Cybersecurity: High School to College and University Settings
Cybersecurity is a guarantee benchmark for data and information transmission and
communication in global digital community. Collaborative cybersecurity curriculum from high
school to college is a stand-alone accelerated road map to mitigate every minute and everyday
cybersecurity threats. There is virtually zero unemployment among cybersecurity professions
and the global demand will soon outpace the supply of cybersecurity professionals at every level
in the next ten years. This is a merging and guarantee benchmark calling on college and
university settings that is a fertile domain and advocate of practical employment to reexamine
current academic curriculum to include collaborative cybersecurity education to guide and
protect the tactic of committing historic cyberattack against global community.
Education will never go out of business or expire. It is a promising landscape for a successful future point
toward resolving and mitigating cyber-threat and cyber-attacks on vulnerable innocent citizen.
Cyber-threats are immeasurable by nature and calls for “all-hands-on-deck” approach beginning
from high schools across colleges and university education. “All-hands-on-deck approach” is
needed in the battle of global cybersecurity threats as perpetrators are becoming progressively
sophisticated, but the collective global village has the resources and manpower to deploy in this
war to succeed. All it requires is good faith and collective endeavor and trust among high
schools’ educators, college and university professors.
The incident on September 5, 2019, at the College of Central Florida, (CCF), where a hacker
knew President James Henningsen was out of town according to Henry Glaspie, associate vice
president for information technology. The perpetrator sent an email to another vice president
posing as the president confirming that his credit card was stolen and needed someone to wire
money to him. I must admit that it was directly to student, but need to be educated on how to
physical, emotional, and psychological battle cyber-threats. Currently college and university
student are enrolled in Army Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC), an educational program
which combines college electives in Military Science with practical and unmatched leadership.
High school, college and university set of courses must be reexamined course offerings to allow
students identical cybersecurity unmatched leadership in cybersecurity internship with the United
States Homeland Security and the United States Naval Department of cybersecurity.
The best security and protective measures against cyberthreat and cyberattack is to implement
professional alliance as an acceptable guideline for high school educators, college professors in
managing and delivery of instruction and in learning endeavors. Cybersecurity, like other academic disciplines, is a challenging, rigorous, and time-consuming program, requiring an
intellectual approach through partnerships and alliances with professional organizations.
The new generation from high schools to college and university levels is a credible instrument to
foster intrinsic motivation but requires precise length of time for training, understanding and
adjustment, therefore, high equal degree of dedication and commitment is required by students,
high school educators, college and university professors and parents. The education system is a
universal and promising center intended to develop solutions to eradicate cybers-attacks against
global innocent citizens.
The establishment of professional career advisory board (PCAB) is imminent. Projected
members of the PCAB must include, high school educators, college and university professors,
parents, U.S. Naval representative from Cybersecurity unit, parents, representative from
Homeland Security and elected student representative.
Why should parents be active members of (PCAB)?
Parents are emotionally involved in their children educational pursuit and must be informed on
their children's educational goals and objectives leading to a much-needed career pathway.
Why should high school educators, college and university professors be active members
of (PCAB)?
High school educators, college and university professors are emotionally and academically
attached to student learning endeavors and academic performance leading to a much-needed
career pathway.
Why should Naval representative from Cybersecurity unit, and a representative from
Homeland security be active members of (PCAB)?
To provide life-long practical and unmatched leadership to students who are ambitious and
determined to embrace a career in cybersecurity profession.
Why should a student representative be active member of (PCAB)?
Peer-to-peer network and communication has often been and will continue to remain a living
force leading to a much-needed career pathway.
Lesson Learned
The life-long conduit to battle the global scourge of cyber-threats is to heighten the
understanding, reinforcement of integrated course offerings, practical and unmatched
professional career education to eradicate cybers-attacks against vulnerable innocent citizens.
Most higher education administrators often ignore cyber-threats and fail into incorporate funding
for cyber-threats into organization annual budget. Cyber-threat is a global and credible imminent
danger requiring an intellectual approach through partnerships and alliances with high school
educators, colleges and universities professors, Naval representative from Cybersecurity unit,
parents and representative from Homeland Security.
About the Author - Dr. Joseph O. Esin is Professor of Computer Information Systems at Jarvis Christian College, Hawkins, Texas USA and Visiting Professor of Research University of Calabar, Nigeria