions leading to productive, in-depth understanding; and reinforcement of the course content. The worldview of cybersecurity careers has expanded because of the projected zero unemployment among cybersecurity professions but faces with denying women equal leadership opportunities within cybersecurity operations (Jackson, 2018). Currently, there are not enough men and women trained to meet the demand; hence, collective efforts are needed to battle global cybersecurity threats. Current researchers on gender disparity, such as Terwoerds, Woods, and Kane (2017), Chuang (2017) LeClair & Pheils (2016), posited that there are presently one million unfilled cybersecurity employment opportunities, a number that is projected to grow up to 1.8 million unoccupied cybersecurity employment openings by 2025. 



Male and female students are emotionally committed and depend on assistance from their college professors, instructors, grade school and high school educators, and parents when deciding on a career path. As Freedman (2016) and Esin (2018) posited, cybersecurity aspirants may be wellversed with the belief that the profession belongs to the male domain and tend to trust the education advice-givers when making vital life-long decision. There is a need to establish cybersecurity degree program, course offerings, conferences, workshops, and training sessions to keep up with the challenges in this new and explosive profession. Current and future graduates will like to live in cities, states and nations where job opportunity is a promising norm with reachable career goals, respect, and dignity upon the completion of the rigorous academic exercise. Most parents want their children to secure stable employment upon graduation. 

Demand for cybersecurity professional is growing at a rapid pace and job opportunities for aspirants in the field of cybersecurity are strong across the globe than ever before. (Esin, 2018, p. 4) A paradigm shift reflected in the integration of cybersecurity education beginning from grade school, high school, undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate settings requires understanding, motivation, and career advancement regardless of age and gender. A credible and instantaneous global approach is to prepare the next generation with the expertise to protect the defenseless global population. The education system is a universal and promising center intended to develop solutions to eradicate cybersecurity attacks against global innocent citizens.  Leaders within educational systems need to establish a Parent's Education Career Advisory Council (PECAC) to keep parents properly informed on their children's academic performance leading to a much needed career pathway.


Education systems are often commended for extending invitation letters to parents and relatives to attain graduation ceremony, or when students are in trouble. Cybersecurity, like other academic disciplines, is a challenging, rigorous, and time-consuming program, requiring an intellectual approach through partnerships and alliances with grade school and high school educators, colleges and universities instructors and professors, behavioral and academic counselors, and directors of career placement services.





Chuang, T. (2017, March 19). Cybersecurity industry hopes women will help fill 1.8 million  jobs: Diversity helps cybersecurity industry find new perspectives, new blood, but approach needs to improve. The Denver Post. Retrieved from

Esin, J. O. (2017). The landscape of cybersecurity threats and forensic inquiry.  Bloomington, IN: Author House.

Esin, J. O. (2018). From historic to present day culture of social engineering attack.  Washington, DC: Washington Center for Cybersecurity Research  and Development (WCCRD). 

Forrester, A. (2015). Raytheon-NCSA survey: Gender gap widens on cyber career  interest. Retrieved from Executive Biz  website:

Freedman, L. F. (2016, August 24). The goal of gender equality in cybersecurity.  Retrieved from Robinson+Cole  website: 

International Trade Union Confederation. (2009). Gender (in)equality and women in the labor market: An overview of global trends and development. Brussels, Belgium: Author. Retrieved from

Jackson, R. M. (2018). Seminar: What causes gender inequality?  Retrieved from

LeClair, J., & Pheils, D. (2016). Women in cybersecurity. Albany, NY: Hudson  Whitman & Excelsior College Press.

Ricciuto, H. (2017, March 15). Representation of women in cybersecurity remains  stagnant, despite recent efforts to balance the scales. Retrieved from  IBM website:

Sethi, R. (2017, March 14). Women in cybersecurity: My journey to InfoSec. Retrieved  from Palo Alto Networks  website:

Terwoerds, L., Woods, L., & Kane, K. (2017). Biennial women in cybersecurity report reveal that female representation in the industry remains stagnant [Press release]. Retrieved from (ISC)2 website:

Weingarten, E. (2017). The gender gap in cybersecurity jobs isn't getting better. Slate.  Retrieved from /2017/03/ ml

Workplace Gender Equality Agency. (2018, February). Gender workplace statistic  at a glance. Retrieved  from

About the Author - Joseph O. Esin - Lead Professor of Computer Information Systems Jarvis Christian College, Hawkins, Texas USA Visiting Professor of Research University of Calabar, Nigeria

A Paper by Viesturs Bamban

Viesturs Bambans, information security engineer,, CISSP, CHFI, CEH, © 2016

Rudolfs Gulbis, Phys., RTU researcher, © 2016

Windows 10 encryption issues in the perspective of HIPAA compliance – short overview


Windows 10 implementation in to the Hospital/private practice environment brings benefits and some issues. One of the issues is related to HDD/SSD encryption via Bitlocker. Healthcare environment is populated by diverse computer systems – some are cutting edge, while others are up to 5 years old or older. Those machines are kept in the Hospital environment due to specific needs/tasks. On the other hand there are machines which have self encrypted HDD/SSD and UEFI. This mixed up computer pool provided challenge in implement Windows 10 according to the HIPAA requirements("Breach Notification Guidance |," 2009).

One of the HIPAA requirements is that any devices which are used to store or to

process PHI should have FIPS 140.2 compliant encryption("HIPAA Security Series #4 - Technical Safeguards - techsafeguards.pdf," 2016). The afore mentioned requirement can lead to twofold issues. Ones comes from incompatibilities between aging machines due to software and unsupported hardware, the second ones comes from ability to physically tamper with laptops which contain self

encrypt drives. Those general issues become more unmanageable due to that the majority of the medical devices are serviced by manufactures contractor and/or technical team("AOA_Report_TrapX_MEDJACK.2.pdf," 2016).

Aging laptops provide challenges for Bitlocker due to hardware/software issues. The extensive list of Bilocker requirements for Windows 10 is provided by Brian Linch in his article “Bitlocker frequently asked questions” (Lich, 2016a).


Another issue with Bitlocker is whether FIPS mode is enabled in Windows 10. In 2014 article by Aaron Margosis, the statement is that Microsoft doesn’t recommend FIPS mode for majority of their product users – “Government regulations may continue to mandate that FIPS mode be enabled on government computers running Windows. Our updated recommendations do not contradict or conflict with government guidance: we’re not telling customers to turn it off – our recommendation is that it’s each customer’s decision to make. Our updated guidance reflects our belief there is not a compelling reason for our customers that are not subject to government regulations to enable FIPS mode“, (Margosis, 2014). For example Windows 10 E3 enterprise edition didn’t have

enabled FIPS by default: 2 General steps to take whether FIPS is enabled on the particular machine is:

Type Run in the search bar (or Win key +R), it will open Run.

Type gpedit.msc into the Run window.

Locate Computer Configuration, then Windows Settings, then Security Settings,

then Local Policies, then Security Options.

Within Security Options find “System cryptography: Use FIPS compliant

algorithms for encryption, hashing, and signing” – open with left double click.

Change the settings from “Disabled” to “Enabled”.

Close window and restart machine.

To minimize the issues which are based in hardware please verify whether HDD/SSD drives and their controllers are certified by Microsoft to use in particular Windows 10 edition. Direct link for the Microsoft site is:

Using the tool provided by Microsoft you will be able to find whether your particular  hardware is Microsoft certified for use in fallowing editions:

􀀁 Windows 10 Client;

􀀁 Windows 10 Client x64;

􀀁 Windows 10 Aniversary Update Client;

􀀁 Windows 10 Aniversary Update Client x64;

Regarding Intel RST conflicts with Bitlocker on the Win 10 editions. Some Intel RST

versions had issues with Bitlocker on Windows 10. On the Intel product user forum can found extensive records which starts in in August, 2015 and up to November 2016. (of series of the records can be found - direct link htps:// ).


If on the Hospital/private practices have computers and/or medical devices with older machines which are not supported by the newest versions of the Intel RST drives, then it can lead to inability to deploy Bitlocker. Physical tampering with laptop/tablet. Traveling nurses, doctors and others personal of a hospital/medical practice – which have engadge in traveling between several medical practices locations are daily routine. Due to that the risk of stolen/lost laptop/tablet increase proportionally to the time spend on the road. Additionally it will lead direct

business impact by restoring lost device, if data breaches occur, then the company will need to follow the HIPAA guidelines and company’s own policies.

Recommendation to the HIPAA compliant officer and/or Chief Information Security

Officer to review the inventory list and verify whether people who engage in telework or traveling between hospitals/medical offices and have access to the PHI – have tamper proof laptops/tablets. Ponemon’s Institute Sixth Annual Benchmark Study on Privacy & Security of Healthcare Data(LLC, 2016), on the question – “Resources prevent or quickly detect unauthorized patient data access, loss or theft“, receive agreement in 2016 – 37 from respondents. The data shows, that not all of Hospitals and medical practices follow the guidelines provided by, to minimize the risk of theft.

Microsoft made changes in the November, 2016 update regarding Bitlocker functionality and mitigation of the exploits against the Bitlocker (Hakala, 2016). One of the changes was to ability to block DMA ports during startup it will mitigate threat which involves use of Firewire to capture the content of the RAM(Afonin, 2016).

Some computer manufacturers include in the BIOS settings which allow to prevent

physical tampering with HDD or RAM. Those settings are secured by password in the BIOS.


Additional some manufacturers add detection of tampering with internal storage:

Those settings will help mitigate attacks on systems integrity by exploiting SATA hot plug functions.


The Bitlocker is most vulnerable in pre-boot attack. Microsoft provided guidance that Bitlocker should be used with secondary authentication key stored in the USB or PIN(Lich, 2016b). However people during everyday routine persons tend to forget PIN and lose USB keys. In the guidelines by Microsoft wasn’t mentioned use of BIOS password as preventive to the Bitlocker pre-boot attacks(Haken, 2015).

Hot-unplug attack can be successfully implemented against laptop with Btilocker installed and sleep mode enabled on the machine(Daniel Boteanu, 2015). If computer/tablet is tamper proof it will be more difficult to use Forced Restart Attack, Hot Unplug Attack and Key Capture Attack against machine.


1. Audit computer/tablet inventory to determine if hardware is certfied for use for

Windows 10 OS.

2. Verify weather FIPS is enabled on the computers/tablets which are planned to

encrypt with Bitlocker or already are encryped. Enable FIPS to enforce HIPAA


3. Audit computer/tablet inventory to determine wether Intel RST versions which are installed on the machines are compatible with Bitlocker.

4. Disable Sleep mode on all computers/tablets to lower success rate for Forced

Restart Attack, Hot Unplug Attack and Key Capture Attack against machines.

5. Deploy tamper proof computer/tablets for machines which are use on the move.

6. Audit whether machines which are used on the move have memory slots under

the keyboard and those memory slots can be easily accessible by third party.

Don't deploy such machines to prevent tampering and use of Memory Pins Short

for forcing BSOD.

7. For the computers/tablets which are used on the mode enable BIOS password,

to mitigate Bitlocker pre-boot attack.

8. For computers on the move – use least amount of the HDD/SSD within, the

computer, to prevent carrying around information which are unnecessary for

daily business.

If you have any questions regarding HIPAA compliance and Bitlocker, please free to

contact me or Rudolfs Gulbis .


Afonin, O. (2016). BitLocker: What’s New in Windows 10 November Update, And How To Break It « Advanced Password Cracking – Insight. Retrieved from website:


AOA_Report_TrapX_MEDJACK.2.pdf. (2016). TrapX Investigative Report. Retrieved from



Breach Notification Guidance | (2009). Retrieved from website:

Daniel Boteanu, K. F. (2015). Bypassing Self - Encrypting Drives (SED) in Enterprise

Environments. Paper presented at the Defcon 2015.



Hakala, T. (2016). What's new in Windows 10, versions 1507 and 1511 (Windows 10). Retrieved from website:


Haken, I. (2015). Bypassing Local Windows Authentication to Defeat Full Disk Encryption. Paper

presented at the Defcon 2015.



HIPAA Security Series #4 - Technical Safeguards - techsafeguards.pdf. (2016). HIPAA Security

Series, 44. Retrieved from website:


Lich, B. (2016a). BitLocker frequently asked questions (FAQ) (Windows 10). Retrieved from website:


Lich, B. (2016b). Protect BitLocker from pre-boot attacks (Windows 10).

Retrieved from website:


LLC, P. I. (2016). Sixth Annual Patient Privacy & Data Security Report - Resources - Sixth Annual

Benchmark Study on Privacy and Security of Healthcare Data .pdf. Retrieved from - Sixth

Annual Benchmark Study on Privacy and Security of Healthcare Data



%20of%20Healthcare%20Data-_-Download%20Now&sid=TV2:gsiiVEbqP: - Sixth

Annual Benchmark Study on Privacy and Security of Healthcare Data




Margosis, A. (2014). Why We’re Not Recommending “FIPS Mode” Anymore. Retrieved from



July 17, 2017
A Paper by Joseph O. Esin
Cybersecurity Professional Education and Inquiry


Cybersecurity has gone high on the list of priorities across the globe. Perpetrators of cybersecurity threats have raised their dreadful and intimidating schemes on vulnerable individuals, private and public organizations. The operative solution to battle the global scourge of cybercrime is to heighten the understanding, knowledge and awareness and reinforce intensive education on cybersecurity threats.  As a flexible dialogue continues among vulnerable organizational executives, the startling rate of cyber risks, cybercrimes, hacking and cracking activities must be integrated into these organizations’ imminent plan of action. However many organization executives often tend to ignore solution to cybersecurity threats. Most information technology (IT) directors misguidedly assume that executives are well-versed in the fundamentals of security threats and such false premise often leads to communication failure. IT directors must stand firm in their mission-driven security threats plan to protect organizations against security threats. Over the past few decades, cyber-attacks perpetrators have grown swiftly, sophisticated, organized and often quite aware of intended facilities such as private and public financial entities, cyberwarfare, ransomware and malware across global communities, thereby threatening global data, information transmission and communication landscape. This sophistication must be responded to by a correspondingly heightened operational remedy beginning with intensive and sustained cybersecurity education, conferences, the creation and promotion of cybersecurity training, educating and conferences on how to battle cybersecurity risks of human populations.


Foundation of Cybersecurity

 Most private and public organizations are operating without boundaries, including unrestricted integration of laptop and mobile communication devices as a part of the network system (Assenter and Tobey, 2011 & Cameron, 2015).  Indeed, local, state and federal governments are responsible for protecting individuals and vulnerable citizens from all types of attacks against personal and/or corporate freedoms and securities. It is now imperative for citizens of the world community to get deeply involved in protecting and securing the nations. (Cross, 2008;Bucci and Rosenzweig, 2014& Smith, 2015).  Currently there is practically zero unemployment among cybersecurity professions, and the global demand will outpace supply of cybersecurity professionals at every level in the next seven years. As a result, there is an urgent need for cybersecurity architects and experienced personnel to facilitate security education process. 

Most private and public organizations are currently watching and considering cybersecurity aspirants to work in their security operation centers. However, many people consider cybersecurity education very intimidating. In response to assuage of this insecurity and intimidation, cybersecurity institutions, such as Washington Center for Cybersecurity Research and Development (WCCRD), have been established to influence cybersecurity postulants, information technology (IT) and none-IT populations to migrate into cybersecurity profession. WCCRD often presents mission-driven benchmark encouraging private and public organizations to become advocate of cybersecurity threats and work diligently to create and promote cybersecurity training and education and organize conferences on how to battle cybersecurity risks on human populations. Cybersecurity-threats, cybersecurity-attacks and cybersecurity-risks are unquestionably at the forefront of vulnerable global populations. Per Shinder, (2002) & Cashell, William, Jickling and Webel (2014), individuals, higher education institutions, military, and government agencies; all together, utilize the same airspace for data, information transmission and communication; thereby, placing the world population on vulnerable cyber-attack twenty-four hours and seven days a week. The art of using the same airspace often makes cybersecurity training, education and conferences very challenging, enduring and complicated. Per Tohid (2012), the same airspace is repeatedly used by military personnel for defense, private and public organizations for data, information, transmission and communication. And the same airspace is used by hackers and cyber criminals for vicious operation against these entities.


Inquiry and Response

Cybercrime is often intended to trigger mental and physical pain, loss of property, pillory, loss of intellectual property, violation and infringement of security rights, and financial burden on vulnerable innocent citizens of this free global community (Aquilina, Casey & Malin, 2008). Perpetrators of cyber- security attacks often operate on independent mindsets, on behalf of group of none-law abiding citizens. The perpetrators often have specific targets to hack into the systems, blog authorized user access, damage organization data and information, engage in illegal activities with the Internet to disrupt, install malicious programs, stalking Internet activities and creating identity theft. In response, computer inquiry, experts work to relentlessly identify the source and preserve evidences, extract and document every process, validate and analyze evidences, formulate solutions and recommendations to prevent future occurrences is very difficult and challenging. Operative inquiry and response must include reconnaissance, inquiry, research, documentation, analysis and preservation of evidence. Forensic inquiry and response must be conducted by authorized, experienced and professionally skilled officials such as those produced by the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO, 2015) who have been drilled on the operational guiding principles of the response team.   In 2015, ACPO established four guiding principles relating to computer-based electronic evidence and the four guiding principles must be adopted and executed in the latitude of computer forensic examination and response.  As Easton and Taylor, 2011 and Givens, 2016) noted, the scope of inquiry and response must involve restriction of illegal exploitation of computer technologies, use of the Internet to commit cybercrimes such as identity theft, information theft, embezzlement, hacking, cyberbullying, cyberstalking, and damage to organization’s network system. The global population needs cyber-technology advocates to guide and protect against new tactic of committing post-historic cybercrime using the Internet.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), National Computer Crime Squad (NCCS), Federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (FCFAA) of 1986 are charged with inquiry and response violators of cybercrimes across multiple states, nations and international boundaries (Grama, 2016). The designation of cybercrime under state law defers depending on the state. Cybercrime law regulations and compliance is beyond the state and national, but involves international boundaries. As noted by Fitzgerald and Schneider (2016) and Parker (2017), cybercrime and activities are complicated and complex because they are borderless, transcending regional and national boundaries. The world communities are interconnected than ever before on matters relating to cyber security threats. Per Vienna (2002) 10th United Nation Congress on the Prevention of Cybercrime and Treatment of Offenders (UNCPCTO), private, public and organizations, and international communities are confronted with unprecedented challenges posed by the modern-day cybercrime. It is true that no one nation by itself can cope successfully with the rapid growth of transnational cybercrime, and fighting cybercrime in its entirety is an open-ended and unlimited battle because culprits are illegally cultured, heartless and well-organized. These cruel criminals often raid the innocent citizens of dignity, basic human rights, possessions, health and precious lives.  Per UN (2002) regulations, the statute of cybercrime was designated into two components; computer cybercrime and computer-related cybercrime. Computer cybercrime is limited, relating to illegal conduct directed by means of electronic operations targeting the security of computer systems, data and information processed on organization’s system. Per Esin, 2017, LeClair (2015), computer-related cybercrime is far-reaching relating to illegal activities committed by means of computer network, the internet communication, unauthorized access and distribution of prohibited information. The use of computer, the Internet for cybercrime is the highest growing physical crime in our generation, such activities  involve crimes, but are not limited to risks of theft, credit card fraud, abuse, hacking, cracking, cyberterrorist, cyberterrorists, cyberbullying, cyberstalking, financial fraud, cyber deformation, software piracy, copyrights, password trafficking, telecommunication crime and cybercrime. Citizens of the world kingdom are strongly encouraged to be a vital part of the solution, adopt the 2002 UNCPCTO regulations in combatting cybercrime, cyberattacks, security breaches, spam, spear phishing, social engineering, electronic fraud, spyware, cybertrespass, espionage and cybercrime operations.



There is practically zero unemployment among cybersecurity professions and the global demand will outpace the supply of cybersecurity professionals at every level in the next seven years; thereby, revealing an awakening knowledge in the need for more training and education in this very fertile domain of practical employment the entire global population needs cyber-technology advocates to guide and protect them against new tactic of committing historic cybercrime using the Internet. Washington Center for Cybersecurity Research & Development (WCCRD) is established to influence cybersecurity postulants, information technology (IT) and none-IT populations to migrate into cybersecurity profession. WCCRD often presents mission-driven benchmark encouraging private and public organizations to become advocate of cybersecurity threats and work diligently to create and promote cybersecurity training through education and conferences on how to battle cybersecurity risks on human populations. Cybersecurity training, education and conferences are a promising conduit for a successful future, and a future aimed at resolving and mitigating cybersecurity risks and attacks. But the borderless nature of the crime calls for an all-hands-on-deck approach which begins with awareness and moves to education, training and confrontation.  It is a difficult battle because the criminals are becoming increasingly sophisticated, but the collective global village has the resources and manpower to deploy in this war to succeed. All it requires is good faith and collective endeavor and trust among the stakeholders who are and should be united in one objective- win the war against cybercrime.




Aquilina, James M., Casey, Eoghan & Malin, Cameron (2008). Malware Forensics:

Investigation and Analyzing Malicious Code. Burlington, MA.


Association of Chief Police Officer (ACOP) (2015), The Protocol on the Appropriate Handling

 of Crimes in Prison.


Assenter M.  & Tobey, D. (2011). “Enhancing the Cybersecurity Workforce,” IT Professional,

            (13),1, pp. 12-15. Http://


Bem, Derek, Feld, Francine, Ewa, Huebner, Ewa, & Bem, Oscar (2008)

Computer Forensic: Past, Present and Future: Journal of Information Science and Technology, University of Western Sydney, Australia.


Bennett, D (2011) “The Challenges Facing Computer Forensics Investigators in

Obtaining Information from Mobile Devices for Use in Criminal Investigations.”


Brown, Cameron S. D. (2015). Investigating and Prosecuting Cyber Crime:

Forensic Dependencies and Barriers to Justice. Vol. 9 Issue 1 (55-119)


Cross, Michael (2008). Scene of the Cybercrime. MA, Burlington, Syngress Publishing, Inc.

            (2008). Accessed:2/10/2014,


Easton, Chuck and Taylor, Jeff Det. (2011).  Computer Crime, Investigation

and the Law. Boston: MA, Cengage Learning Course Technology.


Esin, Joseph O. (2017) System Overview of Cyber-Technology in a Digitally Connected

            Society. Author House. Bloomington, IN.


Fitzgerald, Alvita and Schneider, Jessica (2015). “Keep it Secret, Keep it Safe: Nine Steps

            to Maintaining Data Security.” The United States Cyber Security Magazine, Volume 3,

Number 7 (74-75).


Grama, Joanna L. (2016) Excelsior College CYS 541 Custom VitalBook, 2nd Edition.

Jones & Bartlett Learning. VitalBook file.


Givens, Austen D (2015). “Strengthening Cyber Incident Response

Capabilities through Education and Training in the Incident Command System” Journal of the National Cybersecurity Institute. Volume 2, Number 3 (65-75).



LeClair, Jane (2013). Protecting Our Future: Educating a

Cybersecurity Workforce. Hudson Whitman, Excelsior College Press. Albany: New York


McClarkin, Emma (2014) “Cyber Crime- New Investigation Strategies and

New Technologies,” (Brussels, Belgium, Special Committee on Organized Crime, Corruption, and Money Laundering: 2012), Last accessed: 2/10/2014, mcclarkin_/mcclarkin_en.pdf. Norton by Symantec, “2012 Norton Cyber Crime Report,” (Mountain View, CA, Symantec: 2012), Last Accessed: 2/10/2014, crime Report/2012_Norton_ Cyber crime_Report_Master_FINAL_ 050912.pdf.


Parker, Charles (2017) “In Support of Cyber/InfoSec Unification”. Washington Center for

            Cybersecurity Center and Development: Washington, USA.


Shinder, Debra L. & Tittel, Ed (2002). Cybercrime: Scene of the Cybercrime Computer Forensics Handbook. Rockland: MA


Smith, John C. (2008). History of the High Technology Crime Investigation Association

            (HTCIA): Santa Clara (Silicon Valley) CA


Smith, Christen Marie (2015). “Building the Cyber force of the Future”.

            United States Cybersecurity Magazine, Volume 3, Number 9 (43-55)


Tohid, O. (2012). “Bin Laden bodyguard’s satellite phone calls helped lead US forces to hiding



United Nation (2000). Tenth United Nations Congress on Prevention of Crime and Treatment of

Offenders Vienna. SOC/CP/216

10 April 2000.

About the Author - Joseph O. Esin is the Lead Professor of Computer Information Systems at Jarvis Christian College, Hawkins, Texas USA

A Paper by Charles Parker II

In Support of Cyber/InfoSec Unification


    Cyber/InfoSec is relatively new in comparison to other scientific fields, e.g. physics, chemistry, circuit design, and others. Although this has been in existence well over a decade, this topic has been receiving a significant amount of attention in the last few years, due to the email system breaches with instances of multiple compromises with single providers, utility company’s equipment being compromised, and utilities being shut down for limited periods of time. This has caused a mass amount of issues. This attentiveness has manifested its form with the increase in publication, articles, and even the president this is pertinent.  


    As this is a newer discipline as related to others, this has not been through the intense, rigorous, and robust scrutiny placed on it that others have. This form of discipline would place a more mature framework on InfoSec. This is shown with other, more mature departments and areas of science. With these, there are laws, axioms, and standards applied to them. Physics has a number of these that are utilized as integral portions. There is temperature measurement and the laws of thermodynamics (Vieland, 2014). The exact type of measurement used is dependent on the environment, e.g. for inter-stellar space and the sun, the Kelvin (K) scale may be used. Celsius may be used for more of the mundane uses on earth. These are the units of the International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90). Chemistry uses the kilogram for mass (NIST, n.d.; Ivashchuk, Konogov, & Mel’nikov, 2014). This is manifested by the international standard maintained at Se’vres near Paris and is approximately 2.205 lbs. There is also Avogadro’s Law.


    Curiously, a standard was also accepted with a non-science industry with the lawn sprinkler industry. An estimated 20 years ago the industry had many competitors (Strand, & Asadorian, 2017). The equipment had many different voltages, diameter of tubing, and types of sprinkler heads. At a point in time, the industry leaders met and agreed this was counter-productive. The result from this meeting of the minds was the industry began to use the same standards. This simplified the equipment and protocols involved.


    These among other disciplines, have been capable of researching these standards, vetting these through the academic and applied subject matter experts, and implementing these standards. This has been an extended journey which is fruitful and beneficial with the completion of the implementation phase. These standards have been accepted and applied through their specific fields. Only rarely are these adjusted as a result of an anomalous event. This is the instance with new theories in physics, as with dark matter. For decades the theory of general relativity has held strong. This may be adjusted due to the growing acceptance of the dark matter theory (Rathi, 2017).



    The InfoSec field and community has held onto a different application of this, which has tended to be vast unique in comparison to others. There may be a number of reasons, both known and unknown, leading the discipline to this end. This current state may simply be a function of this field not being as mature or seasoned as the others. Within their field, each sub-field exhibits the like issue. There is a lack of a coherent standard across the subfields, which would provide guidance, structure, and ease of use for the pertinent, involved parties. Instead of implementing a simple set of standards, for each transaction type, each sub-field continues to complicate the issue, each with their own standards.


Autonomous Vehicles

    Of areas of research and study within InfoSec, this is the most current. The autonomous vehicle research also is timely as the self-driving vehicles are predicted to be fully operational within the next five years. Ford, BMW, and other entities involved with this endeavor have clearly sted their goal is to have a fully autonomous vehicle operating by 2020-2021. With this goal set in place, many of the other manufacturers and entities are actively engaging their staff to complete the task of creating and manufacturing the fully autonomous vehicle. Through the field, there are many architects and engineers working on this endeavor. The companies involved with these project in various aspects including Google, Apple, Nvidia (Forrest, 2016), Tesla, Mobileye, Delphi (Reese, 2016), Ford (Reese, 2016; Raven, 2016), GM, and others.


    Each may have their own idea of the architecture implementing communication protocols, and the other security and communication aspects that need to be addressed in order to be fully prepared. Each has their own budget, staff, and resources being applied to this long-term project. These entities may have wanted to work together at some junction, however this was not a viable option due to fear of losing their intellectual property (IP) or their lead in advanced technology in comparison to others.


    There has been a mass amount of cost into this. Each member of this select group has their own staff, overhead, and other expenses. The amounts have not gone unnoticed by the respective senior management and C-level. This investment needs to produce a return on the investment (ROI) for the business. This ratio certainly would not be much larger as it could be if a competitor were to use another’s IP to gain a competitive advantage and market it first.

    This is also being researched by DARPA (Whalen, Cofer, and Gacek, 2017). One of the foci is to analyze the methodologies for securing the software located in the networked vehicles. This project would provide guidance, if followed, for the manufacturers and vendors. A framework for this involves utilizing The Update Framework (TUF) as a base and improved on this (Help Net Security, 2017). The new proposal is titled Uptane.


    At this junction, the objective is open-ended. There is not a party at this point to lead the project or the members with unified standards. If another business were to attempt to manage the campaign towards the autonomous vehicles, there may be only yet another protocol sitting with the others. There could also be a separate entity comprised of the vendors in the industry presently and academics. This would prove to be problematic. Several questions would be open for interpretation, including:

  1. Would this new entity carry the weight to adequately provide guidance and govern?

  2. Would each entity of the consortium have the same weight of input?

  3. Should this be based on the capital (money) contributed to fund this endeavor?


    U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT)

        Being researched concurrently is a push with vehicle-to-vehicle communication standards. The DOT is analyzing methods to reduce the number of vehicle crashes. With improved V2V communication, a significant portion of the vast number of vehicle crashes would be avoided and lives saved (NHTSA, 2016). The US DOT began this directed process of rulemaking in August 2014. This process focused on the dedicated short-range communications (DSRC) for the inter-vehicle communications.


        This has been studied for over ten years (US DOT, n.d.). The rulemaking has been manifested with the Preliminary Regulatory Impact Analysis (US DOT & NHTSA, 2016) proposing to establish the standard for the V2V communication. This will be proposed to mandate the standard to be used with the DSRC and other technologies that work directly with the DSRC. The phasing-in would begin, in theory, 2021 with 50% of the lightweight vehicles to have the DSRC capacity.


    Internet of Things (IoT)

        Within the InfoSec field, the unit of IoT is also a relatively new area. There are many manufacturers with their specialized products. There are Honeywell, Hitachi, Comcast, and T-Mobile (Meola, 2016), to list a limited portion of the established manufacturer. There are also a number of start-ups with Samsara, Notion, Losant, Helium, and others (Postscapes, n.d.). With the IoT products, InfoSec has been applied in various levels, ranging from none of all to a not significant amount. The IoT devices have been known to be notoriously insecure (O’Neill, 2016). As a method to secure this, redundancy has been researched for IoT (Venkatakrishnan & Vouk, 2016).


        A rather glaring recent example of the IoT insecurity has been the Mirai attack (Feingold, 2016). This bot army used IoT devices to attack its target (Leyden, 2016; Cimpanu, 2016; Heller, 2016). The victims of this include Deutsche Telekom (Kan, 2016), TalkTalk (Thomson Reuters, 2016), and Krebs on Security (Woolf, 2016; Krebs, 2016). These attacks and the bot army brought to light the lack of strict guidance and security to IoT. There has not been a rush to have security applied here. Over time this has been shown to be a higher priority project. The lack of a standard mandated to be applied has only further worsened the InfoSec environment. If there were to be a standard in place, the number and intensity of these DDoS would be substantially lower.


    Bio-Medical Devices

        These are medical devices implanted into or onto the human body. These may be not connected with the hip, shoulder, or other joint replacement. These may also be connected electrically. In this instance, the bio-medical equipment communicates to another unit certain data. The connected devices have a rather direct and overt impact on human life.


        Security has been likewise applied to these devices in a rather haphazard manner. This is a clear indication that security has not been a primary focus here also. These has also been a lack of unified guidance and standards as to security protocols to apply. Security has not been a primary focus of the manufacturer. The lack of focus is evidenced by the number of proof of concept attacks on the medical devices both implanted in and attached to people. There are a number of devices that fit well within the definition. With the biomedical devices having such a vital role in sustaining human life and the liability in the case of an epic equipment failure, a prudent business and engineering staff should apply a specific security baseline or at least some form of a minimum standard. This lack of a standard that has to be complied with shows yet another detriment to society and consumers.


        Two recent examples are the pacemaker and diabetic pump. The pacemaker has been shown to have issues. The communication from the implanted pacemaker to the bus unit has not been secure. St. Jude experienced a recent proof of concept (POC) attack based on this. There also has been like attacks on diabetic devices focusing on the communication vector.



        The consumer and commercial clients use programs/applications every hour across the globe. Smart phone, tablets, laptops, desktops, and other equipment use these for their operations, gaming, and other uses. These are an integral part of our way of life. These are used for navigation to drive to a restaurant not visited previously, when travelling for a family vacation, or to visit a new business client. Consumers also use this to check their current transactions with their bank accounts.


        With this aspect of IT, there are presently methods to apply security. There is static code analysis, which reviews the code as written. This tends to be difficult as there are greater than hundreds of thousands of lines of code to find any number of areas. There is also dynamic code analysis, which uses applications to complete this analysis. These while worthwhile and viable, are not always applied or applied in a robust manner. Applying this in a non-structured method provides for the opportunity of overlooking errors and later patch requirements. This lack of a mandated standard also has increased and time for patches, which is wholly not necessary and likewise a detriment.  




    Previously Attempted


        Although this is a relative new sub-field of IT, there have been attempts to implement a security framework in the individual disciplines. Although the attempt has been made to implement these to strengthen the security to at a minimum baseline level, this governance has failed to effectively govern the relevant parties, and assist these parties to understand and comprehend the pertinence of these across the respective discipline. There may be varying levels of implementation, however on average the respective parties within each discipline have not embraced this.



        With IoT, there has been no governing entity to direct research and which standards should be followed and applied. The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS). In order to work towards supplementing this and having a forum of principles to interpret, the DHS released a set of principles to secure the IoT devices (DHS, 2016; Schumann & Lieberman, 2016). This would not have been required if a mandated standard had been completed but is only a set of principles. As these are only designed to be a set of principles, these would not have to be followed. There would be no impetus to apply these. This is still evident as the IoT devices continue to be compromised and used in attacks against others.



        This area is vital as these pieces of equipment keeps people alive. A malfunction or hack of these may have dire consequences. To secure these, providing a solid, robust security framework would be prudent. Establishing this standard for security is not a new or novel idea. Klonoff and Kleidermacher (2016) researched diabetes and securing the connected devices to measure the user’s glucose level. These devices monitor blood glucose on a static and continues level, insulin pumps, and the closed-loop artificial pancreas systems.


        The researchers noted the Diabetes Technology Society (DTS) created in July 2015 the DTS Cybersecurity for Connected Diabetes Devices project. This standard was intended to be used with the industry, clinicians, patients, and others to gauge the applied cybersecurity. This is merely guidance, along with the FDA’s guidance.


        The FDA has put in place a set of rules regarding methods equipment manufacturers should manage their product’s security (BBC, 2016). This was not a regulation, but a recommendation or suggest (Hatmaker, 2016; Smith, 2016; FDA, 2016). The enforcement value of this would not be significant.


        As these are multiple sources of guidance, the waters are still muddied at best. There is a bright point of light with this. There is another push for a protocol. This new project is focussed on the “federated networking and computational paradigm for the Internet of Things…” (Madanapalli, 2017). This project to form the ROOF computing standard is sponsored by IEEE and is labeled as P1931.1.





        There has been a unified set of standards published for these fields. NIST has a number of “guidelines, recommendations, and reference materials” (NIST, n.d.). These, although exceptionally well-written, are recommendations. There is not in place any form of direct oversight.


    Global Influence

        In an attempt to implement a global standard, an international agreement for InfoSec with 41 countries was buoyed through the participants. This was known as the Wassenaar Arrangement (Camarda, 2016). This was not implemented.



        On the US state level, several states have recognized there needs to be statutes enacted regarding the security. Specifically, states have focused on legislating the autonomous vehicles. The individual, respective states have enacted the legislation (NCSL, 2016). California, Florida, Louisiana, and Michigan have several statutes with two (2012 and 2016), four (two in 2012 and 2016), one (2016), and six (two in 2013, and four in 2016). The U.S. states have also introduced legislation regarding autonomous vehicles (NCSL, 2016) with 16 bills in 2015, 12 in 2014, and over 9 in 2013.


        This, granted, is a momentous initial and continuing system towards securing the autonomous vehicles. Even with this tremendous amount of effect, the same issues abounds. These statutes and bills are per state. These are not unified. State “A” and state “B” may have statutes that are similar yet different. The court’s interpretation may also be different. Although this does appear to be a positive step, this is still indicative of a fractured set of direct guidance.


        The bi-product and symptom of this issue is rather clear. The glaring product of all the different unique standards continues to be the breaches in email providers (e.g. Yahoo twice), the federal government (e.g. IRS, FDIC, OPM, etc.), and too many other entities in the U.S. and abroad. The user's personal data, intellectual property, and other data and information stolen during these breaches has been sold in the Dark  Web, used for fraudulent activities and scams, and other deviant activities. This, among other factors, has led to a decline in the confidence associated with cybersecurity (Help Net Security, 2016). This is not only in the U.S., but on a global basis.



        These projects all have the same focus and goal. These endeavor to make the world a better place to live in via implementing a standard which everyone follows. This may manifest in the future as a not significant number of breaches, consumers being able to meander on the internet without fear of ransomware or being a victim of personal identification theft, industry not having to fear other nation states breaching their system for data and intellectual property. This would improve on the present state and application of security. The driving force for this continues to be issues from the lack of security. This is evidenced by the vast number of breaches and compromised systems, the number of systems and businesses directly affected by ransomware, vast amounts of PII being sold on the darkweb, and government agencies being targeted.

        The primary source of these issues continues to be the splintered InfoSec community standards. The community is working towards the same goals. This, for example, would be securing the enterprise, securing communication between endpoints or intr-company, securing the data at rest, and other projects or transactions. This has not been focused though. These efforts are being spent with individual groups, not necessarily working together or at least consulting with one another. There are multiple groups working with post-quantum computing encryption as an example. These efforts are not being accumulated at a pace these should be. The advances with these are being artificially depressed by the infrastructure the community has self-imposed. The effort may be much further advanced if these groups had been working together towards a single standard.


            The space program is an example. Space exploration would not be at this stage if multiple groups in the 1950’s and 1960’s had been working on this. With this endeavor being under a single, driving force (NASA), significant advances were made.


    Common Processes

        There is a commonality with the processes being reviewed. Within each protocol, there may also be slight differences. The equipment may also be vastly different. There still exists commonalities with these.


            With Wi Fi, there is the same action being undertaken. “A” is communicating with “B”. These endpoints send and receive data and information. The data may consist of appointments, Human Resource Payroll records, new circuit designs, or other intellectual property. This process is replicated with a vehicle communicating with an application on a smartphone to unlock or start the vehicle, a person working on a laptop connecting to their work email, and biomedical equipment sending and receiving data.


        Presently each system has its own protocol and methodology. In Figure A, each communication or transaction channel communicates using their own methodology, even though this is the same act.

    Figure A



        These all have in common the act of communication. This should be standardized, since this is the same act. The “A” and “B” parties are not necessarily pertinent in that these could be any business. The method or channel are however what is pertinent. Figure B represents this as each party follows the common Wi Fi method, inclusive of the Wi Fi security and encryption.



    Figure B



    This is only one example of the myriad of other potential transactions.



        This conundrums has evaded a solution and direction. There are three primary options with this. As an indicator, the leadership can do nothing. This would only continue to perpetuate the InfoSec issues that abound in the news with breaches, compromises, data being stolen, and increased expenses for the affected parties due to incident response, credit monitoring, and lawsuits. This is optional.


        A second option would be for the industry to regulate itself and apply common sense and a sufficient level of resources to research, analyze, and implement these security rules. Over the years, this likewise has not been successful. This lack of focus, multiple protocols, and mixed levels of implementation have led directly to the breaches and compromised systems. This option likewise is not viable. As an industry and field, the self-regulation in any form has been lacking.


        The third option is to form an entity to research, publish, mandate, and evangelize these standards. The intent is not to overreach and be dictatorial, but to form a safer, more secure environment the industry has not been able to do so yet. The intent is also to be an altruistic movement. This would greatly assist the field, and users.


        The guidance to this point has been splintered. The standards in place effectually have been merely recommendations, with the exception of the state statutes for autonomous vehicles. These though are different per state with each state’s judicial interpretation being unique. These specific industries (e.g. FDA, DTS, and DH) have their own guideline in place, which are not unified.  


        There should be a central standard for each type of transaction in InfoSec. For instance with communication, this should be secured with a form of encryption, regardless if this involves a vehicle communicating to an application on a smartphone, a user checking their email account from a phone, a website being secured (HTTPS) versus not (HTTP), SSO using SAML 2.0, or a pacemaker transmitting data to its base equipment and not in clear text or a low, inappropriate level of encryption (e.g. MD5 or AES 56). The data at rest also is notable, and should be encrypted with an acceptable protocol. Instead of each type of equipment or action having its own method, they should each have the same standard.


        This is being proposed simply for the common good. These and other protocols being placed onto systems would be in the least a baseline needed to be secure. For example, WEP would not be acceptable, and would be replaced with WPA2. Also, appropriate levels of encryption would be required. These standards being applied across the U.S. or further would provide a minimum baseline the industry and users would be required to follow. This would need to be on a national level due to the fluidity and dynamic nature of data and InfoSec. A state by state implementation would be problematic. A user is able to scan an IP from nearly everywhere on the globe. A state border oriented system as it relates to InfoSec is meaningless.


        Technology has made our environment potentially very dangerous for humans. There are many vectors that are able to hurt or kill humans with little effort. One attack involves compromising diabetic pumps. There has been a POC attack shown to be a viable attack vector that could potentially kill a person. This mode of attack is likewise applicable to pacemakers. The security has not been adequately applied to this equipment, which is a problem.


        The attacks may also focus on tools we use. There have been many POC attacks to compromise a vehicle’s security and system. The vehicles may be manipulated while being driven, which could lead to injury or death of a human.


        Utilities also have been targets of attack. These have been successful, at times, to compromise the utility’s enterprise. These attacks have been successful against dams, power plants, wastewater utilities, and other facilities. With these targets, a significant, well-planned attack would alter substantially our way of life and security.



        Unfortunately, the number of attacks with the same vulnerability, each industry’s own standards guiding the same act, wasted concurrent efforts, and other factors have made it rather clear the industry is at a bit of a loss to govern itself in certain instances to push toward the current action. There needs to be a single, unified application of InfoSec for each type of transaction. This would not need to be overly rigid or unbending, but able to flex with each situation. No environment is the same, however the underlying needs and actions are the same.


        The FDA has noted the industry is at a crossroads of InfoSec and technology advancing (Schwartz, 2016). A unified InfoSec platform would be beneficial to the specific industry, the overall industry, consumers, and government with this single source of information and guidance to be applied. There needs to be an action to bring this altogether. This would ensure the relevant, germane parties are all operating under one set of rules and knows what to apply to comply. This, as a bi-product, would also reduce the opportunity for ambiguity. With one set of standards being in place, deployed, and actively implemented, this would ensure the best practices are being reviewed and applied day-to-day, and not simply on an e-shelf collecting e-dust. As an example SHA-1 would not be implemented, while SHA-2 in one of its key size would be.


        This would be used as a better means of applying security to each endpoint or transaction. The entities involved would clearly know the industry best practices as mandated by the appropriate standard. The parties would clearly know these would be required to be followed. There would be little doubt what security protocol and action to apply. For instance, legacy systems tend to use outdated security practices. This is due to several features including these simply being difficult to update, and the update being cost prohibitive. Although there may be hindrances to updating the system and security, it is still prudent to update the application. This may add value to the application and usage, however the costs may not be able to passed onto the clients.


        The unified InfoSec protocols would remove the guesswork in this industry. The appropriate parties would know what standard and protocol to apply to your project. Everyone in the industry should be working the same set of standards. Any future changes to the protocol would be well-publicized and the germane audience would be notified as this would be well-known. This may be communicated with press-releases, email updates, tweets, and other accepted methods.


        With a set of enforced standards as a simple baseline, issues with security would not continue to abound. Without this, the attacks will continue. These may become more frequent in occurrence and be larger. Future DDoS attacks may make the Krebs on Security DDoS appear to be a practice run.



        The process to arrive at these standards should not be arrived at lightly. There needs to be an abundance of caution and thought with this process. To formalize this there would need to be a format or template for the process. This would be utilized to form and approve the standards. This removes the potential for varying methods and outputs. With one format, all involved know what to expect. This would not be a  government committee due the potential political skew, which would be counter-productive. As President Ronald Reagan is quoted, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: “I’m from the government and I’m here to help…”.


        These standards would need to be processed through a vetting process. This may be done with a committee composed of academia and industry members. This brings together the many viewpoints. The process would provide for the best methods in theory and practice. These would be provided with a single person or faceless entity. With the group, there are many views and opinions. These are able to be molded together.


        After the draft of the standard is put in writing, there should be testing and/or a pilot study. The standard would not be put into place without this being done in the various environment. This would also function to verify what works best across the industries.



    Starting Points

        This is a rather substantial project on several fronts. After gaining acceptance, which would not be a small feat in its own right, forming the committee would also require an immense amount of time, effort, and resources. As for the protocols, there are a number of generally accepted protocols for encryption, web applications, firewalls, authentication, defense in depth, Wi Fi, and log management. These would provide a starting point to be followed. The committee may begin to grow in depth the knowledge on these topics prior to reviewing future movements.



        There needs to be a form of motivation to adhere to these. Without the industry following these unified standards, these standards would only be yet another one in the field for review. In effect the community would be splintered yet further. The new set of standards would require some form of liability, as a motivator. If these standards are not followed, the entity electing not to follow it may be considered acting in a grossly negligent manner. These standards would be designed to be the minimum, baseline standard to be applied. These would also be based on industry uses, academia, and persons leading the thoughts in the industry.



        There has been a vast abundance of breaches and compromises in the different fields in recent years. There has been a leading indicator of potentially becoming a target-there is something the attacker wants to steal or keep people from accessing. The commonality with a majority of these attacks has been the attacker exploiting vulnerabilities. The vulnerabilities may have been remediated, however were not. With these standards being followed, there would be fewer breaches.


        The effect of this would be resources not being wasted, a lesser degree of consumer and business frustration, and a safer world. Until this point, a set of standards to be used throughout the industry to this end has not been created or followed. With these in place, the industry would clearly know what standard is the best practice, and apply it to the project.


        Without this being used, there will continue to be more compromises, breaches, and lack of confidence in InfoSec.




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August 2, 2017
A Paper by Viesturs Bambans
Defining Insiders and Outsiders and Threat Levels Associated with Them

Defining Critical Infrastructure US and EU.


There are several sources of the threat to a business entity and individual associates with computer security. Regarding general perception of threats, it will be different according to occupied business niche. Company’s which are related to critical industries will have higher interest from malicious actors. USA Presidential Policy Directive – Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience defines fallowing (@WhiteHouse, February 12, 2013):

  • Chemical;

  • Commercial Facilities;

  • Communications;

  • Clinical Manufacturing;

  • Dams;

  • Defense Industrial Base;

  • Emergency Services;

  • Energy;

  • Financial Services;

  • Food and Agriculture;

  • Government Facilities;

  • Healthcare and Public Health;

  • Information Technology;

  • Nuclear Reactors, Materials, and Waste;

  • Transportation Systems;

  • Water and Wastewater Systems;


The EU Commission defines following infrastructures as critical infrastructures (Commision, December 11, 2006)

  • Energy;

  • Nuclear Industry:

  • Information, Communication Technologies, ICT;

  • Water;

  • Food;

  • Health;

  • Financial;

  • Transport;

  • Chemical industry;

  • Space;

  • Research facilities;

Insider and Outsider threats makes impact not only on companies as whole, but also on their personnel. Kuheli Roy Sarkar in his article “Assessing insider threats to information security using technical, behavioral and organizational measures “ (Roy, 2010) , defines insider, as Pure Insider, Affiliate Insider, Associate Insider, Outside Affiliate.

See Table 1 PDF at end of document.


Insiders threat can be broadly generalized as:

  • Information leak;

  • Sabotage;

  • Fraud.

However, looking closer to the insider threat problem, we can see that common generalization about insider threat can have some deviation towards Outsiders threat spectrum.


Insider can carry out several types of malicious activity against employer. His/her motivation can be based into one or several personal traits, according to Julie Mehan (Dr. Julie E. Mehan, 2016):

  • Immaturity and/or Impulsiveness;

  • Narcissism;

  • Anti-Social Behavior;

  • Inability to form Commitment;

  • Vengefulness;

  • Paranoia;

  • Over-Achievement;

Information Security professional and/or HR without education in Mental Health or Psychiatry cannot make diagnosis towards any human within his/her work duties and make any claims about potential inside threat carrier stemming from Mental Health concern.


Either pure insider, associate insider, affiliate insider, outside affiliate can be led to carry out intentional or unintentional threat by several motivation types and or third party persons/person – enablers. Julie Mehan (Dr. Julie E. Mehan, 2016) distinguished following:

  • Greed;

  • Ego;

  • Ideology;

  • Opportunity;

  • Revenge;


However, according Gary M. Jackson author of the book “Predicting Malicious Behavior” (Jackson, June, 2012), malicious behavior and behavioral changes should be observed multiple times under various conditions. Additionally, observations must include adequate descriptions: must include for identifying the who, what, when, where, and how of past behaviors of insider and/or outsiders.


Weather malicious behavior is done based on deeds done by Insiders and/or Outsiders, the malicious behavior is based on the fallowing pattern. According to Gary M. Jackson:

“If behavior occurring in the presence of specific antecedents is followed by consequences that are favorable to the person, the probability of future occurrence of that behavior in the presence of the same or highly similar antecedents is increased.

Likewise, if behavior occurring in the presence of specific antecedents is followed by consequences that are unfavorable to the person, the probability of future occurrence of that behavior in the presence of the same or highly similar antecendents is decreased.”


If we look through the fore mention statements prism onto threats and malicious behavior, done by insider and outsider, then longer the time malicious behavior is not recognized, the better such behavior enables malicious actor, insider and/or outsider, to continue to do their deads. At some point, malicious actor - whether insider or outsider, will go through rationalization which can be summarize in the Fraud triangle: Perceived Opportunity; Pressure; Rationalization.


Additionally, another aspect is person’s self-radicalization whether alone or in a group.

Either Pure insider or Outsider can migrate to a specific ideology, to support his/her motivation to carry out malicious behavior against particular person, company, government or non-profit organization. He/she will join the organization. Support can be provided during process of joining or after. After joining the organization, he/she can be involved in providing support for other group members or preparing and carrying out malicious attack by self. During execution phase he/she can work alone or receiving support from other group members.


For Pure insider, company’s management might recognize detachment of particular employee, which slowly increases.


Outsider groups are represented in broad spectrum - former employee, former employee from previous company’s employment; Outsiders- company’s Social Network Followers; Activists - Social Justice activists, Environmental activists, Hacktivists, and APT Groups. Each of those entities can display broad spectrum of threat levels (Wrightson, December`, 2014 #652):

  • UT - Unsophisticated Threat;

  • UPT – Unsophisticated Persistent Threat;

  • ST – Smart Threat;

  • SPT- Smart Persistent Threat;

  • AT – Advanced Threats;

  • APT – Advanced Persistent Threat.


Each of the outside group can express from Unsophisticated Threat to Advanced Persistent Threat.


Current market and open source environment can provide plentiful of physical and software tools to do intentional harm for a company at which he/she works or worked. Stephan R. Band et all in his work “Comparing Insider IT Sabotage and Espionage: A Model-Based Analysis” distinct harmful actions associated with espionage cases and sabotage cases. Currently there is thin line due to plentitude of information starting with poorly designated materials to high level information. In some cases, employee who can obtain enough information to carry out high skilled sabotage against his/hers current and former employee. I propose to adopt the “Technical Rule Violations” and “Harmful Technical Actions” however simplify the “Espionage Cases” and “Sabotage Cases” into one category “Sabotage Cases”. The sabotage actions can be carried by Insiders and Outsiders. For example, ransomware/wiper NotPetya was categorized as ransomware. However, latest analysis considers it as wiper – pure sabotage due to encryption algorithm implementation. In theory, both Pure Insider and Outsider Affiliate can infect company’s network with the same outcome using NotPetya.


Outsider groups which could be hostile to a company and its employers and employees can be very broad – from script kiddies to APT groups. If company occupies business niche associated with critical infrastructures, then hostile interest will be higher from fore mention groups.


Insider Threats often are not reported due to several reasons. Those reasons can be represent within organization as standalone exposure or combination of two or more. Kuheli Roy Sarkar categorizes them (Roy, 2010):

  • “Fear of negative publicity;

  • Difficulty in identifying culprits;

  • Ignorance of the attacks;

  • Insider threats are overlooked.”


Insider’s and outsider’s behavior can change gradually to intensify his/her malicious behavior:

  • towards particular person or group of people due to their occupation and/or nationality, and/or religious beliefs, and/or political party affiliation;

  • towards particular company;

  • towards particular country;

  • towards particular religious confession.


Prediction of such malicious behavior lies in the framework defined by Garry M. Jackson (Jackson, June, 2012):

  • “The key to predicting behavior is not studying the behavior itself but identifying antecendets associated with the behavior of interest in the past;

  • The best predictor of future behavior is not past behavior. The best predictor of future behavior is identifying antecendents and consequences associated with past behavior.

  • If antecendents of past behavior are identified when those behaviors led to favourable consequences, there is an increased probability that the behavior will occur in the future if the same or highly similar antecedents occur.

  • To predict future behavior grom antecendents associated with behavior in the past, a form of pattern classification in required to identify predicitive patterns among antecendents and the following behavior.

  • The accurate prediction of behavior rearely relies on the presence of a single antecent. Complex human behavior typically occurs in association with repeatable constellations of identified antecedents.”

Insiders and Outsiders can be coming from different cultures and subcultures and have different skillsets. However, they have one common – each of them during malicious behavior will be interested in particular information, sabotage technique, fraud pattern. Invasion techniques can be different for each of them or one person, and/or group tries evade using different techniques.


Contract termination. To mitigate risk, that former employee can become hostile Outside Affiliate during termination, employer and/or his representative should implement procedures associated with former employee based on Stephan R. Band et all “Comparing Insider IT Sabotage and Espionage: A Model-Based Analysis” (Stephen R. Band, December`, 2016 #653):

  • Deactivating computer accounts for all company’s divisions;

  • Revoking System authorization;

  • Disabling Remote Access;

  • Disabling Access to shared accounts;

  • Requiring all coworkers of the departed employee to change their password if there is the slightest chance they make have shared their passwords;

  • Terminating physical access;

  • Notifying other employees;

  • Enhancing system access monitoring and system audits immediately following the termination or resignation of a disgruntled employee;

  • Creating forensic sound disk image from all computers which was former employee associated with.


In the business and critical infrastructure environment’s Inside and Outside threat is closely associated with sabotage and industry espionage. Those threats can become evident, for example, when sales engineer at the time of termination of current job have backup copy of sales contacts, gained in a previous workplace or from a person who copies Electronic Medical Record implementation plan, and brings it to the new workplace. In his Report Robert R. Band et al published findings related to espionage cases and sabotage cases:

See Table 2 PDF at end of document.

If we have analyzed recent malware attacks, we could see that borders between behavior observed in sabotage cases and espionage cases is blurred. Some of the malware have implementations of actions which shows both behaviors. For example, NotPetya - at first it was analyzed as pure ransomware, however next analysis done by Matt Suiche showed it is wiper (sabotage) due to deviation of encryption implementation mechanism. The encryption mechanism was built in the way, that is generates random numbers, which cannot be reported to malicious actors. If we look only on to build mechanism of  NotPetya, then we can found that builders used specifically  SMB port 445, and ports 135,139, and email attachments to move malware attack laterally using WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) and PSEXEC(PsExec is a command-line tool that lets you execute processes on remote computer systems and redirect particular console applications' output to the local system so that these applications can be running at local computer system) (Ivanov, 2017) .


Both - insiders and outsiders look to utilize several exploit types to implement his/her actions. Mostly, malicious action is carried by utilizing some kind of software which exploits company’s or person’s computer environment’s, focusing either on software, firmware and/or hardware exploits or all of them. U.S Department of Commerce and National Institute of Standards and Technology – NIST maintains Computer Security Resource Center, National Vulnerability Database - which maintains current vulnerability lists of current software vulnerabilities which can be used as exploits by attacks launched either by insider or outsider.


To mitigate the threat, a company can establish strong wetting process for software and hardware which are implemented in their business environment to minimize residual risk by establishing controls and policies to mitigate inside and outside threats.


Additionally, company can establish one of the Insider Threat Prevention Assessment Model to establish baseline for current company. One of the model is created by Delloite and presented at FISSEA’s 25th Annual Conference:"A New Era in Cybersecurity Awareness, Training, and Education, in Gaithersburg, Maryland at premises of NIST, :(Michael   G. Gelles, March, 2012):

See Graph 1 PDF at end of document.

Fore mention model provides exccellent guidance to establish a company’s baseline. It will provide gradual guide from creating guidelines, generating awareness, monitoring, intervening, then analyzing and learning:

  1. Perform Enterprise Risk Assessment;

  2. Determine Insider Threat Indikators;

  3. Define Individual Baseline;

Perform Daily Job Function;

  1. Experience Crisis Event

  2. Move from Ideation to Action;

  3. Exploit;

  4. Investigate;

  5. Determine Outcome;

  6. Analyze and Learn.


Threat mitigation within a company, whethear carried out by a insider or outsider group, starts with managing personnel to lower possibility of clique formation and hostile competion between personnel or company divisions.


IT Security professional will be involved into mitigating consequnces of malicioues actions and helping to establish and implement qoverning policies according to company’s management.


Outsiders can be individual hacktivists or their groups, or organized criminal groups, which have penetration capabalities or ability to hire individual hackers to gain penetration capabilities, and APT groups. Each of them provide a little bit different approach to penetration and bring different threat capabilities against a company and it’s personnal, which will result in deviation of residual risk level for particular company.


Outsider group can consist of:


  • Individual hacker;

  • Hacktivists;

  • Hacktivists based their actions on religious beliefs;

  • Hacker groups;

  • Organized criminal groups, who consist of hackers or persons who have ability to hire individual hackers via monetory gains or coercion;

  • APT groups. If company becomes target to APT group it is not an accident but because a company have information (trade secret, patent etc).


Individual hackers. Their skillsets can be observed from script kiddies, to advance skill levels.


Hacktivists. One of definitions of the Hacktivism was published in Kent Anderson, CISM in his work “Hacktivism and Politically Motivated Computer Crime “,  (Anderson, 2008): “The Methodology of Hacktivism is being developed and thus subject to change: Hacktivism could be as simple as posting banned or censored material on the Internet. However, the media rarely reports such events and hacktivists have taken to “bending” the law in order to attract attention to particular causes.”

Deloite in their publication “Hacktivism, A defender’s playbook. Threat study” published on August 12, 2016, (Analytics, August 12, 2016), presented “Hactivism Attack Cycle” :

  • “Day 1: Recruiting and Operation annoucement, for example via own website, Twiter, Facebook and YouTube;

    • Reconaissance: using for example Social Engineering, Vulnerability Scanning, Human Targets;

    • Application/ Web/ Mail Server Attacks: using for example XSS, SQL, BF;

    • Doxing: for example implementing Paste Sites;

    • DDOS Attacks: Velocity from 5Gps to 250 Gps

  • Day 14: Social Media Hijacking, and Web Defecament:

    • [New Communication] – Second Warning;

    • Application/ Web/ Mail Server Attacks: using for example XSS, SQL,

  • Day 25:

    • DDOS Attacks: Velocity from 5Gps to 250 Gps

    • Third Warning: for example via own website, Twiter, Facebook and YouTube;

    • Repeat Cycle starting with recon.”


Additionally, Hacktivist groups actively interpret business and social processes and try to correct them. For example, in the article by Mary Ann-Russon “Anonymous takes down Black Lives Matter website to make point that 'All Lives Matter “, (Russon, 2016), was published the following statement from Ghost Squad member @_s1ege: “ "I, s1ege, started this operation after attacking the KKK [because] I realized the individuals in the Black Lives Matter movement were acting no better – some even promote genocide of the Caucasian race. This will not be tolerated. What angered me and the other members of Ghost Squad was that the leaders also do not speak on this topic. This was not the dream of Martin Luther King Jr, and should not be supported or promoted by any movement. All Lives Matter!" “


Flashpoint (Flashpoint, January 11, 2017) in their published yearly report “ Business Risk Intelligence – Decision Report. 2016 Year in Review and 2017 Flashpoints “ categorizes hacktivist as:

  • “Attack Verticals:

    • Financial Services;

    • Retail;

    • Energy;

    • Technologies/Entertainment;

    • Telecom;

    • Government/Military;

    • NGO’s/Civil Society;

  • Risk Rankings:

  • Capability – Tier 3 (Actors maintain a moderate degree of technical sophistication and can carry out moderately-damaging attacks on target systems using a combination of custom and publicly-available resources. They may be capable of authoring rudimentary custom malware.);

  • Potential Impact – Moderate (Attacks have the potential to disrupt some core business functions, although the impact may be intermittent and non-uniform across the user-base. Critical assets and infrastructure remain functional, even if they suffer from moderate disruption. Some non-sensitive data may be exposed. Actors at this level might also expose sensitive data.).”


  • Hacktivists who base their actions on religious beliefs. Latest wars in Syria, Afganistan and Irag have opened  opportunity for people who want to radikilize and use for their own radikalization diffent medium – religy. For companies’s and their personnel, also for goverment and their personnel arose new threat, which involves - hacktivists which choose actions based on their religious beliefs. Such malicious behaviour can be observed in individuals and APT groups. For example, on June 26, 2017 – Associated Press reported that several government websites were defaced by supporters of Islamic State, particularly by “Team System Dz”. 


  • In 2015, Stratford published forecast about examination of Islamic State Cyber Capabilities (Reed, November 30, 2015), which provides good insight on the issue. However, current political situations changes rapidly towards reducing capacity of Islam State Cyber Capabilities and their dereratives. Flashpoint (Flashpoint, January 11, 2017) in their published yearly report “ Business Risk Intelligence – Decision Report

  • r in Review and 2017,” in their findings they categorizes Jihadi hackers as capable of performing the following:

  • “Attack Verticals:

  • Financial Services;

  • Technology/Entertaiment;

  • Governement/Military;

  • Risk Rankings:

  • Capability –  Tier 2 ( Attackers can develop rudimentary tools and scripts to achieve desired ends in combination with the use of publicly-available resources. They may make use of known vulnerabilities and exploits.);

  • Potential Impact – Negliglible (Damages from these attacks are highly unlikely or are unable to adversely affected the targeted systems and infrastructure. Such incidents may result in minor reputational damage. Sensitive systems and data remain intact, confidential, and available.).”

Hacker groups. There are several hacker groups with broad renge of capabilities and potential to impact  business entities and society. More publized groups are Anonymous, Ghost Squad, Wiki Leaks, Cult of Dead Cow etc..


Organized criminal groups who hire hackers.  Groups are very ellusive. Their lifespan can be 6 months long or more. Roderic Broadhurst, et all in his artcicle “Organizations and Cyber crime: An Analysis of the Nature of Groups engaged in Cyber Crime “,  made reference to criminal organization classification according to McQuire, (Roderic Broadhurst, 2014):

  • “Tier 1 – groups operates mostly online. Their posture as malicious actors is establishe via online malicous activities:

    • “Swarms share many of the features of networks and are described as ‘disorganized organizations [with] common purpose without leadership.’ Typically swarms have minimal chains of command and may operate in viral forms in ways reminiscent of earlier ‘hacktivist’ groups. Swarms seem to be most active in ideologically driven online activities such as hate crimes and political resistance.

    • Hubs, like swarms, are essentially active online but are more organized with a clear command structure. They involve a focal point (hub) of core criminals around which peripheral associates gather. Their online activities are diverse, including piracy, phishing attacks, botnets and online sexual offending”.

  • Tier II groups bridges malicious behaviour online with offline. Groups represent hybrid malicoius behaviour with mix attack vectors:

    • “In a clustered hybrid, offending is articulated around a small group of individuals and focused around specific activities or methods. They are somewhat similar in structure to hubs, but move seamlessly between online and offline offending. A typical group will skim credit cards, then use the data for online purchases or on- sell the data through carding networks.

    • Groups of the extended hybrid form operate in similar ways to the clustered hybrids but are a lot less centralized. They typically include many associates and subgroups and carry out a variety of criminal activities, but still retain a level of coordination sufficient to ensure the success of their operations.”

  • Type III – maintain their operations offline  - their action online carrys supportive character for offline malicious activities.

“Hierarchies are best described as traditional criminal groups (e.g. crime families), which export some of their activities online. For example, the traditional interest of some mafia groups in prostitution now extends to pornography websites; other examples include online gambling, extortion, and blackmail through threats of shutting down systems or accessing private records via malware attacks or hacking.

  • Aggregate groups are loosely organized, temporary, and often without clear purpose. They make use of digital technologies in an ad hoc manner, which nevertheless can inflict harm. Examples include the use of Blackberry or mobile phones to coordinate gang activity or public disorder, as occurred during the 2011 UK riots or the Sydney riots in September 2012.”

Rober Broadhurst et all cites Steven R. Chabinsky Deputy Assistant Director, Cyber Division Federal Bureau of Investigation at GovSec/FOSE Conference in Washington, D.C., on March 23, 2010, where Steven Chabisnsky  emphasized that cybercriminals tend to specialize their operation, (Steven R. Chabinsky, 2010) :

  • “First, we have the coders or programmers, who write the malware, exploits, and other tools necessary to commit the crime. Contrary to popular belief, coders are not protected by the First Amendment when they knowingly take part in a criminal enterprise—and they go to jail just like the rest of the enterprise.

  • Second, we have the distributors or vendors, who trade and sell stolen data, and act as vouchers of the goods provided by the other specialties.

  • Third, we have the techies, who maintain the criminal infrastructure, including servers, bulletproof ISPs, and encryption; and who often have knowledge of common database languages and SQL servers of course.

  • Coming in fourth on my list, there are the hackers, who search for and exploit application, system, and network vulnerabilities to gain administrator or payroll access.

  • Fifth, there are the fraudsters, who create and deploy social engineering schemes, including phishing, spamming, and domain squatting.

  • Meanwhile, and sixth for those keeping track, there are hosters, who provide “safe” hosting of illicit content servers and sites, often through elaborate botnet and proxy networks.

  • Seventh, we also have the cashers, who control drop accounts and provide those names and accounts to other criminals for a fee, and who also typically control full rings of our eighth category, money mules.

  • Ninth, we have the tellers, who help with transferring and laundering illicit proceeds through digital currency services and between different world currencies.

Finally, logging in at number 10 on the specialty list, there are leaders—many of whom don’t have any technical skills at all. They’re the “people-people.” They choose the targets; choose the people they want to work each role; decide who does what, when, and where; and take care of personnel and payment issues.”


Steven R. Chabinsky, Deputy Assistant Director, Cyber Division, Federal Bureau of Investigation gave excellent insight about criminal groups structure. Any company which will be endpoint on their attacks will not meet one outsider, but several different people whose goal will be to gain maximum trust, and to exploit it to gain monetary and/or bragging rights. Majority of Security Awareness trainings avoid the fore mention facts and assume it will be one person and/or one’s person’s signature on the attacks pattern.  For example, people who trie to convince you that your home or business computer “sends signals to Microsoft about computers virus infection” and due to that someone from Microsoft will be calling you to solve the issue, are malicious actors. During their Social Engineering attack phone numbers, from which calls originated, can be switch and displayed in a different state or it can be 800 numbers. Also, malicious actors might be altering their accents and voice tonality etc. to pursue their plan against you or a company.


Company’ s management will need prepare their employees about diversity of attacks and establish policies and guidelines which support Forensic Readiness and log management. Additionally, companies should implement persistent testing of various software vender patches before installing patches on the company’s network.


APT groups. APT – Advance Persistent Threat – majority of those groups have ties to particular state and have one or several interests in to critcical infrastructure industry and/or business niches which are tied as business associates to them. Some of APT groups are: The Syrian Electroni Army, Tarh Andishan (possible afliation Iran), Drangonfly gang (Energetic Bear), Ajax Security Team (Flying Kitten) (possible afliation Iran), APT 28 (possible afliation Russia), Unit 61389 (possible afliation China), Axiom (possible afliation China), Bureue 121 (possible afliation North Korea), Hidden Lix (possible afliation China), APT 1 (possible afliation China). APT 15 (possible afliation China). There several reports about attack types and targets for each groups. Mandiant published extensive research paper about APT 1 (Mandiant, February, 2013), Mandiantt reaserch paper reports about APT 1:

Since 2006, Mandiant has observed APT1 compromise 141 companies spanning 20 major industries;

  • “APT1 has a well-defined attack methodology, honed over years and designed to steal large volumes of valuable intellectual property.

  • Once APT1 has established access, they periodically revisit the victim’s network over several months or years and steal broad categories of intellectual property, including technology blueprints, proprietary manufacturing processes, test results, business plans, pricing documents, partnership agreements, and emails and contact lists from victim organizations’ leadership.

  • APT1 uses some tools and techniques that we have not yet observed being used by other groups including two utilities designed to steal email — GETMAIL and MAPIGET.

  • APT1 maintained access to victim networks for an average of 356 days. The longest time period APT1 maintained access to a victim’s network was 1,764 days, or four years and ten months.

  • Among other large-scale thefts of intellectual property, we have observed APT1 stealing 6.5 terabytes of compressed data from a single organization over a ten-month time period.”

  • To get complete understanding about modus operandi for one particular group is difficult, due to changing patern of behaviour. To prepare a company for APT possible intrussion, information security proffesionals will need to allocate time and resources to gain access to published research materials which are legally and publicly available from government agencies, think tanks, research groups and educational institutions.


  • Flashpoint report doesn’t include information about separate APT groups in their summary. They categorize generalal approach about states which deploy and/or associate themselves with APT groups, such as China, Russia and North Korea, (Flashpoint, January 11, 2017):


  • “China:

  • Attack Verticals

  • Legal;

  • Energy;

  • Healthcare;

  • Technologies/Entertaiment;

  • Telecom

  • Goverment/Military

  • Risk Rankings:

  • Capability – Risk 6 (Nation-state supported actors possessing the highest levels of technical sophistication reserved for only a select set of countries. The actors can engage in full-spectrum operations, utilizing the full breadth of capabilities available in cyber operations in concert with other elements of state power, including conventional military force and foreign intelligence services with global reach.);

  • Potential Impact – Catastrophic Catastrophic (Kinetic and cyber-attacks conducted by the threat actor(s) have the potential to cause complete paralysis and/or destruction of critical systems and infrastructure. Such attacks have the capacity to result in significant destruction of property and/or loss of life. Under such circumstances, regular business operations and/or government functions cease and data confidentiality, integrity, and availability are completely compromised for extended periods.);

  • Russia:

  • Attack Verticals

  • Financial Services;

  • Legal;

  • Energy;

  • Technology/Entertaiment;

  • Telecom;

  • Goverment/Military;

  • NGO’s/Civil Society;

  • Risk Rankings:

  • Capability – Risk 6 (Nation-state supported actors possessing the highest levels of technical sophistication reserved for only a select set of countries. The actors can engage in full-spectrum operations, utilizing the full breadth of capabilities available in cyber operations in concert with other elements of state power, including conventional military force and foreign intelligence services with global reach.);

  • Potential Impact – Catastrophic (Kinetic and cyber-attacks conducted by the threat actor(s) have the potential to cause complete paralysis and/or destruction of critical systems and infrastructure. Such attacks have the capacity to result in significant destruction of property and/or loss of life. Under such circumstances, regular business operations and/or government functions cease and data confidentiality, integrity, and availability are completely compromised for extended periods.);

  • North Korea:

  • Attack Verticals:

  • Finacial Services;

  • Energy;

  • Technology/Entertaiment;

  • Telecom;

  • Government/Military

  • Risk Rankings:

  • Capability – Tier 4 (Attackers are part of a larger and well-resourced syndicate with a moderate-to-high level of technical sophistication. The actors are capable of writing custom tools and malware and can conduct targeted reconnaissance and staging prior to conducting attack campaigns.)

  • Potential Impact – Severe (Cyber-attacks emanating from this actor set have the capacity to disrupt regular business operations and governmental functions severely. Such incidents may result in the temporary outage of critical services and the compromise of sensitive data.).”




  • Each of fore mention entities will be looking for a companys and organizations dynamic of relationships, for example(Wrightson, December, 2014):

  • “Business policies and procedures;

  • Company politics;

  • Employee skills;

  • Ethnic differences and diversity of employees;

  • Inter-relationships between departments within organizations;

  • Impact of geological diversity of companies;

  • Impact of holidays and vacation;

  • Overall security awareness and importance placed on security;

  • World events external to organizations”.


Malicious actors will be investing resources to gain the best scope. For example, a person, who uses social networks as base for his/her confessions or attacks on company’s personnel, will be excellent source for fore mention malicious entities.   Companies management will need decide how much information can be published on their website and social networks sites. Another example, where pure insider creates unintentional threat to a company - Company’s PR personnel receives acceptance from a company’s management for publishing employee names and their free time activities. Fallowing such request company’s employee unwillingly becomes information source to create phishing attacks on him/her and will increase positive outcome of malicious attacks carried out by a hacker, hacker groups, criminal groups and/or APT.


Both Insider and Outsider individuals and or groups will be using all or some of malicious attack steps:

  1. Reconaissance;

  2. Enumeration;

  3. Exploitation;

  4. Maintaining Access;

  5. Cleanup;

  6. Progression;

  7. Exfiltration.

How much of utilization of those steps will be used by a particular individual or group depends on their goal, time and budget.


Base on intentional and unintential threat mitigation lies in companys’ ability to establish governing policies and follow their guidlines, which support those policies. Additinally, it need to have ability adjust their secure posture according to threat level which is closely tied to their occupied business niche and infrastructure.


Both, attacks based in technical means and attacks based human skillset, have particular signature. Mallicious attacker or group can adopted to particular hardware or software toolset and uses those towards attack on company via network, social engineering, phishing etc. Similarly, person with malicious intent have signature traits which can be recognized in repeated malicious behaviour against a business organization and/or a person. Recognition of those signatures cannot be based mainly on reactive response by business entity towards malicious actor.  Exception is when such attack is made against a large group,  and the group representitives are joined in some kind mutual information exchange, then the response is proactive. For example, in the US such group is Infragard which provides partnership between FBI and business entities  which are tied to critical infrastructures.

Either network anomaly and/or systems behaviour anomaly, cannot be detect without established baseline against which it is compared by IDS, IPS, or firewall with built in in IPS, IDS capacities and log reviews. Such baseline is one of the core steps to minimize threat level carried out by pure insiders and/or outsiders groups.




Aditional information about establishing safeguards against Insider threat can be found in NIST publication - NIST Special Publication 800-53 (Rev. 4) regarding control - .


Full document:


(Pre-Draft) NIST Special Publication 800-53 Revision 5 -







@WhiteHouse. (February 12, 2013). Presidential Policy Directive -- Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience. Presidential Policy Directive/PPD-21. @WhiteHouse Retrieved from

Analytics, D. T. I. a. (August 12, 2016). Hacktivism A defender’s playbook. Threat study, (August 12, 2016), 17. Retrieved from website:

Anderson, K. (2008). Hacktivism and Politically Motivated Computer Crime, 15. Retrieved from website:

Commision, T. E. (December 11, 2006). The European Commission - PRESS RELEASES  - Press release - The EuropeanProgramme for Critical Infrastructure Protection (EPCIP). The European Commision Retrieved from

Dr. Julie E. Mehan, P. D., CISSP, ISSPCS. (2016). Insider Threat. A Guide to Understanding, Detecting, and Defending Against the Enemy from Within. IT Governance Publishing, IT Governance Limited, Unit 3, Clive Court, Barholomew’s Walk, Cambridgeshire Business Park, Ely, Cambridgeshire, CB7 4EA, United Kingdom.

Flashpoint. (January 11, 2017). Business Risk Intelligence – Decision Report. 2016 Year in Review and 2017 Flashpoints. Retrieved from

Ivanov, A. (2017, 06.27.2017.). Petya Ransomware: NSA Exploit Edition, Petna (NotPetya, NonPetya) Ransomware.  Retrieved from

Jackson, G. M. (June, 2012). Predicting Malicious Behavior: Tools and Techniques for Ensuring Global Security with DVD: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Corporate Headquarters, 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774, Telephone: 201.748.6000, Facsimile: 201.748.6088, Email:

Mandiant. (February, 2013). APT! Exposing One of China' s Cyber Espionage Units (02.18.2013. ed., pp. 76). Mandiant.

Michael   G. Gelles, P. D., Tara Mahoutchian, MBA. (March, 2012). Mitigating the  Insider Threat Building a Secure  Workforce. Paper presented at the Welcome to FISSEA’s 25th Annual Conference: "A New Era in Cybersecurity Awareness, Training, and Education", National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA.

Reed, T. (November 30, 2015). Examining the Islamic States Cyber Capabilities. Stratfor.

Roderic Broadhurst, P. G., Mamoun Alazab, Steve Chon. (2014). Organizations and Cyber crime: An Analysis of the Nature of Groups engaged in Cyber Crime. International Journal of Cyber Criminology, 8(1).

Roy, S. K. (2010). Assessing insider threats to information security using technical, behavioural and organisational measures. Information Security Technical Report, 15(3).

Russon, M.-A. (2016). Anonymous takes down Black Lives Matter website to make point that 'All Lives Matter'. Retrieved from website:

Steven R. Chabinsky, D. A. D., Cyber Division FBI. (2010). he Cyber Threat: Who's Doing What to Whom? Paper presented at the GovSec/FOSE Conference, Washington, D.C.

Wrightson, T. (December, 2014). Advanced Persistent Threat Hacking. The Art and Science of Hacking Any Organizations: McGraw-Hill Education.




Table 1

Table 2



August 30, 2017

A Paper by Joseph O. Esin

Imminent Cybersecurity Threats and Vulnerability

of Organizations and Educational System.



The proliferation of direct Internet connection has increased cyberattacks, identity theft, intellectual property theft, electronic fraud, spoofing, cyberterrorism, hacking, cracking into private and public and higher education cyber centers. Cybersecurity threats are not an isolated occurrence, and must be recognized as global operations that requires collaborative measures in preparing cyber-graduates and organization’s personnel on high-impact of cybercrimes, awareness, the understanding and obligation to secure, manage, control, and protect client vital data and sharing data and information on social media sites. Most members of academic world argue in support of premises that high school students should be exempted from cybersecurity education.  On the other hand, some academic populations support the implementation of cybersecurity training sessions across the academic enterprise to include high school, undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate education. Collaborative cyber-education beginning from high school settings will control, if not eradicate proliferation of cybersecurity attacks, cyber-threats, identity theft, electronic fraud and rapid pace and will also support job opportunities for aspirants in field of cybersecurity across the globe. Private and public organizations and higher education institutions must be committed and ready to invest tremendous amount of resources into cybersecurity professional education (CPE) to prepare the new generation on high-impact cybersecurity awareness and understanding. Washington Center of Cybersecurity Research and Development (WCCRD) has established a well-conceived cybersecurity education and research development operation and willing to form alliance with higher education, private and public organizations to equip cybersecurity aspirants with expertise, skills for work and citizenship.   


Collaborative education is a credible avenue to prepare the new generation for unrestricted and wide range cybersecurity threats, physical attacks, cyber threats, disruption of connection, and disruption of essential services. The expansion of cybercrimes occasionally involves production and distribution of child pornography, exploitation, cyberterrorism, conspiracies, banking and financial fraud, extensive impact on vulnerable citizens and damaging economic consequences across the globe. Per LeClair (2016) and Esin (2017), social engineering threats (SET) is often overlooked as fundamental segment of security threats. Social engineering threats (SET) are controlling, psychological operations, commercial maneuvering measures on relatives and friends are caused by unrestricted internet use, high-rate activities that tend to cause harm, disrupting services on organization security operations.  SET frequently uses psychological moralities and procedures to manage security threats through persuasion and psychological principles, and crafty manipulation and persuading individuals into divulging confidential information, such as, employee’s user names, passwords, bank information, house and offices’ alarm code to take control over organization’s security centers.

To counter and contain these threats, private and public organizations and higher education enterprise are required to invest great amount of human and financial resources into cybersecurity professional education (CPE).  Because of detonation of cybersecurity attacks, and cybercrimes, CPE must be designed to eliminate cyber-intimidation and empowerment of learners with dedication to learning and commitment to organizations.



The Internet is a powerful instrument for uploading and downloading of files, data and information, transmission and communication; however, it is also an operational tool for hacking and cracking into organization’s security centers. Hacking and cracking activities into organizations data storage centers is not secluded undertakings and most perpetrators of cybersecurity attacks often involve irritated personnel with direct and unlimited access to the data system and who are able use Internet access to probe against any organization’s security center (Markus 2015 & Rausch 2015).  Cybersecurity attacks are emerging rapidly and uncontrollably, affecting local and national entities.  In compliance with emerging cybersecurity threats, CPE course outlines must include the empowerment of participants with complete understanding of cyber threats, electronic fraud, illegal hacking and cracking, botnets, malware, phishing, data leakage, spear-phishing attacks, defense of vulnerabilities across global entities.


Minimizing Rates of Cyber Attacks via Professional Alliance

Greater priority must be used to strengthen efforts to stop cybersecurity attacks. Per Marie-Smith (2015) and LeClair & Ramsay (2015), global populations are depending on higher education to produce skilled and capable cybersecurity professionals, to defend institutions of higher education, private and public security centers. Captivating active initiative, Washington Center of Cybersecurity Research and Development (WCCRD) has established a well-conceived  cybersecurity education and research development operations and is willing to form alliance with higher education, private and public organizations to find ways to combat these threats through collaboration and partnerships.  WCCRD’s aspiration is to make sure those who prepare the current and future cyber-graduates for work and citizenship are fully equipped with required skills and expertise to perform the task.   As Heckman (2016) and Rausch (2015) posit, global communities are constantly changing and the evolution of cybersecurity serves as an undeniable window of growth, curiosity, communication and invention of yet-to-be discovered global mystery.

Private and public organizations and higher education systems often seek candidates with cybersecurity and cyber-education skills with ability to detect vulnerabilities and respond to incidents of cyber security breaches.  Today, the global community is falling short of security-educated graduates and practitioners to protect and defend our vulnerable global population, precisely, amid rapid and continuous evolution of cybersecurity attacks. Per LeClair (2016) studies on “cyber literacy in the age of attacks”, global education system must be ready and willing to prepare cyber-graduates for promising cyber-profession opportunity with reachable goals, and chances for successful future, respect, dignity and citizenship.  My twenty-one years’ membership in higher education curriculum committee review, cybersecurity academic degree program and course offerings is limited and falls short of preparing graduates for real-world cybersecurity professional duties due to inclusion of general education and core courses requirements. It is reasonable to suggest that private and public organizations and higher education institutions need to establish alliances with cybersecurity research organizations such as Washington Center for Cybersecurity Research and Development (WCCRD) that are engrained with wide-ranging cybersecurity real-world training opportunities, workshops and conferences in higher education, private and public organization settings.  


Advantage of Cybersecurity Profession Training Session

Most members of the academic world often argue that high school education systems should be exempted from cybersecurity education. I subscribe to the segment of academic community that permits the integration of cybersecurity program in high school, college and university education systems. Because of the proliferation of cybercrimes and Internet direct connect amid parallel increase in cybersecurity threats, identity theft, intellectual property theft, electronic fraud, cyberterrorist, and spoofing, high school graduates, college and university graduates will benefit from integrated training sessions due to following:

1.                   Growing concern of cyber-attacks on critical infrastructure and malicious actors operating from anywhere across the globe;


2.   Expert training sessions, workshops, conferences, expertise and skill education in cyber security profession must remain active to meet increasing needs of private and public organizations and higher education institutions seeking experts in the cyber-field to secure sensitive data and information;


3.   Specific training sessions, workshops, and conferences on social engineering with emphasis on psychological manipulation of personnel in attempt to trick them to divulge classified data and information to perpetrators; and


4.   Demand for cybersecurity professional is growing at a rapid pace and job opportunities for aspirants in the field of cybersecurity are strong across the globe than ever before.


Cybersecurity threats are a global challenge and can be minimized, if not eliminated through integration of cybersecurity program into high school, college and university systems and curricular. Per Marie-Smith (2015), cybersecurity professionals and practitioners are in high-demand and will take up to 20 years to fulfil the skills gap; hence, high school, undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate schooling course offerings must be designed and customized to fit specific needs of cybersecurity graduates. The instantaneous global challenge is to prepare the next generation with expertise to protect the defenseless global population.  Cyber-high school, undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate schooling is a credible instrument to foster intrinsic motivation; however, this new paradigm shift in education requires precise length of time for training, understanding and adjustment.  Organization personnel, high schools, college and university students are raw materials or unfurnished instruments ready to be furnished by organizations and educational systems, hence, dedication and commitment is required by organizations and personnel team.



Cyber-technology and mobile-electronic devices connected to the Internet are vulnerable to cybercrimes. Per DeLong (2002), to decrease the strength of cybersecurity attacks, professional alliance must be adopted as promising landscape and completely utilized to protect individuals, public and private organizations and education enterprises from intrusions, illegal access to classified data and information, unlawful use of the Internet, frightening rate of cyber-attacks and security breaches  Current and future cyber-graduates will like to live in states and nations where job opportunity is a promising norm with reachable career goals, respect, and dignity upon completion of rigorous horizon of cyber security academic exercise. Most personnel, faculty and student are unaware of how to refrain from risky behavior leading to security breach against organizations’ data and information in an era of Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD) and social media.

The best security and protective measures against cyberwar and cyberattacks is to create professional alliance and to engage in constructive, tailored education in cybersecurity as an acceptable guideline for high school educators, college professors in managing and delivering of instruction and in learning endeavors that are serviceable in cyber operations.    This is in no way an attempt to turn academic professors, high school educators and personnel into global bodyguards, but an attempt to solve a problem on the rise through learning, securing, managing, controlling and protecting clients’ data and information and the illegal sharing of data on social media sites.




DeLong, Matt and Winter, Dale (2002) “Learning to Teaching and Teaching to

Learn Mathematics” Resources for Professional Development, Mathematical Association of America.


Esin, Joseph O. (2013) “The Emerging Impact of Information Technology on Education

and the Community.”  The Journal of Educational Research and Technology, Volume 2, Number 2.


Esin, Joseph O. (2017) System Overview of Cyber-Technology in a Digitally Connected

            Society. Author House. Bloomington, IN.


Esin, Joseph O. (2016). “Overview of Cyber Security: Endangerment of Cybercrime on

Venerable Innocent Global Citizens” The International Journal of Engineering and Science (IJES Volume 5, Issue 4, (2319-1805)


Heckman, Mark R. (2016) Cybersecurity Education’s Cargo Cult.” United States

Cybersecurity Magazine, Volume 4. Number 10


Ken Bain, Ken, (2004).  “What the Best College Teachers Do.”  Harvard University Press.


LeClair, Jane (2016). “Cyber Literacy in the Age of Attacks.” United States

Cybersecurity Magazine, Volume 4, Number 10


LeClair, Jane and Ramsay, Sherri W.  (2015). Protecting Our Future: Educating a

Cybersecurity Workforce. Hudson Whitman, Excelsior College Press. Albany: New York


LeClair, Jane and Ramsay, Rumsfeld, D. (2013). Protecting Our Future: Educating a

Cybersecurity Workforce. Hudson Whitman, Excelsior College Press. Albany: New York


Marie-Smith, Christen (2015). “Building the Cyber-force of the Future.”

United States Cybersecurity Magazine, Volume 3. Number 9.


Markus, Rauschecker (2015). “Why Education in the Law and Policy of Cybersecurity

is a Must.” United States Cybersecurity Magazine, Volume 3. Number 9.

Rausch, Douglas (2015). “Social Engineering: The Root of the Cyber Threat.”

United States Cybersecurity Magazine, Volume 3. Number 9.

About the Author - Joseph O. Esin is the Lead Professor of Computer Information Systems at Jarvis Christian College, Hawkins, Texas USA

October 11, 2017

A Paper by Joseph O. Esin

Escalating Outcome of Cyber-Attacks on Healthcare Organizations


Cyber-attacks are a macro and universal challenge, and prevention of such episodes requires all-inclusive national and global collaborative efforts. Comprehensive activities should involve professional development and education on risk management, warning alarms, mitigating, and vulnerabilities in case of emergency. Healthcare organizations across the globe are threatened with a high volume of cyber-attack incidents, with a slower response time compared to corporate, and higher education systems that are often prepared with measures to protect against cyber-attacks on vital data and records. The number of cyber-attacks on healthcare organizations has doubled in the past 5 years and are viewed as worthwhile events by perpetrators by way of demoralizing impact on healthcare facilities.


Continuous cyber-attacks affect healthcare professionals’ ability to provide up-to-the-minute security measures and demand immediate attention, assessment and response. Cyber-attacks, cybercrimes, hacking, and cracking into organization security centers are large-scale national and global issues that affect patients, healthcare professional’s ability to function effectively.  Cyber-attacks activities do not require a college degree; rather, a built-in manipulative and serpentine characteristics. Professional development and education to eradicate untimely breaches on clinical data and medical records must involve wisdom-oriented education. Wisdom includes knowledge; hence, the world community needs experienced thinkers, trainers, educators, and corporations with expertise in cybersecurity and cybercrime operations. Society needs to move away from intimidation, threats of cyber-attacks, and pressures of patients losing trust in healthcare organizations.

The Washington Center for Cybersecurity Research and Development (WCCRD) is designed to educate and prepare corporations, educational systems, and healthcare organizations with wisdom-oriented skills to battle cyber-attacks, breaches of clinical data and medical records. The director of WCCRD has a wide-ranging background and expertise in research and training to increase the wisdom and knowledge related to cyber-attacks and cybersecurity operations. Nation-states and global society must be willing to switch from fears of cyber-attacks, and data breaches, to acquire knowledge and wisdom that can contribute to human progress and eliminating traces of cyber-attacks.



Cyber-attacks are a widespread challenge and protection of healthcare organizations from such treacherous undertakings must include providing personnel within orga