Cybersecurity and Fuji Attack
FujiFilm attacked
by Charles Parker
I remember the days of cameras, purchasing color film or if you wanted to be artsy, using the black & white film. There were several different manufacturers to choose from for the film. With time and technology, there has been a shift from the physical medium to digital. One firm still in the industry is FujiFilm. FujiFilm is probably the best known for its photography equipment. Curiously the company also manufactures a range of medical products. As a large firm, there is ample data gathered everyday from customer interactions, business operations, and other aspects of the business cycle. This provides for a substantial target.
It appears that FujiFilm was targeted and successfully attacked. This was evidenced by the company shutting down a portion of the network and disconnecting this from any external contact. It appears this was de to a ransomware attack.
This continues to be an issue across many industries. With the ease of use for ransomware tools and simply using encryption to accomplish the successful attack, this will likely continue and grow.